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How To Find Keywords For A Website: Blogging 101

Finding low competition/high traffic keywords is one of the most important aspect of getting ranked high in Google.

I know it can be a bit easy to become overwhelmed when trying to learn about keyword research.

I mean, if you don’t pick the right keywords to target you might end up spending a bunch of time writing something that no one is ever going to see.

Keyword Research Tool

Finding out how often a term is typed into Google and how many articles are already ranking for it is crucial to getting your article ranking high.

Obviously, if there are hundreds of articles ranking for an incredibly popular term you most likely won’t rank for it, at least not if you are just starting out.

The opposite isn’t any better, you may be able to rank high for a term that no other articles have been written about, but that doesn’t matter if nobody searches for it.

Anyways… this is where a keyword research tool comes into play.

My #1 recommended keyword research tool is Jaaxy!

It’s an entire platform that was specifically designed to make your life easier when it comes to doing keyword research.

If you click on the video to the right (above if you are on a mobile device) you will be taken to a Wealthy Affiliate training video that walks you through the ins and outs of doing keyword research with Jaaxy.

I highly recommend you watch it because it really goes into depth about doing keyword research!


Coming Up With Keywords

Coming up with ideas for keywords is one of the most difficult parts of finding keywords in general. You’re forced to think outside of the box.

But it is not as difficult as it may seem.

If your blog is about something like deep sea diving, there are literally thousands of keywords you can target under that category alone.

When you first start thinking about it, it seems like you could quickly run out of ideas for keywords to target when writing your posts.

However a proper keyword research tool will assist you with that!

As you can see in the screen capture from Jaaxy, I just did a quick search for deep sea diving, and it not only popped up results for exactly what a searched but it also gave me dozens of ideas for related posts I could write.

“Deep sea Diving” receives an average of 788 searches per month, and you would be expected to receive about 134 visitors if you ranked in Google for this term.

However the competition(QSR) is 262, which means there are that many other article ranking in Google right now for that term.

It’s not incredibly competitive, but I would try to look for something a little easier to rank for, especially if you are just starting out.

Once your website matures and gets more trust from Google, you will be able to chase after these keywords, and earn more and more traffic with each one.

If you’re just starting out I would personally recommend keeping your competition below 150 or so. The lower the better, I personally aim for keywords under 100, however I will go after higher ones if the average traffic is quite high.

I know looking at the lower average searches can discourage you from writing about something, but don’t let it.

Just think if you write 10 posts targeting posts that get 50-80 searches a month, that is 500 to 800 people that could potentially visit your website, if you rank for them.

The best one that I see in the bunch of recommended terms is “deep sea diving Hawaii” which is not exactly proper English, so I did another search for “deep sea diving in Hawaii” and the results were slightly better.

“Deep Sea Diving In Hawaii” gets an average of 72 searches per month and only has 6 articles already ranking for it.

Even if you wrote a terrible post targeting people who are wanting to dive in Hawaii, odds are you will still get ranked.

And if you wrote an awesome post about it, you would most likely be ranked #1.

That’s just one keyword that I found in a matter of minutes with the potential to get to several visits each month.

Using Long Tail Keywords

One of my biggest tips for doing keyword research is to not be afraid of making your keywords longer.

For example, “Scuba Dive” may be an incredibly competitive keyword, but “How to Scuba Dive the Ocean” may not be as competitive.

Be specific with the keywords that you are doing research on because people who search in Google are incredibly specific with whatever they are looking for.

People who want to go scuba diving are going to search for “scuba diving” they are going to search for “where can I go scuba diving” or “Where can I learn how to scuba dive”.

The point is, be specific and don’t be afraid to target long tail phrases because those are the ones that will get you traffic.


It’s incredibly important to learn about keyword research because it plays a crucial part in getting free traffic to your website.

Use a proper keyword research tool such as Jaaxy or the one over at Wealthy Affiliate to find low competition keywords that will allow you get loads of people to your website.

Don’t stray away from any articles that get over 50 searches a month as long as they are low competition, those 50 people add up fast when you write consistent content.

Last but not least, be specific with you long tail keywords because the people who use Google will be too!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate

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