30 Minute Days Review: Honest, Unbiased Review!

In this quick 30 Minute Days Review I’ll be going over the product and letting you know if you should buy it or not.

30 Minute Days Review 30 Minute Days Review

Product: 30 Minute Days

Creators: Mandy Allen & Keith Purkiss

Website: 30minutedays.com

Price: $9 – $19.95

Verdict: Decent


What Is 30 Minute Days?

30 Minute Days is a downloadable training guide that will show you the steps to take to build in online business in with just 30 Minute work days.

They show the process that they’ve used to outsource various tasks in order to start making decent money online.

Is the training really as good as it seems, or is it too good to be true?

Well let’s dive in and find out!

The Pros and Cons

For every program that I review I like to list out the good and bad things about it to help come up with a verdict.


  • You can make money with the method
  • Good information for beginners
  • Easy to follow the steps


  • Will take a while if you only 30 minutes a day
  • Just an eBook
  • Requires paid outsources
  • A ton of Up-sells

Soon I’ll be diving into these bullet points, and giving you more information about how I feel about them.

But first, let’s go over the price you’ll be paying.

The Price and Up-sells

Depending on when you purchase the product you will pay somewhere between $9 and $19.95.

However after you purchase the main product, you will be tempted to opt in for various add on items and memberships.

These so called “up-sells” include the following items:

Up-sell #1: ($27)

Gold Edition – training videos + 3 Skype Calls

Up-sell #2: ($7pm/$27/$47)

Platinum Edition – Extra Content + Elite FB Group

Up-sell #3: ($47 pm/$197 pa)

Titanium Edition – Live Coaching Calls

Up-sell #4: ($17 pm/ $97)

Coaching through Email

Up-sell #5: ($17/$97)

Members area – Sapphire Edition – Skype Calls

Up-sell #6: ($27)

Emerald – Done For You Templates

There are so many up-sells and down-sells to this product that it is almost ridiculous.

There are a ton of monthly membership editions, and various other payments.

My Personal Thoughts

This product has some good information and training that can definitely help you succeed and earn money online.

With that being said, there are several problems that I have with it, and several things you should keep in mind when deciding to buy.

First, the main product that you purchase will only get you an eBook, insider index, and access to a FaceBook Mastermind group.

This contains all of the steps you need, however to many people this will not be enough to help you succeed.

That’s why they have introduced so many various up-sells so you will upgrade to them to get the help you need.

Keep in mind that you will probably end up upgrading to the monthly memberships, or at least to the video training that they offer.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you will be paying for other people to do certain tasks for you.

They make it seem like you can’t succeed online without paying others to do the work for you which just isn’t true.

The Method I Used allowed me to succeed online without paying others to do the work, and I did it by only putting in a few hours a week.

I know you’re only paying $5 for every $25 you make, but the way I look at it is that you are giving up 1/5th of your profits, and whatever money you are spending for their membership.

I mean if you make $2500 a month, you would’ve paid $500 to get that, when you could’ve made $3000 if you just did it yourself.

But that’s just my opinion.


At the end of the day, 30 Minute Days has some pretty good training and can certainly help you make money online.

With that being said, many people will have to pay more money each month for the up-sells, it will take a bit of consistent work, and you will have to continually pay for the outsourcing.

After my review of 30 Minute Days I have come to the verdict that it is

Just be aware of the things I pointed out before you buy. Be prepared to put in extra money, and to consistently work at it for awhile before you start to see profits.

What I Recommend

While 30 Minute Days has some decent training, it comes no where near My Top Ranked Program!

They include everything you need to succeed in their membership, and you get the chance to try it out completely free before you pay anything.

Their method doesn’t require any outsourcing or any extra fees other than what you pay for the membership.

If you’re worried about not having enough time to succeed, just think about the fact that I was able to succeed even though I was working a full time job and going to college part time.

Now I’ve quit my job and work completely from home.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate

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