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9-5 Escape Plan

9-5 Escape Plan Review: Will You Really Escape?


In this 9-5 Escape Plan review I’ll be letting you know if it will actually help you quit your day job or if you will be wasting your money.

Let’s dive into the program and figure out what it’s really about.

9-5 Escape Plan Review

Product: 9-5 Escape Plan

Creator: Fred Barton


Price: $5.95 + up-sells

Verdict: Lacking

Read About Our Top Ranked Program!

What Is 9-5 Escape Plan

Well just by reading the name it’s pretty easy to figure out what 9-5 Escape Plan is.

It’s a step-by-step training guide that walks you through the process of becoming and succeeding as an affiliate at JVZOO, WarriorPlus, and Clickbank.

It basically shows you the process and tricks that the creators use to make themselves money.

What 9-5 Escape Plan Really Is

9-5 EP it’s self is a WarriorPlus product that was made to make the creators as much money as possible.

To be fair, basically all products are made to earn as much money as possible.

However, WarriorPlus products tend to be on the lower end in the quality area.

Is that the case for 9-5 Escape Plan or is it an exception?

What It Includes

When you purchase 9-5 it comes with:

  • Step-by-step training videos
  • Info about getting approved for affiliate programs
  • How to pick the best offer
  • Secret traffic source
  • Live Set Up Webinar
  • All of Fred’s previous products
  • Facebook Mastermind Group access

Pros and Cons

There are both a few good things and bad things about this program.


  • Decent Information
  • Easy to follow training
  • You can make some money


  • Not much new information
  • Training could be more in-depth
  • Not so great support
  • Isn’t as easy as they claim
  • Relys on JVZoo, WarriorPlus, and ClickBank
  • Up-sells

The Up-Sells

After purchasing the product for the incredibly cheap $5.95, you will be hit with several offers asking you to spend more money.

9-5 Escape Plan

If you purchase everything that they offer you will spend around $200, and even more if you stick with the monthly membership.

Personal Thoughts

Honestly the training and information provided in this program can actually help you if you are a beginner to affiliate marketing.

However their are few things I don’t like about it.

The main thing that I don’t like about it is the fact that it relies solely on promoting JVZoo, WarriorPlus, and ClickBank products.

The problem with this is that most of the products available on these platforms are very low quality.

If you promote bad products, you will not gain the trust of your visitors and your name will slowly be tarnished.

That’s why their are only a select few products that I recommend because they are the best of the best. If I recommend something it’s because I legitimately believe in what it offers.

Moving on to the next problem, most of the information given out in this training can be found in plenty of other places.

It basically revolves around creating capture pages and click funnels and directing traffic to them.

The support also relies on a Facebook Group which can be really unreliable when it comes to getting answers to your questions.

Last but not least, they didn’t really mention the fact that you will have to do quite a bit of consistent work if you are going to see any money.


You can actually make money by implementing the training they offer, however it will not be as quick or as easy as they make it sound.

9-5 Escape Plan is not a terrible program, however I do think it is

many of the things that a real good program includes.

For example, check out this chart that compares it to my top ranked online money making program!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate

2 thoughts on “9-5 Escape Plan Review: Will You Really Escape?”

  1. 1 simply rule If you have to pay its a scam . You should never have to pay to work . I have every scam out there invading my E-Mail but it doesnt bother me because i go thru their sales pitch to see if they want money from me to work and they are all the same except the prices . Some are in the $40 monthly to as much $599 . Avoid all that ask for money . Frankly if a person has money to pay them then a person doesnt need that job !

    • Hi Michael,
      I actually disagree with you on this topic. While there are certainly many scams out there, there are also a few good programs that are well worth the money that they ask for. For example I am a member at Wealthy Affiliate, after going through the training in their free trial, I started paying the premium price of $47 a month, and thanks to their training I have now made thousands of dollars online. Even though my day job made me enough money to survive, I invested that money into a paid training program and have since thrived and make much more money now! You should always be wary of an online program that asks for money, but if you come across a good one, it may be well worth your money and time!


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