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Is BTCMiner A Scam?

Is BTCminer A Scam? 12% Daily Returns? [Quick Review]

In this quick review I’ll be going over whatBTCMiner is, and answering the question “Is BTCMiner A Scam?”

Will you actually earn 12% daily returns on you investment or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s Find out!

Is BTCMiner A Scam? Review

Product: Btcminer


Price: 0.002 BTC – 0.5 BTC

Is Btcminer A Scam? Probably

Is Btcminer Recommended? No!


What Is BTCMiner?


BTCMiner claims to be an industry leading Bitcoin mining pool. They claim that all of their mining power is backed up by physical miners.

They claim to have data center around the globe that use the latest algorithms that allow you to make as much Bitcoin as possible!

Are any of these claims true? Or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s find out!

The Pros And Cons

Let’s go over some of the good and bad things about this system.

Is BTC Miner A Scam?Pros:

  • Nothing


  • You’ll Lose All Of You Money
  • You Won’t Get Paid
  • Tons Of Complaints

Over the next few sections I’ll be going into detail about the points I listed above.

How It Claims To Work VS How It Works

The way it claims to work is pretty simple. You just give them your wallet address and start mining.

With their free account they claim that you can earn $6 per day for free without investing any money.

However that is simply not how it works.

What will happen is when you actually reach the minimum cash out threshold of 0.005 BTC, and actually try to get your money, they will say that you have to upgrade.

BTCMiner Scam

But here’s a surprise, once you upgrade you still won’t be able to get your money.

They are trying to take advantage of people who are new to mining, and steal as much money as possible.

You Won’t Get Paid

Like I mentioned in the section above, they won’t actually pay you the money that your earn.

I’ve seen multiple complaints from past members claiming that they simply didn’t get their money.

Is BTCMiner A Scam? Is BTCMiner A Scam? Is BTCMiner A Scam?

The images above are screen caps of just a few of the complaints that I came across while doing research for this review!

Is BTCMiner A Scam?

I did not personally invest any money into BTCMiner, but that is simply because the idea of earning 12% daily returns is ridiculous, and there are so many other red flags.

You can find dozens and dozens of complaints from people not actually getting paid, and similar complaints about people being forced to upgrade.

For those reasons I believe BTCMiner is a scam that you should

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Is A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

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