Passive Cash Profits Review: Scam Or Legit?

In this Passive Cash Profits review I will be giving you my thoughts about the training, and telling you if you should buy it or not.

Passive Cash ProfitsPassive Cash Profits Review

Product: Passive Cash Profits

Creator: Michael Harris


Price: $5.97 + Up-sells

Verdict: Decent


What Is Passive Cash Profits?

Passive Cash Profits is a 6-module video training pack that will take you through the steps to making $1,452 a day online.

The training revolves around helping you create online products in order to sell them and make money, and also list building.

It was created by Michael Harris who also created a product I reviewed in the past called Copy Paste Cash.

Pros and Cons

I like to create a list of good and bad things about every product in order to help come up with a verdict.


  • You can make money
  • Decent information for beginners
  • Easy to follow training


  • Misleading info on sales page
  • Not as easy as it seems
  • Up-sells

The Up-sells

After you purchase the initial product you will be hit with multiple offers for more expensive items.

In all honesty you will probably need to purchase both of these to get the information you need to succeed.

These items include:

  • Sales letter training video and PDF ($17)
  • WSO Formula videos and PDF ($47)

So overall you will probably end up spending $60+ on this product, but honestly that is not so bad.

My Personal Thoughts

In all honesty, this product contains some good information that will be helpful to you if you are a beginner.

Creating and selling products is a great way to make money online, but I prefer to make money selling other other’s people’s products.

With that being said, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you jump in and buy it.

The product sales page has a few exaggeration.

Don’t purchase this product expecting to actually make $1,500 a day after following a few steps.

Think about it, do you really think this $6 product is going to teach you how to make over $500,000 a year?

No it’s not, it will however teach some basics about product creation, and get you on the track to making some money online.

Also be aware that in order to continue to make money you will have to constantly create new products, as well as promote and advertise them.

Each product is basically a one and done deal.


Ultimately Passive Cash Profits contains some good information in it that will help you create a product and sell it online.

However, it won’t help you easily make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year like the sales page subtly suggests.

And it won’t be as easy as the sales page makes it seem.

With all of that being said, as long as you are aware of the exaggerations and know that this won’t suddenly change your entire life I think it is

especially for the 6 bucks they are asking for it.

What I Recommend

If you are up to constantly creating, promoting, advertising, and sharing your own products, then Passive Cash Profits might suit you.

However My Top Ranked Program teaches you how to make money by selling other people’s products.

The training I got from them literally changed my life. By following their training I was able to quit my full time job and work completely from home.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comment below!

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