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Automated Wealth Network Review – Is it a Scam?


At first sight, Automated Wealth Network might seem like it could be a legitimate way to make money online, however, after I did a little bit of research and further digging, It turns out that it is definitely a program that you should avoid.

Throughout this review I’ll give you my reasons for why I think you should stay away from it.

What is Automated Wealth Network?

As the name so strongly suggests, it’s a so called automated network that will supposedly bring you in money from the internet.

AWNIn the promotion video Chris Chesonis (the creator) claims that you can simple replicate his 6 figure online business, and bring in thousands of dollars on auto pilot.

The Pros

Though I have several issues with this system, it is not the worst “scheme” that I’ve come across.  There are actually a few positives.Free Lesson

  • He actually explains what affiliate marketing is
  • It doesn’t claim that you don’t have to do any work
  • He doesn’t claim thousands of dollars will be made instantly
  • There is no upfront cost


The Cons

Although there are a few mildly good things about their program, there are numerous, not so mild cons.

  • Upsells
  • Upsells
  • and more Upsells
  • It requires risky investments
  • The money required to invest is unclear

The Real Cost + Upsells

One of the main problems with many of the programs like this is the fact that they claim right off the bat that it is free.  They get your hopes up with the idea that you are going to make a bunch of money online without investing anything.

Then once you get interested in it, and begin to put your time and energy into it, they suddenly come up with something that you have to pay for.

The first thing that you have to do is pay $30 for My Cash Freebies, which does not have a very good reputation in the online marketing world.

After that, you need to make an investment in Power Lead System which will run you $27 a month. Yes that’s right, a $27 monthly payment.

These are two required parts of the “free” Automated Wealth System.

Money On Autopilot


Do I think that you can make any money from AWN? Honestly I don’t know, I’m sure there are some people out there who have.

But personally, I’m going to recommend that you

Stay Away!

Even though I think it might be possible to make some money with this program, here are a few reasons why I don’t think you should give it your time and effort.

You’ll make your money by getting people to sign up for training, which means that you will only make money for as long as the network stays around.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to depend on AWN to be around forever.  I’ve actually heard of several cases where a program will go out of business and shut down.

This meant that all of the people who were relying on the programs to give them money, were now out of a job.

Don’t be one of those people.

Actually Make Money Online

At Wealthy Affilate they teach you how to be an Affiliate Marketer  step by step and will help you set up your very own business, so the only person or company you have to worry about is yourself.

I personally vouch for Wealthy Affiliate because it worked for me and I know it can work for anyone.

If you have any questions or concerns let me know in the comments below!

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