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Is Millionaire BizPro a Scam

Is Millionaire BizPro A Scam? It Absolutely Is!

In this Millionaire BizPro Review I’ll be going over what they offer, and give you proof that it is a scam!

Is Millionaire BizPro a ScamMillionaire BizPro Review

Product: Millionaire BizPro

Creator: Derek Maxwell


Price: $47

Verdict: Scam!


What Is Millionaire BizPro About?

Millionaire BizPro is a program that claims that it can help you easily and quickly make a crazy amount of money.

The sales video starts off with a bunch of video testimonials from “members” who claim they have made a ton of money quickly.

They give you 15 done fore you webpages, that will capture people’s email addresses and send them scams as well.

Pros And Cons

Even though I consider this program a scam, I want to try and be as fair to it as possible!


  • You can technically make money
  • You get 15 webpages


  • You’ll have to invest more money than the $47
  • You can only make money by scamming others
  • There isn’t any support if you need it
  • Fake testimonials
  • Exaggerated Income Claims
  • Harder than what they claim

Now I’m going to take some time to go a little more in depth with each of these points.

How Millionaire BizPro Works

Like I mentioned above, they will give you 15 capture pages that are meant to capture email addresses.

The idea is to then email those people with offers trying to get them to sign up for other crappy products.

In theory this can work, however it is an unadvised and often times ineffective form of affiliate marketing!

Another thing to think about is that you will have to spend a lot more money before you even have a chance at making money.

Here are some of the other things you will have to spend more money on:

  • Getting traffic to your pages ($347/year)
  • Products to try to sell
  • Their membership plan ($37.95/Month)

There are also various other programs and upgrades they will try to get you to sign up for throughout the process.

One of them is their Platinum membership which will cost you $197.

After all of this stuff it is still highly unlikely that you will start making anything close to the money they promise.

The Fake Testimonials

One of the most convincing things in the sales video is that fact that it has video testimonials from people who have tried the system.

I mean those have to be real, they couldn’t afford to pay that many actors to say that stuff.

Well actually they can and they did!

Megan Elizabeth is just one of them, but all of the other ones were paid too, trust me!

Is Millionaire BizPro a scam

All of them can be found on the website It’s a website will people will do all types of tasks for you for just 5 bucks.

In this case, there are several actors who will record themselves saying whatever you want if you just pay them 5 bucks.

The Lack Of Support

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online, I know that because that is how I make a living. The difference is that I make money be selling legitimately good items, whereas; they train you to sell crappy scam items.

One other thing I know is the fact that the only reason I was able to succeed online is the fact that I had other successful marketers helping me along the way.

With Millionaire BizPro, you get training but you’re basically on your own if you have any questions about the process that they teach you. And trust you’ll have questions because there is a ton of information to learn, and they leave out a bit.

If you have any questions the only way to ask is through in email or a phone call that will not be answered or returned.

If you want to learn where I got all of my training and fantastic support you can click here to read more!

It’s Much Harder Than They Claim

The sales video makes it seem like you just sign up, do a couple things, and you’ll start making crazy cash.

However that is not what it’s like at all.

Yes they will give you 15 ready to go webpages, but that is only a small part of what you need.

You will need to work to get traffic to the pages, setup automatic emails, pay for various things that I listed before, and do a lot more over and over before you start seeing any money.

One of the most important things I want to point out is the fact the $347 a year you’ll spend for traffic won’t even get you traffic.

What Millionaire BizPro Really Is

It may be different for you, but for me after I clicked to purchase the program I was redirected to something called Automated Daily Income.

And I just so happens that I wrote a scam review about that one that you can read here.

There is always a chance that you will be directed to a different program because they often change.

However I’m certain, and you should be too, that program will be a scam as well!

Is Millionaire BizPro A Scam?

Honestly it depends on your definition of a scam, but in my opinion it’s definitely a


You will give them a ton of your money and you won’t make much in return.

Their sales video is incredibly misleading, and doesn’t properly tell you what your paying for.

There are so many other reasons that I think this is a scam you should absolutely avoid.

Learn How To Actually Make Money Online

As I mentioned before, Millionaire BizPro teaches to affiliate marketing, but a crappy ineffective version of it.

If you want to learn how to properly market and sell other people’s products online, click here to read about my top training program!

Millionaire BizPro tries to sell you a bunch of things to help you make money, when you really only need 3.

The only things you need to succeed online are support, a few tools, and the proper training.

And you can get started with all of that for free by clicking the link above!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate

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