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My Online Dream Biz Scam

Is My Online Dream Biz A Scam? Let’s Review!

In this quick review of My Online Dream Biz I’ll be going over the system and telling you why you should avoid it!

My Online Dream Biz ScamMy Online Dream Biz Review

Product: My Online Dream Biz

Creator: Jason Moore


Price: $99

Verdict: Avoid


What Is My Online Dream Biz?

My Online Dream Biz claims that they can help you make $3,000 to $6,000 a month.

They claim that you can simply copy their online home-based business and start pulling in a ton of cash.

Are you really going to make $400 just for watching the video?

Let’s dive deeper and find out!

Pros And Cons

I’ve found that listing out the good and bad things about a system normally helps reach a verdict.


  • You can technically make some money


  • Paid Actor
  • Unrealistic Income Claims
  • Not as easy or fast as they claim
  • Not Much Information
  • Shady Sales Tactics

Now I’m going to go a little bit further into detail about each of those points.

Paid Actor

When I first started reviewing online programs, I never thought they would hire actors.

I always had this idea that they would never shell out a ton of money for an actor, and I was right.

Well actually they do hire actors, but now a days you can get a spokesperson for incredibly cheap.

A website called Fiverr allows you to have people do various tasks for about 5 bucks, and that’s where Jason is from.

I personally couldn’t find him on Fiverr, but I’ve seen him in enough scams to know that he’s an actor.

Unrealistic Income Claims

Don’t get me wrong, it is absolutely possible to make that kind of money online.

However you are not going to make that amount as easily or as quickly as they claim.

They suggest that you can start making $3,000 to $6,000 a month in basically no time at all.

Yes, he mentions that it took him a year to start making that much money, which is about how long it takes to start seeing those figures.

The problem is that he claims you can skip his first year by taking the training that he gives you!

That’s just not going to happen.

Not As Easy Or Fast As They Claim

Is My Online Dream Biz A ScamThey claim that it is basically like a “push button” method that will make you a ton of money quickly.

I can promise you that a “push button” method simply doesn’t exist in the online world.

To make money online, you have to put in your time and effort before you’ll start making cash.

If there was a push button method I would be using that method instead of writing this review.

Not Much Information

This is one of the biggest red flags any online money making program can have.

They always claim that it’s a secret that you can’t find out until you give them money.

Well that’s just a bunch of bull crap.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of programs, and every single legit one tells you exactly what you’ll be doing before you pay.

Yes they say that you’ll get:

  • Access to the Members Area
  • 5 Income Streams
  • Step-by-step training videos
  • More

but that still isn’t giving you enough information to shell out $99.

Shady Sales Tactics

You know how he says that you’ll get $400 just for watching the video?

Well you’ll actually get $400 off of the purchase of the product, which was going to be $99 anyways.

So that’s basically a big lie.

They will also drop the price down an extra $20 if you try to leave the sales page.

This is something that I constantly see scams do.

In fact the entire sales page and payment area is exactly like a ton of other scams I’ve seen in the past.

Is My Online Dream Biz A Scam?

I want to be upfront and tell you that I did not shell out the $79 to purchase it.

With that being said, I can’t without a doubt say it’s a scam, however I’m almost certain it is.

One thing I can say however is that I am completely certain that it’s something that you should

Make Legitimate Money Online

As I mentioned earlier I know for a fact that it is possible to make good money online, and that’s because I do.

I make my entire living online, and I honestly do only work 2 or 3 hours a day.

There are really only 3 things you need to make money online, and those are: proper training, tools, and support.

To learn where I got all three of those things, and where you can get started with them for free, click here to read more!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate

6 thoughts on “Is My Online Dream Biz A Scam? Let’s Review!”

  1. I will consider to start working online shortly in my spare time..I am actually overseas at the moment, is it possible to join from a different country?.
    (I do have an adress back home and a bank account, in case needed)
    I know I will probably have to pay a fee to join, that´s not a big deal; but I would like to know if I have to download stuff in my computer; programs, softwares,etc..
    I would download stuff but no softwares or anything that could harm my laptop..
    In the real world, how much can you make monthly working every day 3 o 4 hours at day??-

    • Hey Gustavo,
      I don’t recommend that you sign up and pay for My Online Dream Biz. But if you are talking about my top program Wealthy Affiliate I can answer your questions.
      You can sign up for their training from just about any country, and you don’t have to download anything, it’s all based online. If you follow the training and work at it everyday for 3 to 4 hours you can build out your business and potentially start earning thousands a month.
      Just keep in mind that you will have to consistently put in work for at least a couple months before you start making money.(It took me 3 months to start making money) However after a year I was making enough to quit my job, and I am certain you would get similar results. Let me know if you have any other questions!

    • Hey Freddie,
      Wealthy Affiliate will help you market and sell items online if that item is already available for purchase from a website with an affiliate program. If you are trying to sell your own physical product, from your own website, that is not something that Wealthy Affiliate covers.
      If you already have your item available for sale, or will soon, they will certainly help you get the word out about that product and sell more of it.
      Let me know if you have any other questions.

    • Hey Jennifer,
      If you are looking to get started online without paying a start up fee I would strongly suggest you check out Wealthy Affiliate. It’s free to get started, however you will eventually need to spend SOME money to succeed online. In the beginning I spent about $50 a month, and that was enough to start making decent money online. I spend even less now to maintain my business.
      Hopefully this was helpful, be sure to leave me any other questions you might have!


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