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Is A Scam Or Legit? [2022 Review]

The Last System Scam Review

In this quick review of I’ll be going over exactly what it is, and telling you whether its a scam or a legitimate online money making program!

Will you really be able to generate $3,725 per month, or are they just saying that to get your money?

Is the system really completely automated or are you going to have to put in a ton of work to succeed with it?

I’ll be answering those questions, and many more within this review, so stick around!


The Last System Scam Review!

The Last System Review

Product: The Last System

Creator: Kelly Konska (fake)

Price: $17-$47 (Plust Upsells)


Is The Last System A Scam? Probably

Is The Last System Recommended? No!


What Is The Last System?

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat.

What The Last System claims to be and what it actually is are two completely different things.

Let’s go over what it claims to be.

The Last System claim to be a completely automatic system that will bring you in thousands of dollars in commissions every month.

They claim that all you have to do is buy it, click “build”, follow some simple instructions, and watch you commissions grow.

They are basically saying, “give us your money, click a few times, then become rich.”

Doesn’t that sound too good to be true?

Well unfortunately it is.

What The Last System Actually Is

In reality The Last System is just a get-rich-quick scheme that is going to nothing but disappoint you after shelling out your money.

I’ve been making money online for 7 years now, I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making programs, and I can promise that automated systems do not exist.

If it really was possible to make a few clicks, then sit back and watch thousands of dollars enter your bank account, everyone would be doing it.

Don’t get me wrong. There is a lot of money to be made online.

It just takes a good amount of time, and effort to make it work.

As great as it would be to have a software that did everything for you, it’s just not something that is real.

The Pros & Cons

While I honestly feel like it’s a waste of time to make this section, I’ll go ahead and do it anyway.


  • Money Back Guarantee


  • Unrealistic Claims
  • Fake Creator
  • Up-sells
  • The Disclaimer

Now let’s take a little bit of time to go over the points listed above.

Don’t Buy It!

Normally I would take the time to dedicate an entire section to each of the points I listed out in the pros and cons.

However this sales page and system are such scams that I’m just going to summarize it here.

Unrealistic Claims: Claims like “completely automatic” and “no hard work needed” are just “buzz” phrases meant to get your attention.

Everyone wants to make money automatically without doing any work. However that’s not how the world works.

Those are just claims that scams make to get your money!

Fake Creator: A lot of scams like these will make up fake names and use fake pictures for obvious reasons.

Kelly Konska is a made up name, and the picture used for her is just a stock photo pulled from a random image website.

Up-sells: After spending the $17-$47 to purchase the “system” you will be told to make several other purchases in order to set up the system properly.

The $17-$47 is just the low price to get your foot in the door.

The Disclaimer: If you take a second to scroll down to the bottom of the sales page and read the disclaimer, you’ll find something very interesting.

You’ll find the sentence: “typical results are $0 due to not practicing what the system teaches”

Typical results are $0…

How can they claim the system is automatic and super easy, while simultaneously saying no one makes money or can follow it properly?

Is The Last System A Scam?

I’m a very lenient reviewer, and I honestly hate calling system scams, however I would consider The Last System to be a scam.

Scam Logo

The sales page basically gives you lie after lie just try and get you to give them your money.

There is no such thing as an automatic money making system.

If you purchase The Last System, you are just going to be disappointed, and regret ever giving them your money.

Actually Make Money Online!

If you are interested in actually making money online, I suggest checking out My Top Ranked Program!

Before checking it out it’s important that you realized It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme.

It takes actual time, effort, support and training to be able to make any notable amount of money online.

Luckily it gives you all of the training and support, so all you have to do is put in the time and effort.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!


Wealthy Affiliate

Is PaidNova A Scam? 3 Red Flags! [Quick Review]

PaidNove Scam Review

In this quick PaidNova Review I’ll be going over 3 big reasons why you should completely avoid it.

Will you actually be able to make any money from it at all, or is it just a huge scam?

Let’s just say even though it’s free to join, it’s still very dangerous.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making systems, click here to check out my top rated one!

PaidNova Scam Review

PaidNove Scam - Logo

Program: PaidNova


Price: Free to join (could still lose money)

Is PaidNova A Scam? YES!

Is Paid Nova Recommended? NO!


What Is PaidNova?

PaidNova claims to be the “#1 Influencer Network” in the world.

They claim that you’ll be able to get rich and earn $300 per day through their website.

The whole idea behind it is that you join, then earn money by getting other people to join.

They claim to pay $25 just for joining, then $10 for every person that you get to sign up through your link.

However unfortunately that’s not actually how any of it works.

Is PaidNova Legit?

The simple answer to that question is NO, no PaidNova is not a legitimate website.

Just about everything on the website is either a lie, or a complete fabrication.

The real reason behind the website, is to get as much personal information from as many people as possible.

They are simply after email addresses, names, phone numbers, and even credit card information.

It’s very dangerous, and I’ll be going over how shortly.

The Pros & Cons

I’m sure you know that pros and cons lists are supposed to have good and bad things, but I only found bad things.


  • Nothing


  • You Won’t Get Paid
  • Just Like Other Scams
  • Super Dangerous

Over the next few sections I’ll be giving more details about what I mean with the points above.

You Won’t Get Paid!

This is the main reason why most of you are probably here reading this review.

You just want to know whether or not you’ll actually get paid the money you’ve earned.

Unfortunately, you aren’t going to get the answer that you were hoping for here.

The truth is that not a single person will get paid from PaidNova!

When you try to cash out your money, they will claim that you committed fraud, and not pay you.

That or they simply just won’t give you the money, and possibly block you.

Just Like Other Scams

The reason I know for a fact that this is a scam is because I’ve seen it time and time again.

This exact same website has popped up all over the place, just under different names.

I’ve reviewed websites like Clout Bucks, and Tap 2 Earn just within the last few weeks.

They all make the exact same claims, and no one ever gets paid!

The image above is from Tap 2 Earn, and it looks incredibly identical!

Super Dangerous!

I know it might seem like you have nothing to lose because you didn’t pay anything, but that’s not true.

There is a reason why they are after your personal information.

You put in an email address, and password in order to create your account.

Websites like PaidNova are known for using users email and password combination to try to log into other accounts.

Most people use the same email/password combinations for multiple accounts!

If you are one of those people, I suggest changing those as soon as possible.

I heard horror stories of people’s bank accounts and PayPal account being hacked!

Is PaidNova A Scam?

There isn’t a single doubt in my mind that PaidNova is a complete scam!

There are several other reasons why you should avoid them, but I gave you the top 3!

Everything on the website is either completely fabricated, or a total lie.

Don’t trust anything that you read on their website!

Scam Logo

Actually Make Money Online!

There are real companies out there who will actually pay you for getting people to buy their products and pay for their services.

Websites like Amazon, Walmart, and thousands of others will pay you commissions for sales.

The process of making money this way is called Affiliate Marketing, and it’s How I Make My Living Online!

If you’re interested in learning how to go about make money that way, I suggest you check out This Training Here!

They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed online!

Is PaidNova A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Ad Flippers Bot A Scam? 4 Reasons To Avoid It! [Review]

Ad Flippers Bot Scam Review

In this quick Ad Flippers Bot Review I’ll be going over several reasons why I think you should avoid it.

Will you really be able to make any money with it? Or are they just trying to scam you?

I’ll be answering those questions and many more within this review, so stick around.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making programs, and one has always stood above the rest!


Ad Flippers Bot Scam Review

Ad Flippers Bot Logo

Product: Ad Flippers Bot


Price: $250 Deposit

Is Ad Flippers Bot A Scam? YES!

Is Ad Flippers Bot Recommended? No!


What Is Ad Flippers Bot?

Ad Flippers Bot claims to be a new online money making system that’s so popular it’s been featured on CNN Money and BBC News!

They claim that you’ll be able to use the same method that Facebook & Google use to make billions of dollars.

It claims to be an incredibly quick, easy and basically fool-proof way to make thousands of dollars per month online.

While all of that sounds incredible, it actually turns out that NONE of it is true.

Is Ad Flippers Bot Legit?

As it turns out, what Ad Flippers Bot claims to be and what it actually is are two completely different things.

The truth is that Ad Flippers Bot is not a legit way to make money online.

It’s in fact linked with other scams that have taken advantage of thousands of people and stolen a ton of money.

I’ll be going over all of the information you need to know in the next few sections.

The Pros & Cons

Normally in this section I list BOTH good and bad things, but there is nothing good about this one.


  • Nothing


  • Fake Testimonials
  • Fake News
  • False Scarcity
  • Ad Flipping Isn’t A Thing

#1: Fake Testimonial

If you scroll down to the bottom of the sales page, you’ll see several testimonials from supposed users.

Ad Flippers Bot Fake Testimonials

All of them claim that they’ve made thousands of dollars in an incredibly short amount of time.

As it turns out, all of the pictures of the people are just random photos pulled from the web, or stock photos.

The testimonials themselves were probably just written by the person who created the website.

#2: Fake News

In order to make their system seem more legit, they try to claim that they’ve been featured on CNN Money and BBC News.

Ad Flippers Bot Fake News

However that is a complete and total fabrication.

I tried and failed to find anything about Ad Flipper Bot on either of their websites.

If this system was really as great as they claim, it’d be incredibly easy to find articles about it.

#3: False Scarcity

Ad Flippers Bot Limited Positions lie

Another shady thing they do is try to add a since of urgency to the purchase by claiming there are limited positions.

They also claim that the registration will close on the day that you’re viewing the page.

One thing you need to know is that no matter how long you wait, or how many people sign up before you, they will always take your money.

#4: Ad Flipping Isn’t A Thing

There are a bunch of scams out there that claim that you can make money by “Flipping Ads”

However the truth is that Ad Flipping isn’t even an actual way to make money online.

I’ve been making a living online for years now, and I’m always looking for new ways to increase my income.

If I could really make thousands within the next couple of days, just by clicking some ads, I’d be all over that.

However it’s not a real thing.

Not matter how much I wish it was, it’s simply not real.

Is Ad Flippers Bot A Scam?

Yes, Ad Flippers Bot is a scam that is out to get as much money as possible from you.

Ad Flipping is not a real thing.

Scam Logo

They just want you to “invest” $250 so that they can add it to their bank accounts.

Be aware that they might even try to make it look like you’re making thousands by showing you a fake bank account.

Then try to convince you to “invest” even more money.

Don’t fall for it!

Actually Make Money Online!

Even though “Ad Flipping” is not an actual way to make money online, there are REAL ways to earn money.

For example, I make money online through the use of Affiliate Marketing!

Companies like Amazon, and Walmart will pay you to get people to go to their websites and buy things.

You don’t have to be technically savvy to do it either.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools and support you need to make money online.

Not to mention it is completely free to get started!

Is Ad Flippers Bot A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Tap 2 Earn Is A Scam! Here’s Why! [Quick Review]

In this quick Tap 2 Earn Review I’ll be going over several reasons why you shouldn’t trust them.

Will you be able to make any money at all? Is it legit in any way? Or are they just scamming you completely?

I’ll be answering all of those questions and may more within this review so stick around.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making systems, and one has always remained above the rest.

If you’re interested, you can Click Here To Learn About My Top Ranked Program!

Tap 2 Earn Scam Review

Tap 2 Earn Logo

Product: Tap 2 Earm


Price: Free To Join (Possible To Lose Money Still)

Is Tap 2 Earn A Scam? YES!

Is Tap 2 Earn Recommended? NO!


What Is Tap 2 Earn?

Tap 2 Earn claims to be the “#1 Influencer Network in the world” that allows you to make easy money online.

They claim that all you have to do is share you link, and you’ll make $10-$15 for every person you invite.

It sounds like an incredibly easy way to make tons of cash online.

They claim to pay everyone $25 just for joining, so why wouldn’t you get your friends to join?

Well as it turns out, Tap 2 Earn isn’t what it claims to be!

Is Tap 2 Earn Legit?

When it comes down to it, No Tap 2 Earn is not a legitimate website for you and your friends to make money.

It is just a “copy & pasted” website that is just after the information of as many people as possible.

In the online world, information such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers can be worth a lot of money.

So hundreds of websites like Tap 2 Earn have been created to get that information from thousands of people.

The Pros & Cons

As I’m sure you know, this would normally be the section with BOTH good and bad things, but there’s only bad things in this case.


  • Nothing


  • You Won’t Get Paid
  • Just Like Other Scams
  • It’s Dangerous
  • Fake Testimonials

the next few sections I’ll be going over all of the things I just listed out above.

Tap 2 Earn Won’t Payout

When it comes down to it, the only real thing that matters is that it’s members get paid for their time and effort.

However the truth is that absolutely no one has been or will be paid.

Other than the creators of the website of course.

Here’s how they get out of paying people:

Tap 2 Earn Scam Policy

Basically they have a fraud policy that they’ll exploit to justify not paying anyone.

Once you reach the payout threshold and try to get paid, they’ll simply say you cheated.

They’ll say you gave fake referrals, or falsified some clicks, so you don’t get any money.

Well they’ll say that, or they simple won’t respond at all, and leave you without any explanation.

Just Like Other Scams

The truth is that I’ve seen basically this exact same scam dozens of times in the recent past.

By that, I mean that I’ve seen the exact same thing, just being operated under different names.

Check out these other ones.

CloutShare Scam Review

Clout Bucks, and Clout Share are just two of the dozens and dozens I’ve reviewed in the past year or so.

There are some minor differences between all of them, but there is one thing that always remains the same.

They never pay their members.

It’s Dangerous!

I know that you might think you don’t have anything to lose because it’s free, but that’s not the case.

There are a few different ways that you can be negatively effected by these websites.

The first one has to do with the fact that you gave them your email and password when you signed up.

If you use that email and password combination for any other accounts, you could have a problem.

I’ve heard stories of people bank accounts, being hacked into after they join one of these websites.

I suggest that you change your passwords for any accounts that have that email address.

The second way through spam emails and calls you’ll probably get if you put in that information.

Just be careful about clicking on links and answer phones calls from numbers you don’t know.

Fake Testimonials

Honestly, just about everything that has to do with Tap 2 Earn is fake.

The payment proofs, the comments from “successful members”, and even the video testimonials.

The reason I know the testimonials are fake is because I’ve seen those exact people time and time again in other scams.

They are actors that can be found on a website called Fiverr, and they’ll read any script you send them.

Tap 2 Earn Fake Testimonials
Spring Profits Fake Testimonial

The image above shows an ad that one of them has on Fiverr for his services.

Is Tap 2 Earn A Scam?

In my opinion there is simply too many red flags about Tap 2 Earn for me not to call it a scam.

Just about everything on the website is either faked, or a complete lie.

You’ll just be wasting your time, and potentially putting your friends information at risk by sharing it.

Scam Logo

If you’ve already tried it, or still want to give it a try on the off chance that you’ll get paid, let me know what happened in the comments below.

Actually Make Money Online!

Did you know that you can actually make money online by sharing links online?

Companies like Amazon and Walmart will pay you for sending people to their websites to buy stuff!

The process of making money online this way is called Affiliate Marketing it’s it’s actually How I Make My Living Online!

There is a whole lot more to it than just spamming your links on social media, which is why I suggest getting some training.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to start making money online!

Their platform is what got me started in affiliate marketing, and is the backbone of my online success!

Is Tap 2 Earn A Scam Or Legit? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Personal Computer By Naomi Reed A Scam? 5 Red Flags [Review]

In this quick Personal Computer Review I’ll be going over 5 red flags that prove you should avoid it.

Will you be able to make any money with this work from home system, or is it all just a big lie?

Get the answers to those questions and many more within this review.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making systems and there has always been one that stand far above the rest.


Personal Computer Scam Review

The Personal Computer System Scam

Product: Personal Computer


Price: $97

Is Personal Computer A Scam? YES!

Is Personal Computer Recommended? NO!


What Is The Personal Computer System?

Personal Computer claims to be a system created by Naomi Reed, that can make you thousands of dollars per month.

The sales page claims that you just have to post a handful of links everyday, and you’ll bring home thousands.

I know that sounds incredible, but the truth is actually far from what they claim.

Is The Personal Computer System Legit?

In short, no… no The Personal Computer System is not legitimate.

They use exaggerations, misleading claims, other shady sales tactics, and even straight up lies to get your money.

Basically they just tell you everything you want to hear in hopes that you’ll pull out your wallet.

Well you don’t have to just take my word for that, because I have some proof that I’ll be showing you shortly.

The Pros & Cons

Normally I always try to be fair and say both some good and bad things, but there isn’t anything good I could find this time.


  • Nothing


  • Just Like Other Scams
  • Fake Testimonials
  • Fake News
  • It Won’t Work
  • You Don’t Actually Know What Your Getting

Throughout the next several sections I’ll be going further in detail about all of the points I just listed out.

Just Like Other Scams

The truth is that I’ve written dozens of reviews for scams that are just like this one.

When I say “just like this one” I mean they are exactly the same with just different names.

Here are a few screenshots of some other ones I exposed not too long ago:

Computer Portal Scam Review
Computer Oasis Scam Review

Computer Portal and Computer Oasis are just two of the dozens that I’ve found.

This is literally just the same scam that constantly changes names in order to avoid bad reviews.

Once a large number of people figure out it’s a scam, it will disappear, and a new one will take it’s place.

Fake Testimonials

Personal Computer Online Money Making System Fake Testimonials

Testimonials from people who have used and loved a product can be very convincing and reassuring.

That’s why the creator of Personal Computer used FAKE testimonials.

The images used on the sales page are just stock photos, and the testimonials are fabricated.

They are the exact same testimonials from the other scams I mentioned earlier.

Fake News

This is one of the blatant lies they tell that I was talking about earlier.

Personal Computer Scam Fake News

They try to make it seem legit by saying that it has been featured on various news outlets.

However the truth is that it never has and never will be on those networks.

The news segments in the video are just generally about making money online, and have nothing to do with this system.

It Won’t Work

I make my living online, and review online money making systems fairly regularly, so I like to think I know what I’m talking about.

Well when it comes down to it, the method they describe on the sales page will NOT work.

To clarify, companies will pay you money if you share an affiliate link to the website, and someone uses that link to buy something.

However you only get paid if someone clicks your link, and then continues to buy something.

That’s simply not going to happen with the method they describe.

Posting and spamming links in random places on the internet is not going to work.

You need to learn how to get your links in front of people who are interested in clicking them, and already looking to buy something.

You Don’t Actually Know What You’re Getting

One thing I’ve come to learn from reviewing hundreds of online money making systems, is that almost all of the legit ones tell you exactly what you’ll be getting.

They tell you how what topics you’ll learn, how many training videos you’ll get, what other tools and support you’ll receive and more.

However you don’t know any of that with this one.

I actually purchased the very first scam like this one I came across to see what it’s about.

However it could be completely different now, and I’m certainly not spending $97 to find out.

Is The Personal Computer System A Scam?

When it comes to Naomi Reed’s Personal Computer System, I would 100% consider it to be a scam.

They consistently lie, and mislead in an attempt to get your money.

Once you pay them, you won’t get anything that remotely resembles what they promise you.

I strongly suggest that you avoid it at all costs.


Actually Make Money Online!

Like I mentioned earlier, you can actually make money online from sharing affiliate links.

It’s called affiliate marketing, and it’s what myself and tons of other people use to make money online.

If you’re interested in learning how to succeed at it, I suggest you check out My Top Ranked Program!

They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

If you’re willing to put in the time and effort it takes, it’s 100% possible to make good money online!

Is Personal Computer By Naomi Reed A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Brexit Trader A Scam? Don’t Trust It! [Review]

Brexit Trader Scam Review

In this quick Brexit Trader Review I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it before signing up.

Will you really be able to make thousands of dollars? Or is it just trying to scam you out of your money.

Normally I wait until later in the review to come up with a conclusion, but in this case I don’t need to.

Brexit Trader is a huge scam that should be avoided, and I’ll be going over why shortly.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making products, if you’re interested, you can CLICK HERE to learn about my top rated one!

Brexit Trader Scam Review!

Product: Brexit Trader


Price: $250 Minimum Deposit

Is Brexit Trader A Scam? YES!

Is Brexit Trader Recommended? NO!


What Is Brexit Trader?

Brexit Trader claims to be an automatic trading software that will help make you money by taking advantage of Brexit.

The whole idea behind it is that Brexit news causes Bitcoin prices to fluctuate, which can lead to large profits.

They claim the the software is 99.4% accurate because it is able to read the market and predict changes.

However it’s important that you realize that what it claims to be and what it actually is, are two different things.

Is Brexit Trader Legit?

In a word, no… Brexit Trader is not a legitimate software, and no it will not make you money.

The scary thing about this scam is that it actually makes sense, and takes advantage of real things.

The “best” scams are the ones that are mainly based in truth.

It is actually likely that Brexit will cause Bitcoin the rise in price and be more volatile like they claim.

However the lie and scam is that they can’t actually predict this with 99.4% accuracy, and they simply aren’t legitimate.

They promise that you are guaranteed to make money so that you’ll deposit money into shady broker accounts.

I’ll get more into that shortly.

How The Scam Works

The basics behind the scam is that they lure you in with promises of quick and easy riches.

Then once you deposit money, you’ll most-likely never see it again.

While that’s the basics of it, there’s a few other things you need to be aware of.

First off you need to be aware of the fact that they might make it seem like you are profiting.

Often times scams like this one will show you completely fake winning trades to make you think you are making money.

Then they will try to convince you to deposit even more money so you stand to profit more.

This is how many people have been conned into depositing and losing their entire life savings.

The Pros & Cons

Normally a pros & cons section covers good and bad things, but in this case it is only bad things.

Brexit Trader Scam Logo


  • Nothing


  • Simply Impossible
  • Fake Testimonials
  • Can’t Be Trusted
  • Just Like Other Scams

Throughout the rest of the review I’ll be going over exactly what I mean with the points listed above.

Simply Impossible

Have you ever heard the saying that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is?

Well that fits perfectly in this case.

It would be amazing to be able to just deposit a few hundred bucks, turn on an auto trader, and bring back thousands.

That’s simply not going to work.

If it was really that easy, don’t you think everyone would be doing that?

The claim that it is 99.4% accurate is basically a dead give away that it’s fake.

99.4% accuracy would basically guarantee that every singe person who every invested money in it would become rich.

The market is basically random.

There are some signs that you can take advantage of to increase your chances of making a good trade.

But even then there are no guarantees.

Fake Testimonials

When I money making system is good, the people who have benefited from it will let you know.

Seeing testimonials from people who have found success with something can be incredibly convincing.

That’s why the creators of this system will go out of their way to fake testimonials.

Brexit Trader Fake Reviews

That’s right, all of the testimonials at the bottom of the website are completely fake.

They just pull random pictures off of the internet, then write a fake raving review under it.

Brexit Trader Fake Testimonials

Can’t Be Trusted

So far I haven’t been given a single reason to trust anything that’s been said on the website.

For example, they claim that the creator of this trader is called “Paul Harrison” but nothing else is said about him.

Whenever I write a review I try to find as much information about the creator as possible.

In many cases the creator of a scam has created other scams in the past, however this case is different, but not in a good way.

This appears to be a situation where they just created a fake name so they could remain anonymous.

I tried to find more information about Paul Harrison, but came up empty handed.

Don’t you think someone who created such a ground breaking trader would be famous?

Just Like Other Scams

The annoying part about scams is that they adapt and evolve as things change in the world.

For example, since Bitcoin has become more popular over the last few years, so have scams about it.

Brexit Trader just happens to take advantage of the popularity of both Bitcoin and Brexit.

There have been tons of other scams out there that promise riches from Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Revolution Scam Review

Bitcoin Revolution and Bitcoin Profit are just two of the dozens of scams I’ve reviewed lately.

And all of them look basically the same, and make the same unrealistic claims as well.

Is Brexit Trader A Scam? – Conclusion

Normally I try to avoid calling something a scam unless I’ve actually invested money into trying it out.

However in this case I feel confident enough to call it one without throwing away my money.

Scam Logo

I strongly believe that if you invest money with the shady brokers they require you to, you will not get your money back.

Actually Make Money Online!

If you’re interested in actually making money online then I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job, and work completely from home.

It’s not a scam, it takes actual time, and work to make money like anything else.

If you’re still interested, you can CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!

Is Brexit Trader A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Bitcoin Revolution A Scam Or Legit? [Quick Review]

Bitcoin Revolution Scam Review

In this quick Bitcoin Revolution Review I’ll be going over exactly why you should completely avoid this scam!

Will you actually be able to become the next Bitcoin millionaire, or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s just say it’s a good thing you’ve come to this review, because there’s a lot of shady things happening here!

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making programs, you can CLICK HERE to learn about my top rated one!

Bitcoin Revolution Scam Review

Product: Bitcoin Revolution

Website: multiple websites

Price: $250 Minimum Deposit

Is Bitcoin Revolution A Scam? YES!

Is Bitcoin Revolution Recommended? NO!


What Is Bitcoin Revolution?

Bitcoin Revolution claims to be a new incredible software that can make you thousands or even millions of dollars from trading Bitcoin.

It claims to be an automatic trader that has a 99.4% accuracy rate making basically impossible for you to lose money.

However at the end of the day it is just another get-rich-quick scheme that is trying to get as much money from you as possible.

Throughout this quick review I’ll be going over a handful of reasons why you should avoid them!

Let’s dive in!

How The Bitcoin Revolution Scam Works

At first if seems like you might have nothing to lose because it’s completely free to use the software, however there is still money to be lost.

While the “software” might technically be free, you’ll still have to pull out your wallet.

In order to trade any Bitcoins you’ll have to make a cash deposit, which will have to be a minimum of $250.

This is where they get you.

The odds are that as soon as you deposit your money, you’ll never be able to see it again.

What will probably happen is that they will fake a handful of trades showing that somehow you lost all of your money.

They will then try to convince you that it was a fluke, and try to get more money out of you.

Sometimes these scams will make it look like you’ve won thousands of dollars, but force you to deposit even more money before you can withdraw any.

Then before you know it you’ve deposited thousands of dollars you’ll never see again.

Pros & Cons

Normally I’ll go over some good things and bad things in this section, however there are only bad things about Bitcoin Revolution.


  • Nothing


  • Ridiculous Income Claims
  • Same As Other Scams
  • You Don’t Need A Broker
  • Bitcoin Is On A Down Trend

Over the next few sections I’ll take a minute to go further in depth about what I mean with the points above.

Ridiculous Income Claims

While it would certainly be nice to “Become The Next Millionaire” it’s most certainly not going to happen. At least not with Bitcoin Revolution.

Any system that claims to make you thousands or millions of dollars overnight is simply a get-rich-quick scheme.

Don’t get me wrong, it is absolutely possible to make a good amount of money online; I even make my living online.

However it’s certainly not going to happen overnight, and it’s going to be from some “software” that will do everything for you.

If you want to make money online you’re going to have to actually put in a good amount of time and effort.

Same As Other Scams

The main way I knew that Bitcoin Revolution was a scam right off the bat was the fact that I’ve seen this exact scam before.

Bitcoin Advertising, Bitcoin News Trader, Brexit Trader, and Bitcoin Profit are basically the exact same scam with just a few differences.

They are all just get-rich-quick schemes that are trying to steal your money.

You Don’t Need A Broker

Another thing that proves that this place isn’t what it seems is the fact that they require you to deposit money with a broker.

Anyone who has trader cryptocurrencies before will know that you don’t actually need a broker in order to trade.

The fact that you need a broker leads me to believe that this is a Binary Options scam disguised as a crypto trading software.

Trading Binary Options is basically just placing bets about whether a stock will rise or fall in a certain period of time (normally a few minutes)

The problem is that it is impossible to accurately choose whether a stock will go up or down within a few minutes.

It’s completely random.

It is basically like betting money on a coin toss, except when you lose more money when you’re wrong then gain when you win.

Bitcoin Is On A Down Trend

I’m sure in the recent past you heard a bunch of stories about people becoming millionaires overnight thanks to Bitcoin.

However that’s not really the case anymore.

As you can see from the chart below, Bitcoin has been on a down trend for this entire year.

Bitcoin Revolution Bitcoin Trend

Beware Of Fake Reviews

One last thing I want to point out real quick is that you need to be aware that there are fake reviews out there of this “software.”

People out there will write good reviews about it in hopes of getting you to sign up and give money.

They do this because they will get a commission for the money that you spend when you do sign up.

Is Bitcoin Revolution A Scam Or Legit?

Hopefully by this part of the review you’ve been convinced that Bitcoin Revolution is certainly a scam that should be completely avoided!

Scam Logo

The odds are that if you deposit any money through them, you will not be able to get it back.

Actually Make Money Online

If you are a beginner who is interested in actually making money online then I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their platform I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Bitcoin Revolution A Scam Or Legit? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Crypto MasterBot Scam Review: Don’t Trust What You’ve Seen!

Crypto MasterBot Scam Review

In this quick Crypto Masterbot review I’ll be going over several reasons why you shouldn’t trust them!

Will you really be able to make thousands of dollars on complete auto-pilot?

Or is it just a complete scam that’s out to get your money?

Well let’s just say I hope you’re reading this review before putting up and money, because it’s not looking good.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making opportunities, and one always stands above the rest.

If you’re interested in learning about My Top Ranked Program, you can CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!

Crypto MasterBot Scam Review

Crypto MasterBot Scam Logo

Product: Crypto MasterBot


Price: $250 Minimum Deposit

Is Crypto MasterBot A Scam? YES!

Is Crypto MasterBot Recommended? NO!


What Is Crypto MasterBot?

Crypto MasterBot claims to be an incredible new “Fully Automated Software” that can bring you in thousands by trading Cryptocurrencies.

The most important thing you need to understand right now is that what they claim it is, and what it actually is are two completely different things.

They claim that its a user friendly trading platform that gives high quality signals and can be used by new traders and savvy traders as well.

It also supposedly has a near 100% win ratio which means you would profit from almost every trade you make.

Now that I’ve covered what it claims to be, let’s go over what it actually is.

Is Crypto MasterBot Legit?

Simply put, no, Crypto MasterBot is not a legitimate software for trading cryptocurrencies.

Its just one of hundreds if not thousands of scam trading software that are completely fake.

People create these simple websites and software to try to get people to deposit their money.

Once you deposit your money it is lost, and you won’t be able to get it back.

This is a well known scam in the online money making world, and it has cost many people thousands and thousands of dollars.

There are several ways that you can point out these scams, and I’ll be going over them shortly.

Trust me, you’ll want to know them!

The Pros & Cons

Normally this is where I list out the good and bad things about a program, but this one is all bad.


  • Nothing


  • Unrealistic Claims
  • Unknown Creator
  • Scam Broker
  • Just Like Other Scams

Over the next several sections I’ll be taking the time to go further in detail about the points listed above.

Unrealistic Claims

I know that the idea of basically guaranteed profits from trading sounds incredible.

But the simple truth is that it’s simply too good to be true.

Don’t you think that if a software really could predict the incredibly volatile crypto market, everyone would be using it.

Why would anyone be working if you could just deposit $250, then sit back and become rich?

Something like that simply doesn’t exist, and if it did, I wouldn’t be writing this review, I’d be getting rich with that.

Beware Of Fake Reviews!

There are two different types of fake reviews that you NEED to be aware of.

The first review is the basic fake good review, that claims that it’s real and that it’s worked for them.

You’ll be able to find some of these with a quick Google search.

The real problem you need to be aware of are the bad reviews that point you to another scam!

There are many scam review websites out there who will tell the truth about a scam to gain your trust, then recommend another scam!

They’ll be like, “Crypto MasterBot boasts a ridiculously fake win rate of 99.4%, but our real one is only 88%”

When the truth is that 88% is completely fake as well, and is just another scam.

This may sound hypocritical coming from me because I’ve recommended other products within this review, however there is one important difference.

My Top Ranked Program doesn’t require a $250 deposit, and it’s fact completely free to try out.

Fake Demo Accounts

Most of these scam will also offer you a fake “free trial” that claims to be a demo account.

They claim that you can run a simulation that follows the real market, but uses fake money.

That way you can see if you would’ve won if you deposited real money.

The problem is that these simulations are completely fake, and will show that you are winning when you aren’t.

Just like they’ll do if you actually deposit money.

Fake Winnings

Often times scams like this will show fake winnings after you deposit your money.

They’ll claim that you’ve won a ton so that you’ll be more likely to deposit more money.

If you think you made $5,000 from a $250 investment, how much more would you deposit?

This is how many people have lost their life savings on scams like this one!

There are even people out there who show videos of them fake winning in order to get you to sign up.

Here’s one I found on YouTube:

Just to be perfectly clear, the video above is NOT real.

Unknown Creator

Normally when I write reviews I try to find out as much as I possibly can about the creator of the system.

However there is absolutely no information about the creator or even the “company” itself.

There’s no information about where it’s based at, or about the people behind it.

That means there are no licenses, or anything like that.

Scam Brokers

Websites like Crypto MasterBot use unlicensed and unregulated brokers for one reason.

So they don’t have to give your money back once you realize it’s a scam.

Just Like Other Scams

I briefly mentioned this earlier, but I want to say a bit more about it.

This is only one of hundreds, if not thousands of scam Crypto Trading websites out there.

Scams like Cryptologic, Crypto Money Maker, Crypto Genius, and Crypto Edge.

Is Crypto MasterBot A Scam? – Conclusion

If you’ve even somewhat skimmed through this review you should know what I’m going to say.

I am 100% sure that Crytpo MasterBot is a scam!

I’m even comfortable saying that without actually investing any money to try it out.

There are simply too many red flags revolving around it for me to even think about wasting $250.

If you want to make money online from home I suggest you save your $250, and give My Top Ranked Program A Free Try!

They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

There’s NO hype, lies, misleading information, claims of automation, or fake reviews.

It’s just a legitimate platform that teaches you how to legitimately make money online.

Since joining them I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home.

If you’re interested in learning more you can…


Is Crypto MasterBot A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Libra Method App A Scam? Don’t Trust Them![Quick Review]

Libra Method Scam Review

In this really quick review of The Libra Method App I’ll be going over several reasons why you shouldn’t trust them.

Will you be able to make anywhere near $2,200 daily? Or is it just a complete scam?

Unfortunately it turns out that The Libra Method App should not be trusted for several reasons.

And I’ll be going over all of those reasons within this review, so stick around.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making systems, you can CLICK HERE to learn about the top one!

Libra Method App Scam Review

Libra Method Scam Logo

Product: Libra Method


Price: $250 Minimum Deposit

Is The Libra Method App A Scam? YES!

Is The Libra Method App Recommended? NO!


What Is The Libra Method App?

First off, I want to make it very clear that what The Libra Method claims to be and what it actually is are two completely different things!

The Libra Method claims to be an incredible new cryptocurrency trading app that is a complete “all-in-one trading tool”

They claim that you’ll be able to easily make upwards of $1000+ per day from your smartphone or computer.

Apparently all you need to do is make a $250 minimum deposit to trade with, and the software does the rest.

Is The Libra Method Legit?

Well I mean to put it simply… NO!

The truth is that the Libra Method is just a get-rich-quick scheme that only works for the creators.

They target people who don’t know anything about crypto trading, and try to convince them it’s easy.

They make outlandish claims that you can become rich overnight without having to do anything.

That way you will deposit $250 into a broker account so they can earn a commission.

How The INCREDIBLY Dangerous Libra Method Scam Works!

I’ve seen horror stories of people losing their entire life savings to scams just like this one.

They try to make it seem like you have nothing to lose.

They software is technically “free” and the money you “invest” is yours still until its traded.

Well often times scams like this one use fake brokers, so when you deposit your money, it’s already gone.

Another trick they’ll use is create fake trades that make it seem like you’re winning big.

They’ll make it seem like you made $1000 on your first day, then try to convince you to deposit more.

This is how people have lost their life savings.

Once the think it’s going good, they deposit thousands of dollars that they will never get back.

Things That Prove It’s A Scam

#1: Ridiculous Income Claims

I know the idea that you can just invest some money and become rich without doing anything sounds great.

But doesn’t that sounds too good to be true?

That’s because it is.

Don’t you think if it was that easy everyone in the world would be doing it?

The truth is that if you want to make money online, you have to put in the time and effort.

I make my living online, but it didn’t happen overnight, and it certain took a good amount of work.

#2: Same As Other Scams

The truth is that I immediately knew that this was a scam because I’ve seen it before.

A while back I wrote a review about a “software” called Bitcoin Revolution.

Here’s a screenshot of it:

Bitcoin Revolution Scam Review

It looks eerily similar to The Libra Method, and it took thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars from people.

#3: Fake Testimonial & Other Lies

The sales page is also full of a bunch of other shady things used to convince you it’s legit.

Libra Method App Fake Testimonials

The testimonials on the sales page are just stock photos found online.

Also the date they claim it is closing will always be the exact same day you’re viewing it.

If you don’t believe me, just wait a day and check back.

It will still be there, I promise.

Is Libra Method A Scam?

Yes! I don’t have a single doubt in my mind that Libra Method is a scam!

Scam Logo

I’ve seen this exact same scam time and time again in “programs” like Bitcoin Advertising, Bitcoin New Trader, and Bitcoin Profit!

They try to use the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies to steal money from people who haven’t learned yet.

Don’t Fall For It!

Actually Make Money Online!

It is 100% possible to make real money online, without having to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars.

However it’s important that you realize that making money online takes real time and effort.

There is no such thing as an automated system that brings in tons of money without you doing anything.

If you’re interested in learning how to really make money online I suggest you check out My Top Ranked Program!

They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need, and it’s completely free to get started!

Is The Libra Method App A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Website ATM A Scam? 7 Reasons To Avoid It! [Review]

Website ATM Scam Review

After getting dozens and dozens of spam emails about Website ATM, I figured it was time to write a review for it.

I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it before joining.

Will you really be able to make $500 per day? Or are they just out to get your money?

I’ll be answering those questions and many more within this review so stick around.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making programs, and you can CLICK HERE to learn about my top ranked one!

Website ATM Review

Product: Website ATM

Website: + Many Others

Price: $47 + Up-sells

Is Website ATM A Scam? Basically

Is Websites ATM Recommended? NO!


What Is Website ATM?

Website ATM claims to be an incredible online money making system that will bring you in $500 per day.

They claim that all you have to do is push a button, and money will start flowing into your bank account.

The idea behind the name is that

While that certainly sounds amazing, it is far from the truth.

Is Website ATM Legit?

Put simply, Website ATM is a “get-rich-quick scheme” that has been circulating almost everywhere for the last several months.

It spans multiple websites, sales pages and within hundreds of email marketing campaigns.

There are tons of shady things revolving all around it, making it something that you should not trust at all.

There have been many reviews already written about it, so I originally made the decision to not write a review about it.

However after receiving dozens of continuous emails about it, and requests to review it, I’ve decided to go ahead and do it.

The Pros & Cons

I always make an effort to be fair to every program I review and say both good and bad things about it.

However in this case there simply isn’t anything notably good about it.

Website ATM Logo


  • Nothing


  • Insane Income Claims
  • Limited Positions Lie
  • Fake Testimonials
  • More Expensive Than They Claim
  • Just Like Other Scams
  • Not Enough Information
  • Can’t Trust Nick

Throughout the rest of this review I’ll be going much further in depth about all of the points I just listed out above.

#1: Insane Income Claims

I’ve reviewed and exposed a whole lot of scam over the past few years, but this one definitely stands out.

They just make outlandish claims about how you’ll make crazy amount of money without having to do anything.

One of the first things they say in the video is that you’ll start bringing in $500 per day just by pressing a button.

They claim that once you pay, you’ll click a button, and immediately make $500 today…

I know that sounds amazing, but don’t you think it sounds way too good to be true?

Well that’s because it’s not true.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of money to be made online.

I even make my living online!

However the idea that it’s super quick, and only takes a few clicks is completely false.

And anyone who tries to tell otherwise it just trying to get your money.

It takes actual time and effort to make money online.

#2: Limited Positions Lie

This is another thing that I constantly see done in other get-rich-quick schemes and scams.

They try to add a urgency, and scarcity, by claiming that there are only a few spots left.

With Website ATM this is done on both the sales page and within the sales video.

There is a fake popup that always claims that there are only 8 positions remaining.

And within the sales video they claim that they are only accepting the first 300 people.

Which is a complete lie!

The whole purpose of their “system” is to get as much money as they can, from as many people as they can.

No matter how many people sign up for it before you, they will always take your money.

#3: Fake Testimonials

The people who created Website ATM will fabricate and say anything to get your money.

That includes testimonials, and other “proof” that claim people are making money with the system.

While I was on the sales page, several images like the one right here popped up.

Website ATM Fake Testimonials

Well it turns out that Anthony from Utah is really just a model in a stock photo.

I ran the image of him through a reverse image search website and found this.

Website ATM Stock Photo

It’s literally just a stock photo that they pulled from a random website.

You can do the same with any of the other popup on the page, and you’ll get the same results.

They’re all fakes.

I’d even be willing to bet that the video testimonials within the sales video were just paid actors from a website like Fiverr.

#4: More Expensive Than They Claim!

Now you might be considering just paying the $47 on the off chance that this system could really make you rich.

It can definitely be tempting if you don’t know the fact that it will cost you much more than that.

The $47 is just the low price to get your foot in the door, while the real price will be revealed later.

You will be pitched higher and higher priced tools, and programs that will promise to make you even more money.

Often times the prices of these add on items will be hundreds of dollars, and can collectively cost thousands.

Not to mention the hard truth is that no matter how much money you give them, you’ll most-likely never make the amount of money they promise.

I’d even be willing to bet that you won’t make any money at all.

#5: Just Like Other Scams

There are several sales pages and websites that I’ve seen promoting Website ATM.

However every single one that I’ve seen so far looks almost exactly like other scams I’ve reviewed in the past.

MSW System Scam Review

The image above might look like the sales page some of you have landed on.

But it’s actually the sales page for another scam I exposed a while back called Money Sucking Websites.

If that one doesn’t quite look familiar to you maybe this one does.

Well that one is actually from a different scam I reviewed a couple weeks ago call Profit Point Autonomy.

All of these scam simply use the same template to create quick and easy sales pages to scheme you out of your money.

#6: Not Enough Information

Even though the sales pitch is annoyingly long, they never make the time to tell you what it ACTUALLY is.

They just make a bunch of vague claims about money being shoveled into your bank account.

But what will you actually be doing?

How many training videos will you be getting, or are there any training videos at all?

Is it just a crappy PDF that doesn’t have enough information?

Or do you just get the website with no explanation about how to use it?

These are things that you need to know before buying something, and real programs will tell you before asking for your money.

In fact My Top Rated Program even let’s you tryout everything they offer before you even have to get out your wallet.

#7: Can’t Trust Nick!

Who is this “Nick” guy that’s making all of these crazy promises to you?

Normally I try to do research on the person behind a program that I’m reviewing or thinking about buying.

But that’s difficult to do when you don’t even get the guy’s last name.

Wouldn’t you think that a guy that created a system that claims to be this amazing would be pretty popular?

Well he hasn’t given us a single reason to trust him.

In fact he’s done the exact opposite.

All of the lies, fakes, and misleading claims give you several reasons to completely not trust him.

Is Website ATM A Scam?

Honestly I don’t really see another way I can put it other than to call it a scam.

They purposely lie, and fake things in order to mislead you into signing up for something that isn’t going to be anything like they claim.

If that’s not the definition of a scam, I don’t know what is.

Scam Logo

If you choose to sign up for Website ATM you will most-likely lose a bunch of money, and never earn any back.

Actually Make Money Online!

It is 100% possible to make good money online, and I know that because I make my living online.

One thing that I’ve learned during my online career is that you have to start in the right place.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

It’s important that you realize that it is NOT another “get-rich-quick” scheme.

It is a training program and tools platform that will show you the way and clear a path.

You’ll still have to put in the time and effort to make it work.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Website ATM A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate