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Push Button Traffic Review: Why I Won’t Buy It

Push Button Traffic Review

In this Push Button Traffic Review I will be giving you everything you need to know before you buy or skip it.

Push Button Traffic Review

Product: Push Button Traffic

Creator: Billy Darr


Price: $17 – $27 + up-sells

Verdict: Look Elsewhere


What Is Push Button Traffic?

Push Button Traffic is a WordPress plugin created by Billy Darr and his team, that allows you to get traffic from social media.

It allows you to enter in any keyword and it will then create posts and backlinks for each of them.

It uses several social media platforms including Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and Delicious.

Pros and Cons

When reviewing a product, I like to list out the pros and cons to give a visual aid to assist with the decision to buy or skip it.


  • Can get you traffic
  • Easy to do
  • 30 day money back guarantee


  • Not as good as it seems
  • Several problems with the logic
  • Up-sells

The Up-sells

If you decide to purchase this plugin you will be hit with 4 different offers for you to buy more expensive items.

These items include:

  •  #1 ($37)
  • #2 ($47)
  •  #3 ($47)
  •  #4 ($197)

These items will be very temping and will compliment the Push Button Traffic Software.



Push Button Traffic Review

It’s Not What It Seems

I know that the Push Button Traffic Software seems pretty amazing, especially the way they break it down.

However there are a few things I want to point out to you before you run out and buy it.

First off, the sales page makes it sound like they are going to post your links to huge social media pages that will get you tons of traffic.

That’s just not the case. The software allows you to enter in your own social media accounts, and it will automatically post your articles to them.

So if you don’t have any follows on twitter, guess how much traffic you’ll get from it, that’s right, zero.

The Posts

I know the idea that this software will write and post articles for you sounds amazing, but it’s just not what it seems.

For one, the plugin uses Wikipedia, or other websites to get it’s post from which Google is most likely going to see as duplicate content.

Which it obviously does not like or rank high.

I suppose there may be a chance to rank these crappy posts for keywords that are incredibly low competition.

However after watching the demo video for this software, I decided to use a keyword tool and see the competition of the keywords it generated.

And As I guessed, the keywords were way too high competition to rank for, or had too little traffic to even bother ranking for.

To Be Fair

In theory there is a chance that this software could get you ranked for some low quality keywords.

It could even make you a little money if you create a small website for a good low competition niche.

But that is going to depend on the research you do.

My Personal Thoughts

Personally I don’t believe that you will ever be able to create long lasting success, or a steady income with any push button method.

This software may make you a little bit of money at some point, but it’s a lazy method that just won’t last.

If you really want your posts to rank, and get traffic then you are going to have to spend the time writing them yourself.

You’re going to have to make them engaging, personal, and interesting in order to make them successful.


At the end of the day, Push Button Traffic is not a scam but it is not as good as they try to make it sound.

Even though I could make quite a bit of money recommending it to you, I recommend that you 

You may make some money, and you may see some results with this software but it will never be anything real. You won’t see real, long lasting success with a push button method.

What I Recommend

If you are serious about making money online, and tired of falling for all of the push button claims, then I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program takes some time and effort, but you will see life changing results from it if you stick to it.

I stuck through all of the training and put in the work, and I was able to quit my full time job and finally work from home!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

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