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How To Succeed In Your Home Business – What’s Most Important?

Do you want to learn how to succeed in your home business? Is it your dream to start a successful business from the comfort of your own home? Do you want to be your own boss, set your own hours, and bring in a bunch of extra cash?

Well anyone can start a successful home business as long as they learn the following essential tips that have been detrimental to my success online.

This post is mainly going to revolve around succeeding in an online business or blog, however the tips can be applied to just about any type of business.

If you have not already created your blog or website yet then I suggest you go and read this post here, because I walk you step by step through that process!

Okay now without further ado, lets get started!

How To Succeed In Your Home Business – My Top 5 Tips!

There’s one thing that I could not have succeeded creating a profitable online business without…

Tip 1: Having The Right Mindset!

I kid you not when I say that this is one of, if not the most important part of creating a successful business.

You can come up with the best ideas in the world, but if you don’t have the right mind set then you won’t be able to push forward through the hard times in order to reach the success you so deeply want.

So what kind of mindset do you need?

You need to have the mindset that you are going to push through any obstacles that may arise, and persevere until you reach your goals.




“You need to have the mindset that you are going to push through any obstacles that may arise, and persevere until you reach your goals.”

That is the mindset you need in order to succeed with your online business.

Throughout the journey of growing my websites, I have read through many “how to’s” about creating successful blogs and most of them will tell there success stories.

Most of them talk about how they started their business and took off after a month or two, and within 6 months they were making $30,000 a month and living the big life.

Yes it is possible for that to happen, and I know of several people who have had success online similar to that; however, that can create an unrealistic expectation for you.

I know when I first started out online and read all of those posts on Pinterest that said “How I went from $0 to $100,000 a month in 6 months” I thought that I would see similar results.

I thought hey, if they can make $100,000 a month that fast, then I can easily get up to like $10,000 a month in that time.

Don’t get me wrong, you should definitely strive to reach success as fast as possible, learn all you can about how they achieved their success.

Just make sure that your expectations aren’t too high, and you keep in mind that it’s not going to be that easy.

You will hit road bumps, fall on your face at some point, and probably feel the urge to just give up.

But the ones who never give up are the ones who succeed.

Tip 2: Never Give Up

How To Succeed In Your Home BusinessThis tip ties closely in with the first tip, but I think it is important to cover it on it’s own.

When you read about people who have achieved success online, it is easy to look at their stories and think…

“In just a few months to a year from now, I could be living the high life while working from home”

On paper a few months to a year seems like an incredibly short time to achieve financial freedom and online success.

Don’t get me wrong, that amount of time is incredibly short to achieve the level of success and freedom an online business can give you.

However, when you are working hard and putting in hours of work to reach your goals it feels like forever.

Trust me on this one, when I started out I completely underestimated the amount of motivation it was going to take to sit down at my computer and write everyday.

At first it’s not so hard because everything is new and exciting, but after a month or two of working with getting nothing or very little in return, quitting becomes something that starts to move forward in your mind.

Just trust me, persevere because success is just around the corner.

“Not giving up is one thing that every successful person has in common!”

Tip 3: Get Proper Training

I wholeheartedly believe that getting the right training will increase your odds of succeeding exponentially.

Good training will put you in the right mindset, and give you the strength to never give up.

Personally I don’t think I would’ve succeeded online without the amazing training and community over at Wealthy Affiliate!

I literally spent months trying to figure out how to make money online, and actually gave up for a few months because it wasn’t working.

Getting the proper training gave me the confidence to power through the hard times because I knew the steps I was taking had already led hundreds, if not thousands of people to the success I so greatly wanted to achieve.

Yes there are people who achieve success with their businesses without training, but I can guarantee it was harder than it would’ve been with it.

Training will help you focus on the important things you need to be doing, instead of being all over the place and wasting time on unnecessary things.

Tip 4: Set Goals

Setting difficult yet achievable goals can increase your productivity and motivation to reach success.

A good goal will help you further narrow down the important things that need to get done, while also giving reason to work.

I didn’t set any goals when I first started out, and that could be why my motivation died out after a month or so.

Competing with yourself and striving to reach the things you desire will help you do more work.

Here are my tips for setting good goals:

  1. Make sure your goals are challenging! If you are pretty sure you can write 3 blog posts a week, challenge yourself to write 4.
  2. They must be achievable! If you set a ridiculous goal to write 10 posts a week when you normally only do 3, you may not be able to achieve it. If you can’t achieve them, you won’t have to motivation to try.
  3. Make them specific! If your goal is to just write more, then writing one extra post would pass your goal. How much exactly do you want to write.

Your goals don’t have to necessarily be about writing. What is most important to you?

Find that out and set a specific, difficult yet achievable goal to strive for!

Tip 5: Make Working A Habit

In order to have a successful home business you have to make working towards you goals a habit.

In my opinion, the best way to make a habit is by setting a schedule and making every effort to stick to it.

When I started my first blog my schedule looked a little something like this:

  • Monday: Come up with post idea, write an outline, start writing it.
  • Tuesday: Finish that post if need be, do other tasks.
  • Wednesday: Come up with post idea, write outline, start writing.
  • Thursday: Finish post, do other tasks.
  • Friday: Come up with post idea, write outline, start writing
  • Saturday: Finish post, do various tasks
  • Sunday: Finish leftover tasks

It was pretty simple, but it got me to achieve my goal of writing 3 posts a week, and sometimes I’d even write more.

The most important part of setting a schedule is sticking to it.

Once you get in the habit of following your schedule, you will get to the point where you feel terrible if you don’t.

This will give you the motivation to sit down at your computer everyday because you have a reason too.

Setting a schedule also saves you from having that debate with yourself about whether you should work or not, because you’ve already decided you are.


Those were my top 5 tips to succeed in any home business that you put your mind to.

  1. Have the right mindset
  2. Never give up
  3. Get proper training
  4. Set goals
  5. Make working a habit

If you follow all 5 of those tips, I promise you will achieve success with your business.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate

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