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For Money Only Scam

For Money Only Is A Scam: 4 Reasons Why! [Review]

In this quick For Money Only Review, I’ll be giving you several reasons why it’s a total scam!

For Money Only ScamFor Money Only Scam

Product: For Money Only

Creator: Unknown


Price: Free

Verdict: Scam!


What Is For Money Only

For Money Only claims to be and online advertising company that will help you make a ton of money.

They claim that you can make money by sharing your referral links and getting other to sign up as well.

Will you actually make $5 for just signing up, and $5 for every person you get to sign up.

Or is it 10$ for per referral? I can’t tell because they 10$ in one spot and 5$ in another.

Well I hate to break it to you, but it’s no where near as good as they claim.

Is There Anything Good?

Let’s list out some of the good and bad things about For Money Only!


  • It’s Free To Sign Up


  • Exactly Like Other Scams
  • They Won’t Pay Out
  • You Could Lose Money
  • Poor Grammar

Now I’m going to take a little time to dive into what I mean by each of these points.

Exactly Like Other Scams

This is the main point I want to make sure you get before you click off of this review.

I know for a fact that For Money Only is a scam because I’ve seen scams exactly like this one before.

When I say the same, I don’t mean that they were similar, I mean that they are the exact same with a different name.

Job Bravo and Cash By Job have the exact same layout and everything!

Is Job Bravo A Scam?

Guess what, neither of those programs paid out any money to any of the workers.

They Won’t Pay Out

I know that you’ve seen “proof” from other members showing you how much money that they’ve made.

Well I can promise you that those screenshots aren’t actually from their PayPal.

They are just fake money in a fake account within the membership area in For Money Only!

Not a single person is actually going to get any money into their actual PayPal account.

In fact, they might even have money taken out!

You Could Lose Money

I know that it is completely free to join For Money Only, but you could still end up losing money.

These websites do something very sneaky.

You have to create a username and password to sign up for an account with them.

Then you have to give them the email address that you use for your PayPal account.

Was the password that you used to sign up the same one that you use for your PayPal?

If it was, they now have your PayPal email address and password and you might want to change it!

This is a trick that many scams will use because they know that many people use the same password for a bunch of things.

Poor Grammar

Wouldn’t you expect a leading online advertising company to have an incredible website?

Well wouldn’t you at least expect them to use proper grammar and punctuation?

I can’t criticize them too much because I make grammatical errors all of the time.For Money Only

The problem is that one of the errors they make is made over and over again throughout the pages.

Most of these websites are made by scammers from the Philippines or some other countries that use different currency.

So they don’t realize that the proper way to write it is $10 not 10$!

Is For Money Only A Scam?

If you’ve even slightly skimmed through this review you should be convinced that For Money Only is a complete


If you don’t believe me and want to sign up and learn for yourself, just use a different password than your PayPal account.

Be sure to let me know your experiences in the comments below!

Actually Make Money Online

Even though For Money Only doesn’t pay you the money that you earn, there are plenty of online companies that will.

Making money by sharing links is possible, but it’s not a simple as they make it seem.

Affiliate Marketing, in short, is the process of making money online by getting customers to purchase other people’s products.

It’s what I do for a living, and you can do it too if you get the proper training, tools, and support!

To learn where to get started with all three of those things for free, you can click here to learn more!

Tell me about your experience with For Money Only in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate

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