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Meme Traffic Monster

Meme Traffic Monster Review: Will It Work?

In this review of Meme Traffic Monster I will be giving you my thoughts on the program and letting you know if I think it is worth the money.

Meme Traffic MonsterMeme Traffic Monster Review

Product: Meme Traffic Monster

Creators: Aidan Corkery and Art Flair


Price: $10 + Up-sells

Verdict: Decent


What Is Meme Traffic Monster?

Meme Traffic Monster is an online digital training product that will teach you a method of using memes to get clicks and traffic to your offers.

Just in case you have been living under a rock, a meme is basically a picture that also has sometime of message on it, normally saying something funny.

This training will teach you how to utilize these insanely popular photos in a way that will get you traffic and sales.

Pros and Cons

With every program I like to compare the good and bad things to help aid in the decision to purchase it or not.


  • Can and Will get you traffic
  • The Traffic is free
  • Doesn’t take a bunch of time
  • Fairly Easy to do


  • Not really a new method
  • Traffic won’t last
  • Up-sells

What It Includes

If you decide to purchase Meme Traffic Monster you will receive:

  • Step-by-step video training
  • PDF Training
  • Case Study
  • Bonus Webinar
  • Access to a Facebook Mastermind Group
  • Free Traffic Monster training

The Up-sells

I just want to also make you aware that if you purchase this program you will also be hit with offers for more expensive items.

These items include:

Up-sell #1:($27)

5 Case Studies + Advanced Training

Up-sell #2:($37)

Done for you Pack + Advanced Training ( campaigns, squeeze pages, niches, groups, offers, images and music)

Up-sell #3:($97)

Re-seller’s Licence

I’m really not a fan of up-sells, if you are a beginner you may need the advanced training.

Meme Traffic Monster Upsells

My Personal Thoughts

Memes are so incredibly popular right now that they are a great way to get people engaged and to get them to your offers.

They are so incredibly easy to make that literally anyone can do them in little to no time at all.

Meme Monster Traffic has some good information in it that will help you get more traffic to your offers.

However there are a few things that you will want to keep in mind before purchasing.

If you are a newbie to the online world, getting traffic isn’t really going to help you very much if you don’t know what to do with it.

And if you don’t know what to do with the traffic you will probably have to spend more money on one of the up-sells to get the advance training.

Also keep in mind that this is the type of traffic method that you have to keep doing in order to keep the traffic flowing in.

I prefer the type of traffic method that you do once and the traffic keeps coming in.

My top ranked program teaches you how to set things up to get traffic even when you don’t do any work.  Seriously, I recently took a 3 month vacation and my traffic didn’t slow down one bit.



At the end of the day, Meme Traffic Monster has some great training that will help you get traffic to your websites, and/or offers.

As long as you keep in mind the cons, and understand the fall backs that I mentioned above, I think that Meme Traffic Monster is

My Recommendation

If you don’t know exactly how to make money from the traffic that you’ll get, or if you want a method of traffic that keeps on giving, I suggest you read about my top ranked program!

They taught me a method of making money online that has since allowed me to make enough money monthly to quit my full time job!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

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