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8 Minute Profits

8 Minute Profits Review: Will It Work In 2017?

In this honest 8 Minute Profits review get the truth about the program before you buy it. No sales pitch, just my honest thoughts.

8 Minute Profits8 Minute Profits Review

Product: 8 Minute Profits

Creator: Mark Barrett


Price: $6 + Up-sells

Verdict: Look Elsewhere

Click Here To Read About My Top Ranked Money Making Program!

What Is 8 Minute Profits?

8 Minute Profits is a video training course that claims to have a secret method to getting loads of free traffic and sales.

The idea revolves around implementing an 8 minute task that will allow you to get email subscribers, then send them your affiliate offers.

They claim you can quickly get up to making $100 a day.

What It Includes

Training Videos

It includes multiple animated training videos that contain some decent information, especially if you are new to marketing.

These videos are not incredibly in depth, but they can be helpful to some.

Case Study

This case study is a step-by-step guide that also contains some decent information that might be useful to newcomers.

Cheat Sheets

This includes some check lists and various other things that you might find helpful when following along with the training.

Pros and Cons

Let’s jump into the things I like about the program, and the problems that I have with it.


  • May help some beginners
  • Low initial price


  • Not very in depth
  • Method doesn’t work as well now
  • Little to no support
  • There’s far better training out there
  • Up-sells

The Up-sells

After you purchase the initial product for $4.95 you will be hit will multiple offers of much more expensive items.8 Minute Profits Upsells

These items include:

Up-sell #1:($27)

10 followup email templates that you can send to your list once you’ve built it up.

Up-sell #2: ($27)

15 “unsaturated” sites the use to get “targeted leads”

Up-sell #3: ($197)

8 Minute Profits Masterclass Series

Will It Work In 2017?

The thing is, 8 Minute Profits was released in August 2016 which is quite some time ago in the internet marketing world.

So will this system still work for you?

In all honesty it won’t work for you as well as it might have back then and here’s why.

Even though I doubt this product was able able to start making you money in 8 minutes, it definitely won’t now.

This product became quite popular awhile back which causes a problem with their traffic method.

What was once a little known about lake of traffic has since been dried up and over saturated by the people who have taken this training.

That’s the problem with many of these “make money fast” methods, they may work one day, then disappear the next.

The creators of this program have been able to create dozens of training programs including Max Daily Profits, because once they release it, it’s only a matter of time until people need another traffic method.

My Personal Thoughts

Many of the training programs like this one rely on a “secret” method of traffic, and once the secret is out, it stops working as good.

Most of these “make money online fast” products don’t even work, and the ones that actually do, only work for a short amount of time.

With that being said, there is still some useful information in this training that could be useful to you if you are new to online marketing.

Especially for the really low price.


I personally don’t think that you will be able to have the amount of success with this program as you might’ve been able to in the past.

That’s why I’m suggesting that you

when it comes to 8 Minute Profits.

You will not see profits in 8 minutes, and you will may not see many profits as all.

Where To Look

As I said before, most programs like this use methods that will only work for a limited amount of time, if at all.

If you are looking for a reliable way to make money online then I suggest you read about my top recommended program!

The training is leaps and bounds ahead of any other training that you will find anywhere else online.

And the methods they teach you will work and continue to work for years to come.

I joined in 2015 and have since been able to quit my job, and work full time from home.

It’s not an 8 minute method, it takes a lot of time and effort, but the results you can see are incredible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate

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