In this Cash Point ATM Review, I’ll be going over absolutely everything that you need to know about it before joining.
Will you really be able to make $500 per day, or are they just trying to get your money?
Well let’s just say it’s a good thing you decided to do some research before joining, because it’s not looking good.
I’ve found 7 reasons why you should avoid it, and I’ll be getting into all of them here.
I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making programs, most of them are scams or schemes, but occasionally you find a good one.
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Cash Point ATM Review!

Product: Cash Point ATM
Price: $47 + Up-sells
Is Cash Point ATM A Scam? Basically
Is Cash Point ATM Recommended? NO!
What Is Cash Point ATM?
Before we get too far into it I think it’s important to point out that what Cash Point ATM claims to be and what it actually is are two completely different things.
Cash Point ATM claims to be an amazing new app created by a guy named Jason Rangel.
They claim that you already have a website that’s up and generating hundreds of dollars per day for you.
All you have to do is pay (way less?) money to get access to that website.
Apparently it automatically gets traffic and brings in money without you having to do anything.
While all of that sounds great, it’s far from the truth.
Is Cash Point ATM Legit?
The truth is that Cash Point ATM is a get-rich-quick scheme that will only really make the creators money.
They tell you everything that you want to hear so that you’ll get out your wallet and pay them.
There are tons of reasons why you shouldn’t trust them, and certainly shouldn’t give them your money.
Let’s get into those reasons.
The Pros & Cons
This is normally the part where I try to find both good and bad things about a system, but in this case, there was nothing notably good.
- Nothing
- Unrealistic Income Claims
- Limited Positions Lie
- Fake Testimonials
- More Expensive Than Claimed
- Just Like Other Scams
- Not Enough & Conflicting Information
- Jason Can’t Be Trusted
Throughout the rest of the review I’ll be going much further in depth about all of the points listed above.
#1: Unrealistic Income Claims
This is something that is seen in just about every “get-rich-quick scheme” that you’ll find out there.
They claim that you’ll be able to make thousands of dollars incredibly quickly without doing any work.
In the sales video they claim that your website is already up and making money.
So once you buy it you’ll start bringing in all of the revenue from it.
They also make a bunch of other confusing claims, but we’ll get into those a little later.
Don’t get me wrong, making money online is 100% possible, and I know that because I make my living online.
However the truth is that you have to actually put in the time and effort to make it work.
Anyone who tries to get you to buy an automated system that brings in tons of money is lying to you.
#2: Limited Positions Lie (300 People?)

This is another lie I see in just about every scam that I’ve exposed over the last few years.
They claim that they are only excepting a handful of people, and the spots are almost up.
In this case Jason claims that he’s only taking 300 people in, and the sales page says there are only 8 positions left.
This is just a lie they tell you in hopes that you’ll purchase it quickly without researching it.
Don’t worry, no matter how many people sign up before you, they will always take your money.
Hopefully you are reading this review before you purchased it.
#3: Fake Testimonials
Seeing that other people have been succeeding with a system can be incredibly reassuring.
Creators of these systems know that, so they go out of their way to create fake testimonials.
There are little popups and the bottom of the page that show various people who are supposedly making money.

Well I ran a reverse image search on one of them and found something interesting.
It turns out that “Anthony From Utah” is really just a model in a stock image that you can find on the internet.

Another thing I want to point out is the fact that video testimonials should be taken with a large grain of salt.
Video testimonials can be purchased on websites like Fiverr, and I’d be willing to bet the ones in the sales video were.
After all, I was able to find the spokesperson in the sales video advertising on Fiverr.

#4: More Expensive Than Claimed
While I know that it might be tempting to just pay the $47 on the off chance that it might work.
Well before you go and do that, you need to know that it will most-likely cost much more than that.
They make the initial fee only $47 just to get your foot in the door.
After purchasing it you will be hit with much more expensive up-sells.
These will be tools, and programs that will often times run up into the hundreds of dollars, and collectively cost thousands.
Even if you turn down all of those offers, there are other expenses you should expect, like domains, web hosting, and paid traffic.
Not to mention that if this really is eCommerce without dropshipping like they claim, you’ll have to purchase products.
It’s honestly hard to figure out what it is you’ll be doing, which I’ll be going over that shortly.
#5: Just Like Other Scams
There are most-likely several web pages out there promoting Cash Point ATM.
However the ones that I was sent to through spam emails look exactly like other scams I’ve reviewed in the past.
Check this out:

The image above is a screenshot from another scam I reviewed a couple weeks ago called Profit Point Autonomy.
There’s also one other one that is basically the exact same scam called Website ATM.
The whole website, video, concept and just about everything else were almost exactly like Cash Point ATM!
#6: Not Enough & Conflicting Information
The sales videos for this “system” are annoyingly long, yet don’t really give enough information about what you’ll be doing.
And of course the information that they actually provide is very conflicting.
In the beginning they say that the system uses eCommerce to make money, then they turn around and say that it has nothing to do with dropshipping.

Which would mean that you’re going to be storing your products at your house?
Then later on in the second video they start talking about affiliate marketing while showing screenshots of eCommerce stores.
Both affiliate marketing and eCommerce are legitimate ways to make money online.
But it’s important to know which one you are getting into before paying for a program.
They also briefly mention that you’ll only be getting 4 training videos, which is in no way shape or form enough to learn either of those methods.
#7: Jason Can’t Be Trusted
When researching a program I always try to get as much information about the creator as possible.
I tried to do some research on “Jason Rangel” and could only find some Facebook and Instagram profiles for random people.
Don’t you think that someone who created a system that brings in millions of dollars per year online would have at least some information about him?
Well I decided to run the picture of him and his family through a reverse image search and found something interesting.

That’s right, it’s just another stock photo just like the testimonials were.
There is absolutely no reason I can find to trust anything that anyone in the sales video says.
Is Cash Point ATM A Scam?
I honestly don’t see how you could call Cash Point ATM anything other than a scam.
They purposely use misleading claims, fake photos, and straight up lies to convince you to give them money.
They created this “program” to get as much money out of as many people as they possibly can.
Not to actually help people make money.
Even if they provide you with information that could potentially make you money, it won’t be anywhere near what they claim.
I honestly doubt anyone will actually make back the money that they spend on it.

I strongly recommend that you avoid Cash Point ATM, there are plenty of legit programs out there.
Actually Make Money Online!
One thing they got right in the sales page is that there is a lot of money to be made online.
Like I said earlier, I make my living online.
However the difference between what they claim, and actually making money online is time and effort.
If you’re willing to work, and you get access to the right training, and tools, you can succeed online.
My Top Rated Program gives you access to all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.
It’s completely free to get started, and if you’re interested in learning more you can…
Is Cash Point ATM A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!