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Is Profit 24/7 A Scam? Here’s 3 Reasons It Is! [Exposed]

Profit 24/7 Scam Review

In this quick review of Profit 24/7 I’ll be giving you several reasons why you shouldn’t believe anything they tell you.

Will you actually be able to make any money with this system?

Let’s dive in, go over it, and find out!

Profit 24/7 Scam ReviewProfit 24/7 Scam Review

Product: Profit 24/7


Price: $37 + Up-sells

Is Profit 24/7 A Scam? Yes!

Is Profit 24/7 Recommended? No!


What Is Profit 24/7?

Profit 24/7 claims to be an incredibly fast and easy method that will allow you to make tons of money online each and everyday.

It’s supposedly created by a man named Jacob Allen and he has selected you as one of the lucky few people to join.

In reality Profit 24/7 is full of lies and misleading information in an attempt to get you to give them your money.

There are several reasons why you shouldn’t trust anything that they say, and I’ll be going over them shortly.

Let’s jump into it.

How This Scam Works

This scam works just like most of the other quick-rich-quick schemes that you find out there on the internet.

This is just one of the few scams that have popped up here in the recent weeks. Some other similars ones to watch out for are Ecom Cash Code, Discover The Plan, and Smart Money Methods.

They all do the exact same things.

They claim that they have some new incredible method that will allow you to become rich online without you having to do much work.

Don’t get me wrong here, it is absolutely possible to make good money online, I even make my living online.

However the truth is that if you want to make good money online you’ll have to put in a good amount of time and effort.

It simply won’t happen overnight.

The Pros & Cons

I always try to be as fair as possible in my review and find some good things to say about it as well, however that proves to be difficult sometimes.

Profit 24/7Pros:

  • “Possible” To Get A Refund


  • Unrealistic Expectations
  • Fake Creator
  • Not Enough Information

Over the next several sections I’ll be taking a bit of time to go further into detail about all of the points that I listed out above.

Unrealistic Expectations

One thing that all of these get-rich-quick schemes do is set unrealistically high expectations about making money online.

Profit 24/7 EasyThey make it seem like right after purchasing their product you’ll be able to start making money in no time.

The thing I find the funniest is that they try to make it seem like the amounts of money they claim you can make aren’t that ridiculous.

He says something like “be real, you’re not going to be a millionaire next week”

Yet right before that he posts screenshots (fake) of weekly earning that amount to tens of thousands of dollars.

He trying to make you think that making millions in a week is ridiculous, but make $10,000 is possible.

When the truth is that it’s simply not possible.

Fake Creator

Profit 24/7 Fake Creator

If you need a reason to not trust anything else that he says, then you might find this section to be a little helpful.

I decided to do a little bit of research on this Jacob Allen guy, and I found something very interesting.

By that I mean that I actually found absolutely nothing about him.

That in and of itself isn’t that big of a deal, however I had a suspicion that he might not be real so I dug deeper.

I took the picture that he provided of himself in the video and ran a reverse Google image search on it, and guess what.

That’s right, it’s just an image of a male model pulled off of a stock photo website that anyone can use if they pay a small fee.

If they would lie about something as silly as who they are, why would you trust them.

They don’t want to reveal who they are because once this scam stops making them money, they’ll just move onto the next one.

Not Enough Information

When I write reviews for legitimate programs I always like to do a run down of what exactly you’ll get if you purchase it.

However that’s pretty difficult to do seeing as they don’t give you any information about it.

They don’t even tell you what method you’ll be using to make money online, and they don’t tell you how it works.

He tries to make it seem like it’s a super secret method that you can only find out if you give him your money.

Every legitimate program that I’ve reviewed in the past tells you what you’re going to get, what you’ll be doing, and how it works.

Don’t trust any program that doesn’t give you that basic information.

I mean, My Top Program even let’s you check out their platform for without having to even give them any payment information!

Is Profit 24/7 A Scam? – Conclusion

Personally I consider Profit 24/7 to be a scam because they are making you promises that are simply not going to come true.

Not to mention that just keep telling you a bunch of lies, and are misleading you about what you’ll actually be getting and doing.

Scam Logo

I’m sure there are people out there who won’t consider it a scam because it’s possible to get a refund, and you’ll actually get something for your money.

I would disagree with them, but you should let me know in the comments below what you think about it!

Actually Make Money Online

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Is Profit 24/7 A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

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