VideoBuilder Review: Honest Unbiased Review

In this VideoBuilder Review I’ll be giving you an overview of the software and my unbiased opinion about it.

VideoBuilder ReviewVideoBuilder Review

Product: VideoBuilder

Creator: Todd Gross


Price: $28.95

Verdict: Decent


What Is VideoBuilder?

VideoBuilder is a software that was released a few days ago that helps you create 3D animated videos.

This software allows you to quickly and simply create 3D and 2D animated videos to help you with your video marketing.

Video is a great way to increase traffic, and get more sells, but is animation the best way to go?

Pros and Cons

With every review I like to create a list of the good things about the product.


  • Creating the video is fast and easy
  • Uses text-to-speech technology
  • Great for people who struggle with speaking a language
  • Runs on any browser and mobile devices
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Not as good as personal videos (Opinion)
  • Up-sells

The Price and Up-sells

This product can be purchased for $27 or $47 depending on when you purchase it.

After you purchase it you will be offered a few more expensive add on items.

These Items include:

Up-sell #1: ($44)

VideoBuilder Deluxe

Up-sell #2: ($67)

VideoBuilder Agency

Up-sell #3: ($24)

Video Distribution + Social Traffic Suite

Up-sell #4: ($17)

Done-For-You Video Pack

VideoBuilder Up-sells

VideoBuilder Features

VideoBuilder helps you with the creation of the entire video all the way up through the editing and rendering.

The software allows you to create animated Avatars And enter or upload you very own text.

The software will the Convert The Text To Speech, and Automatically Sych, the words to the lips of the avatar.

It also have a full media library that is filled with Text Effects, Free Images, Motion Animations, Backgrounds, and Transitions.

My Personal Thoughts

Before I jump into my personal thoughts about this software I want to make sure you are aware that I’m not affiliated with them in any way.

With that being said, I actually really like this software.

I have always been a big fan of video creation, and I like to think I know a lot more about it than most people.

Creating the graphics, and animations are possible with other software, but it is definitely a lot harder and more time consuming.

Video marketing is an incredible way to boost your traffic and sales.

Most people now-a-days prefer videos over reading, and I am definitely one of those people.

However there are a few things that I want you to be aware of before you go jumping out and buying this.

First off, keep in mind that these videos are not going to be the solution to all of your marketing problems.

If you don’t have further information about marketing, you won’t see much income from this.

Personally, I believe that these animated videos are much worse than a personal video created by you.

Actually showing your face on a video shows people that you are confident in what you are saying and promoting.

Animated videos, with fake voices are quite commonly associated with scams.

However if creating animated videos is the only option for you then I would suggest buying this.

VideoBuilder Review Conclusion

Adding videos to your internet marketing habits is a great way to increase traffic and sales.

I personally think that VideoBuilder is a

software for those who are looking to quickly create animated videos.

With that being said, I personally suggest putting your own face in your videos, or at the very least your own voice.

Normally when I see an animated video with a fake voice I am turned away and associate it with a scam.

What I Recommend

If you are a beginner in internet marketing, and are looking for more information about making money online.

I suggest that you Read About My Top Ranked Program!

That’s where I started out with online marketing, and since have been able to quit my full time job, and live completely off of my online income.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

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