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Partner With Mike B Review: What You Need To Know! [Scam?]

Partner With Patrick Scam Review

In this Partner With Mike B review I’ll be going over everything you need to know about before giving them any money.

Will you really be able to make $1,000/day or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s dive in and find out what they’re all about!

Partner With Patrick Scam ReviewPartner With Mike B Review

Product: Partner With Mike B


Price: $37 + Expensive Up-sells

Is Partner With Mike B A Scam? Debatable

Is Partner With Mike B Recommended? NO!


What Is Partner With Mike B?

I first started receiving emails about Partner With Mike B months ago, and I honestly thought I already wrote a review about it.

The main reason I made that mistake is because it has a sales funnel incredibly similar to other scams like Partner With Patrick, and Money Sucking Websites.

It claims to be an incredible online money making method that will help you earn $1,000/day within 24 hours, and with only 45-60 minutes of work a day.

Just like many scams out there, the sales video promises that you’ll make tons of money online almost immediately, without having to much work at all.

Is there any truth to anything he’s saying?

Let’s find out!

How Does Partner With Mike B Work?

Partner With Mike BThere are multiple sales videos but odds are that after watching through it, you probably still don’t have any real idea of how the system works, or what you’ll be doing.

They just focus on how much money you’ll supposedly be making because if they told you the truth about the program, you probably wouldn’t want to join.

So what Is Partner With Mike B Really? It’s what’s known as a high-ticket-program.

Here’s how it works:

In a nutshell, you pay the $37 to join the program and receive a 6 step training course, that shows you how to make money selling their high-ticket products.

The problem is that if you want to make commissions from selling their products, you’ll have to first purchase the rights to do so.

The prices of those products start at $7, but if you want a chance to make good money you’ll have to buy the more expensive items that cost up to $3,500.

The Pros & Cons

Let’s take a minute to go over some of the good and bad things that I could come up with about Partner With Mike B.


  • It’s Possible To Make Money


  • Incredibly Misleading Sales Videos
  • Not As Easy As They Claim
  • Will Get Super Expensive

Throughout the next few sections I’ll be going into detail about all of the points that I listed out above.

Incredibly Misleading Sales Video

Partner With Mike B Sales VideoI want to make it clear that it is actually possible to make money with the system that they will teach you.

The problem is that they just completely mislead you about what to expect when you sign up.

They make it sound like you’ll just be spending an hour or so a day working, and you’ll almost immediately start making thousands of dollars.

When that is simply just not true.

They claim that they’ve done just about everything for you already; which is kind of true, but misleading.

Sure, they have all of the training, funnels, and products for you, but you’ll still have to do the hard part.

Which is getting traffic/potential customers to your sales funnel and offers, and that’s much easier said than done.

Much Harder Than They Claim

They make it seem like you’ll join up, do a little bit of work for like 45 minutes or so, and magically start racking in thousands.

When in reality it is much harder than that.

You’ll be spending your time driving as much traffic to Partner With Mike B as you can, and getting traffic is not easy.

I make my living online, and I know a thing or two about getting traffic.

Their method revolves around the use of paid traffic in the form of Facebook ads, which can and most-likely will get expensive.

Will Get Super Expensive

So not only will you be paying potentially thousands of dollars for the rights to sell their products, you’ll also be paying for traffic.

I spent some time in the past attempting to use paid traffic, and one thing I learned is that it takes a lot of trial and error.

It is certainly not easy to create a high-converting ad campaign, and you’ll end up spending a lot of money testing different ones.

Is Partner With Mike B A Scam? – Conclusion

In my opinion it is honestly debatable as to whether you can call Partner With Mike B a scam or not.

The sales video is incredibly misleading, and leaves out a lot of information that you need to know before joining.

However I gave you all of that information here, so if you’ve read through this review and you still want to join, would you really be getting scammed?

Regardless of whether I consider it to be a scam or not, I still don’t recommend it at all.

Not Recommended

My goal was to give you all of the information that you needed to know before joining the program, and I hope I succeeded at that.

Now it’s up to you to decide if you think it’s worth it or not.

Make Money Online WITHOUT Paying Thousands

If you’re interested in actually making money online, and you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars doing it, I have a suggestion for you.

Did you know that websites out there will pay you to get people to purchase their products, and you don’t have to buy those products first?

Not only will small websites pay you, but large websites like Amazon, Walmart, and Target will pay you as well.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed at making money online through that method, and it’s free to get started.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Partner With Mike B A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

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