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Home Income System Scam Review:

Is Home Income System A Scam?

In this quick review of Home Income System I’ll be going over whether I think you should join the program, or if I think it’s a scam.

It can be found at, but I’m sure you can find the same video on other websites as well.

Let’s go over what Home Income System is about!

Is Home Income System A Scam?Home Income System Review

Product: Home Income System

Website: + Others

Price: $99

Is Home Income System A Scam? Basically

Is Home Income System Recommended? No!


What Is Home Income System?

Home Income System claims to be an online money making training program that will help you earn $3,000 to $6,000 per month.

They claim that if you put in some simple work in your spare time, that you’ll be able to make thousands of dollars online.

Are any of the claims they make in the sales video true? Or are they just spewing lies in order to get your money?

Let’s look deeper and find out!

The Pros & Cons

This is where I like to list out some of the good and bad things I could come up with about a program.


  • Might Be Able To Make Money


  • Sets Unrealistic Expectations
  • Paid Actor
  • It’s A Different Program
  • It’s Expensive

Over the next few sections I’ll be going over exactly what I mean with the points I listed out above.

Sets Unrealistic Expectations

One of the first things you see when you get to the sales page is the claim that you can “earn $3,000 to $6,000 per month in just your spare time…from home…starting today.”

This already starts to give you unrealistic expectations for the program that you’ll be signing up for.

They make it seem like after joining you’ll quickly start making a ton of money without spending much time working.

In fact in the sales video they say you only have to work 45 minutes per day.

While it is possible to make money by only working 45 minutes a day, it’s likely that it will take you a long time to get to that point.

So the main take away from this sections is the fact that it will take a lot of time and effort if you want to make the money that they brag about.

Paid Actor

One of the first things I noticed when watching the sales video was the fact that “Jason” seemed incredibly familiar to me.

That’s because I’ve seen him before in other online scams like My Online Dream Biz. In fact, I’m pretty sure it was the exact same video, they are just using it under a different name.

Take a look at this:

“Jason” is actually a paid actor that can be found on a website called Fiverr. Basically anyone can pay him to say whatever they want him to say.

It’s A Different Program

Another thing that you need to know is that the Home Income System doesn’t even really exist.

In reality, the entire website and video was created to get you to sign up for a different program that they didn’t even create.

There are many online money making programs out there that will pay you a percentage of a sale if you get someone to buy.

The creators of Home Income System are simply trying to make some money by getting you to join another program.

Like I said earlier it is almost exactly like My Online Dream Biz, which looked like this”

My Online Dream Biz Scam

The crappy thing is that there is no way to tell exactly what program that you’ll be signing up for without paying the $99.

However I’m certain it’s a high-ticket-program, which basically means that you’ll have to pay a whole lot more money if you sign up.

It’s Expensive

Even though I’m not exactly sure which program you’ll be paying for, my bet would be that it’s either MOBE, Aspire, or Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System.

Those are all high-ticket-programs that make you pay incredibly large amounts of money in order to get access to all of their training.

The reason I’m almost certain it is one of them is simply because many scams similar to this one direct you to one of those three.

While it is possible to make $3,000 to $6,000 with this programs, you also have to keep in mind that you’ll be paying much more than that for the opportunity.

Most of their memberships and products cost anywhere from $1,000 all the way up to almost $30,000!

I’m not even exaggerating.

Is Home Income System A Scam?

I didn’t personally purchase Home Income System so I can’t really promise you that it’s a scam. However I can tell you that you certainly shouldn’t trust them because they’re shady.

I recommend that you avoid Home Income System because they try to mislead you about what you’re signing up for, and you’ll most-likely eventually have to spend thousands to have a chance at succeeding.

Make Money Online WITHOUT Risking Thousands

I never recommend joining High-Ticket-Programs simply because there are other programs out there that can make you money online without you having to pay thousands.

For example, My Top Ranked Program is completely free to get started, and it has an incredibly affordable premium membership if you’re truly serious about making money online.

You’ll actually have to put in a good amount of time and effort, but in my opinion they are the best.

Mainly because their training helped me build an online income that has allowed me to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you are interested in learning more, you can…


Is Home Income System A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

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