In this quick PaidNova Review I’ll be going over 3 big reasons why you should completely avoid it.
Will you actually be able to make any money from it at all, or is it just a huge scam?
Let’s just say even though it’s free to join, it’s still very dangerous.
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PaidNova Scam Review

Program: PaidNova
Price: Free to join (could still lose money)
Is PaidNova A Scam? YES!
Is Paid Nova Recommended? NO!
What Is PaidNova?
PaidNova claims to be the “#1 Influencer Network” in the world.
They claim that you’ll be able to get rich and earn $300 per day through their website.
The whole idea behind it is that you join, then earn money by getting other people to join.
They claim to pay $25 just for joining, then $10 for every person that you get to sign up through your link.
However unfortunately that’s not actually how any of it works.
Is PaidNova Legit?
The simple answer to that question is NO, no PaidNova is not a legitimate website.
Just about everything on the website is either a lie, or a complete fabrication.
The real reason behind the website, is to get as much personal information from as many people as possible.
They are simply after email addresses, names, phone numbers, and even credit card information.
It’s very dangerous, and I’ll be going over how shortly.
The Pros & Cons
I’m sure you know that pros and cons lists are supposed to have good and bad things, but I only found bad things.
- Nothing
- You Won’t Get Paid
- Just Like Other Scams
- Super Dangerous
Over the next few sections I’ll be giving more details about what I mean with the points above.
You Won’t Get Paid!
This is the main reason why most of you are probably here reading this review.
You just want to know whether or not you’ll actually get paid the money you’ve earned.
Unfortunately, you aren’t going to get the answer that you were hoping for here.
The truth is that not a single person will get paid from PaidNova!
When you try to cash out your money, they will claim that you committed fraud, and not pay you.
That or they simply just won’t give you the money, and possibly block you.
Just Like Other Scams
The reason I know for a fact that this is a scam is because I’ve seen it time and time again.
This exact same website has popped up all over the place, just under different names.
I’ve reviewed websites like Clout Bucks, and Tap 2 Earn just within the last few weeks.
They all make the exact same claims, and no one ever gets paid!

The image above is from Tap 2 Earn, and it looks incredibly identical!
Super Dangerous!
I know it might seem like you have nothing to lose because you didn’t pay anything, but that’s not true.
There is a reason why they are after your personal information.
You put in an email address, and password in order to create your account.
Websites like PaidNova are known for using users email and password combination to try to log into other accounts.
Most people use the same email/password combinations for multiple accounts!
If you are one of those people, I suggest changing those as soon as possible.
I heard horror stories of people’s bank accounts and PayPal account being hacked!
Is PaidNova A Scam?
There isn’t a single doubt in my mind that PaidNova is a complete scam!
There are several other reasons why you should avoid them, but I gave you the top 3!
Everything on the website is either completely fabricated, or a total lie.
Don’t trust anything that you read on their website!

Actually Make Money Online!
There are real companies out there who will actually pay you for getting people to buy their products and pay for their services.
Websites like Amazon, Walmart, and thousands of others will pay you commissions for sales.
The process of making money this way is called Affiliate Marketing, and it’s How I Make My Living Online!
If you’re interested in learning how to go about make money that way, I suggest you check out This Training Here!
They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed online!