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Cookbooks Empire International Edition Review: Scam Or Legit?

In this Cookbooks Empire International Review I’ll be going over what it is and whether I think you should buy or skip it.

Cookbooks Empire International Edition ReviewCookbooks Empire International Edition Review

Product: Cookbooks Empire International

Creator: Alessandro Zamboni


Price: $14 + Up-sells

Verdict: Decent


What Is Cookbooks Empire International?

Alessandro Zamboni has created a few training programs in the past that I’ve reviewed including Challenges Empire, and Cheatsheet Empire.

To be honest, the few products of his I’ve reviewed in the past have actually been pretty decent information guides.

Cookbooks Empire International Edition revolves around helping you create and sell… you guessed it, international cookbooks.

So let’s dive in and find out if this training lives up to all of the hype.

Pros and Cons

For every program I review I like to list out the good and bad things about it to help both you and myself learn more about it.


  • Easy to follow training
  • Decent information for beginners
  • Real method to make money online


  • Kindle Marketplace is competitive
  • Not as good as they show
  • Up-sells

What Cookbook Empire International Edition Includes

Cookbooks Empire International ReviewIf you decide to purchase Cookbooks Empire International you will receive I guide with the following information.

  • Why you should get into international cookbooks
  • The truth about international cookbooks
  • 17 stock photo sites to get images
  • 10 golden genres for you cookbooks
  • 7 additional ideas to create new books
  • Step-by-step cookbook creation process
  • How to publish you books in the Kindle marketplace and on CreateSpace platform
  • Category selection tips and tricks
  • 4 cookbooks-only advertising methods
  • Bonus: Ingredients Hack
  • Bonus: American Cheesecakes with PLR Rights

Overall this guide covers a wide range of information that you will need to succeed with the method.

The Price and Up-sells

If you decide to purchase Cookbooks Empire International you will pay about $14 for it.

However keep in mind that you will also be offered various other more expensive add on items or up-sells.

These Up-sells include:

Up-sell #1: The Advanced Course ($27)

An advanced course that shows you how to build a recipes membership.

Up-sell #2: Mexican Chinese Recipes ($47)

More recipes about Chinese and Mexican cuisines.

Up-sell #3: Hot Drinks and Pizza Recipes ($37)

Hundreds of recipes about pizza and hot drinks with some other bonuses.

Up-sell #4: Get Your Cookbook ($127)

They will create your dream cookbook for you.

My Personal Thoughts

I honestly think that this is a refreshing guide that doesn’t just rehash and repackage other types of training.

It introduces a relatively little used method to make money online and shows you how to capitalize on it.

With that being said, I want to point out a few things that you should know before you jump out and buy it.

First, selling a book isn’t always as easy or profitable as they make it seem.

Yes you can make good money by selling books online, in fact I know several people who make hundreds of thousands a year doing it.

However, selling on the Kindle Marketplace is very competitive and will take time and money to get sales.

Especially don’t go out buying this training thinking that you are going to make the $500,000 a month in sales that they show on the sales page.

Yes there are people out there that make that much with their books, however you will most-likely not see those figures.

But you can make money money selling your books, if you are willing to invest a lot of your time, effort and money into doing so.


Cookbooks Empire International Edition contains some good information that can help you create and sell cookbooks.

Just keep in mind that you will most-likely not see the type of income that they show in the sales page.

And also be aware that it is going to take more time, patients, work, and consistency than they claim to start making money.

With all of that being said, at the end of my review I have concluded that Cookbooks Empire International Edition is

What I Recommend

When I was first starting out in the online money making world, I would constantly buy programs like these, then never stick to them.

I wasted a bunch of money that way.

The thing that saved me was my Top Ranked Program, because they allowed me to try out their training before I put in any payment information.

I tried them out for free, found out that that I liked their method, and continued to work at it.

I have since been able to quit my full time day job, and work completely from home!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

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