In this review of Home Income Millionaire I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it.
Will you really be able to make $500 to $1000 per day, or is it just a huge scam?
Well let’s just say I’ve found 5 red flags that lead me to believe you should steer clear of it!
I’ve reviewed hundreds of scams over the past few years, and My Top Rated Program stands far above the rest!
Home Income Millionaire Review!
Product: Home Income Millionaire
Price: $97
Is Home Income Millionaire A Scam? Debatable (I’ll Explain)
Is Home Income Millionaire Recommended? NO!
What Is Home Income Millionaire?
According to the sales page for Home Income Millionaire, it seems like it’s the greatest money making system ever.
They claim that you’ll be able to make $1,000 just from watching the video, and become a millionaire without having to lift a finger.
Apparently “Mark” it’s a system created by a guy named Mark, who conveniently doesn’t give his last name or show his face.
Well those are the things that it claims to be, however what it really is, is much different from that.
Is Home Income Millionaire Legit?
If you are looking for a simple answer to that question, the answer would be no.
It’s really just an over-the-top get-rich-quick scheme that just wants your money.
They give constant misleading information, tell crazy lies, and do plenty of other shady things.
Basically that say and do whatever they think they need to in order for you to get out your money.
At the end of the day there is no reason for you to trust Home Income Millionaire.
And I’ll be giving you 5 good reasons why not!
The Pros & Cons
Quite honestly there aren’t too many good things I have to say about this program.
In fact I only have one…
- 30 Refund Policy
- Unrealistic Claims
- Fake Testimonials
- Limited Positions Lie
- Just Like Other Scams
- Not Enough Information
Throughout the rest of the review I’ll be going further in depth about all of the points I just listed out.
#1: Unrealistic Claims
The sales video is just full of unrealistic claims that will skew your idea of how money is made online.
It will give you unrealistic expectations about how fast, and how easy it to make money online.
There is a lot of money online, I even make my living online, however it takes time and actual work to achieve.
As amazing as it would be to make $1,000 the first day you start, that’s not going to happen!
#2: Fake Testimonials
It can be incredibly exciting and convincing when you see videos of other people claiming huge success from a program.
Especially when it’s a simple self recorded video, of a person saying they’ve become rich overnight.
However these video cannot be trusted.
Websites like Fiverr make it incredibly cheap and easy to pay people to make these video for you.
That’s exactly what the creator of Home Income Millionaire did.

The image above is one of the several people who were in the sales video claiming that their lives have been changed.
While the image below is of the exact same person advertising his services as a spokesperson!

#3: Limited Positions Lie
This is subtle but very effective tactic that get-rich-quick schemes like this one always use.
They add fake scarcity to their products by claiming there are limited position.

Trust me, no matter how many people sign up before you, they will always take your money.
They just want you to sign up and pay before doing the proper research.
Always do research before you purchase any online money making program!
Hopefully you are reading this before giving them your money.
#4: Just Like Other Scams
I honestly knew that Home Income Millionaire was a get-rich-quick scheme just about as soon as I arrived on it.
The biggest red flag was the fact that it looks identical to several other scams I’ve reviewed in the past.
Scams like Point To Click Profits, 22 Minutes To Profits, and Profit Point Autonomy!
#5: Not Enough Information
The final, but by no means least important red flag is that fact that they give you no real information.
The sales video doesn’t give you any real information about what you’ll get when you pay.
All they do is make crazy claims about how quick and simple it is to become rich from it.
Will you be getting training videos, PDF files, or something else?
How many videos, PDF’s or whatever else will you be getting?
What topics do they cover, and will you get any other useful tools?
All legitimate programs tell you all of this information before even asking you for money.
At least the good ones do.
In fact, My Top Ranked Program let’s you try everything they offer without even having to put in any credit card information!
Steer clear of any system that claims to be amazing without giving you any real information about itself.
Is Home Income Millionaire A Scam?
At the end of the day it can be debated about whether or not Home Income Millionaire is a scam or not.
In my opinion it is a scam, because they constantly try to lie, scheme, and mislead you into giving them your money.
They will not come anywhere near fulfilling the promises that they make.
However some people may argue that it’s not a scam because you can get your money back, and you’ll get some training if you buy it.
What do you think?
Regardless of whether you want to call it a scam or not, it’s certainly not something I would ever recommend!

How I Make A Living Online!
Fortunately there are several ways to actually make good money online, and I found what I think it’s the best way.
I’ve built up an online income that has allowed me to quit my job and work completely from home!
My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed online!
If you’re interested in learning about the program and how it works, you can…
Is Home Income Millionaire A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!