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List Masteree Review: Unbiased, Honest Review!

List Masteree Review

In this List Masteree Review I will be giving you what you need to know about the program to decide whether to buy it or not!

List Masteree ReviewList Masteree Review

Product: List Masteree

Creator: Bill Hugall


Price: $7 – $9 + Up-sells

Verdict: Decent


What Is List Masteree?

List Masteree is a series of interviews with 5 successful marketers about how they built their lists and continue to make them bigger.

Just to clarify, when they say a “list” they are referring to an email list of people who they market and sell their products to.

Having a large email list is a great way to get your products and affiliate offers out in front of people.

So Is List Masteree worth the money that it costs?

Well let’s dive in and find out!

Pros and Cons

For every product review I write I like to make list out the good and bad things about it to help come up with a verdict.


  • Good information for beginners
  • Intermediate marketers may learn a little too
  • Can help you start building a list
  • Low price point


  • Not step-by-step instructions
  • Up-sells

I honestly couldn’t find too much wrong with this program. It’s not fantastic, but it also doesn’t claim to be. You get what you pay for.

What List Masteree Includes

There are two different versions of List Masteree that you can purchase depending on your needs.

List Masteree Lite

An eBook that compiles all of the information from the interviews into a book that you can take action with.

List Masteree Pro

Contains 5 different interview videos with 5 successful marketers including Bull Hugal, Reed Floren, Michael Thomas, Declan Mc and Fergal Downes.

Along with those 5 videos you will receive the audio version, a “cheat sheet” video that lists the main take away points of the interviews, and the eBook that they give in the lite version.

The Price and Up-sells

You can either purchase List Masteree Lite for $7 or List Masteree Pro for just $9. It honestly just makes more sense to buy the pro version for the extra 2 bucks.

After you purchase one of those you will be offered a couple more expensive add on items.

These Up-sells include:

Up-sell #1: Bill Hugall’s Coaching Program ($27)

You’ll get complete access to Bill’s coaching program with extensive training videos on how to build an online business.

Up-sell #2: Training Series ($27)

A video training series that will show you how to actually market to the list that you build with List Masteree.

This comes with 4 videos interviews with successful marketers, an audio version, cheat sheets, and an action plan.

List Masteree Up-sells

My Personal Thoughts

Honestly this product contains some pretty good information in it for beginners, especially for the price.

If you don’t know too much about building a list then you will find some good information about it.

I like that there are no wild claims of you being able to make hundreds in just a few hours or something.

They just show what you’re going to get for your money, and you can decide for yourself.

With that being said there are a few things I want to point out before you run out and buy it.

First, there isn’t a whole lot of new information in these interviews. So if you are an intermediate marketer who already has a decent list, you probably won’t take away too many things you didn’t already know.

Also, this isn’t really a step by step walk through of what you need to do to build a list.

While they do tell you what you need to do to succeed, they don’t walk you through all of the steps in a way that you can see it.

If that makes sense.

One last thing to keep in mind is that this isn’t about marketing to the people on your list, it is simply about building one.

Having a huge list won’t matter if you don’t know how to properly market to them, so you will need more information with this training.


At the end of the day, List Masteree has some good information that will probably be helpful to anyone trying to build an email list.

Just keep in mind that you will need some more information if you want to properly market to the list.

In my opinion List Masteree is

Just know that this is not everything you need to properly make money online.

What I Recommend

While having an email list may help you make money online, it’s only a small piece of the puzzle you need to be a successful marketer!

My Top Ranked Program walks you through everything you need to know in order to be a successful marketer.

They walk you through step by step exactly how to put the puzzle together and succeed online.

They helped me earn enough money online to quit my full time day job, and work completely from home!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

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