Digital Profit Master Review: Is It For Beginners?

In this Digital Profit Master Review I will be giving you everything you need to know about the product before you decide to purchase it.

Is it really the best way to make money online?

Digital Profit Master ReviewDigital Profit Master Review

Product: Digital Profit Master

Creator: John Thornhill


Price: $17 + Up-sells

Verdict: Decent

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What Is Digital Profit Master?

Digital Profit Master is an online training program that walks you through the process of creating and selling your own online digital products.

John shows you the method that he uses to generate $644.81 a day with JVZoo.

What It Includes

When you purchase DPM you will receive several things that include:

  • 6 Training Modules
  • 30 training videos and audios
  • PDF Report
  • Special Mind Maps eBook
  • Special Mind Maps and Flow Sheets
  • PDF Worksheet to help you track your progress
  • Checklists
  • More

There are a lot of items included in this product, but it’s not quantity that matters, it’s quality.

Will the quality live up to the expectations?

Pros and Cons

What better way to find out the quality of this product than to weigh the pros and cons?


  • Decent Training
  • You can make money
  • Product creation is great
  • Lots of resources included


  • Takes a lot of time and effort
  • Lacking In support
  • Up-sells

In my opinion, the pros greatly out weigh the cons when it comes to this program!

The Up-sells

This is one of my main problems with this program, the up-sells. After you purchase the program you will be hit with several offers for more expensive items.

These Items include:

Up-sell #1:($97)

Insane PLR Product Package

Up-sell #2:($37)

Resale Rights Package

Up-sell #3:($3.95 per Month)

Product Creation Club

These up-sells may be interesting to some people, but just be careful because it can be easy to spend an extra $100 plus.

My Personal Thoughts

Overall all I think that this is a great training course that can absolutely help anyone who is looking to create and sell their own digital products.

The training is good and the process can lead you to make some decent money online.

With that being said, there are a few things I want to point out to you before you decide to buy it.

I’m sure there are people out there who would disagree with me, but I personally do not think that creating your own product is the best or easiest way for beginners to make money online.

Let me explain my reasoning.

I personally think that it is easier to become an affiliate and make money selling other people’s products.

Of course creating your own products is a great way to increase your income, I just think that it is easier and makes more sense to START OUT as an affiliate.

Instead of putting time and money into creating your own product, you can just make money recommending other products, or possibly even purchase the rights to sell another persons product.


At the end of the day I think that Digital Profit Master is a

choice for any one who is looking to create and sell their own digital products.

However I think that there are better options out there for beginners who are just looking for a way to make money online.

What I Recommend

If you are a beginner that is just looking for the best way to make money online then as I said before, I recommend affiliate marketing.

My Top Recommended Program is the best place you will ever find to learn everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.

They have absolutely everything you need to succeed online, and I am a testament to that.

I found their training about 1 year and a half ago, and I have since been able to quit my day job, and focus full time making money online.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate

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