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Is My Ecom Club Legit Or A Scam? Don’t Be Mislead! [Review]

My Ecom Club Scam Review

E-Commerce is a great way to make money online by selling physical products through an online store.

Is My Ecom Club a good place to learn how to succeed in E-commerce, or are they just trying to scam you out of your money?

There appears to be plenty of misinformation out there about them, so let’s clear some of that up in this review.

Let’s dive in and find out!

My Ecom Club Scam ReviewMy Ecom Club Review

Product: My Ecom Club


Price: $37-$97 + Possible Expensive Up-sells

Is My Ecom Club A Scam? Doesn’t Appear To Be

Is My Ecom Club Recommended? No


What Is My Ecom Club?

My Ecom ClubMy Ecom Club claims to be an internet based education company that will teach you the ins and outs of creating and running a successful E-commerce business.

It claims that they will walk you through the entire process including choosing a niche market, creating the websites, and other technical aspects.

Apparently they even provide Done-for-you options to assist you with the process and make it easier.

Let’s dive deeper and see what it’s all about.

E-Commerce & Drop-shipping

For those of you who don’t know, E-commerce is essentially the process of selling physical products over the internet through the use of a store.

Selling items on eBay, Amazon, Etsy or even your own online store is all considered to be a part of E-commerce.

My Ecom Club seems to focus on creating your own drop-shipping store, so that’s what I’m going to focus on in this review.

Drop-shipping is basically the process of selling physical products online without actually having to store, package and ship them yourself.

There are companies out there that will do all of that stuff for you. You can list your products on your website, and when someone purchases them, the other company will package and ship them out!

In my opinion drop-shipping is a great way to make money online, and can be very profitable if done right.

In the beginning of my online career I actually started making plans to start my own online drop-shipping business.

However in the process of doing research for it, I came across a method of making money online that proved to be much easier, cheaper and had a higher likelihood of success.

At the end of the day drop-shipping is a great way of making money online, however I would recommend learning more about affiliate marketing before pulling the trigger on an online store.

Don’t Be Mislead About Ecom Club

I recently wrote a review about a program called Free Biz Account, which basically lied, and mislead people into joining Ecom Club.

This isn’t something that can be blamed on Ecom Club themselves, however it’s important that you know that there may be a lot of misleading information about them.

Free Biz Account made ridiculous claims about you being able to make thousands of dollars a day within your first week.

They also used fake testimonials, and various other shady tactics and lies to get people to sign up.

If you came across Ecom Club from one of those shady websites, just know that it’s not going to be like they claim.

They appear to have good training that might be able to help you make money online, but you shouldn’t be expecting to succeed quickly or without doing much work.

If you want to succeed in running your own online store, you’re going to have to put in plenty of time and effort.

What Members Are Saying

While doing research for this review I came across their Facebook page and took sometime to read through what many of them were saying.

As of the time of this review they have 100+ reviews written about them and an overall rating average of 4.5 stars.

So far most of the people who have joined seem to be happy about the level of training they are receiving and the type of help they are getting.

However there are a few things I’ve seen members say that makes me worry a bit.

The main thing that makes be worry is the fact that I’ve seen several members claim that after you get to a certain point you have to shell out large amounts of money before you can continue.

My Ecom Club Costs

To be fair, there is no solid proof of this that I’ve seen, and the prices that the members have claimed vary greatly.

With that being said if those allegations are true, it will be very disappointing, as that price isn’t listed anywhere on their website. At least not that I can find.

All of the reviews left seem to be from members who have just recently joined, so I believe in time we will begin to get more information about them.

If you are or were a member, please leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

My Ecom Club Complaints

Even though most of the reviews written on Facebook were good, I still found some claims and complaints that I want to address here.

To go along with the complaints of having to pay a hefty price tag before continuing, there were also complaints about refund troubles.

While looking through some complaints with the BBB I came across one in particular that caught my attention.

Well actually it wasn’t the complaint that caught my attention, it was just from someone having problems getting a refund from My Ecom Club (which is a common complaint I see with tons of legit companies)

What caught my attention was the business response from the company itself.

As you can see they state that the member enrolled in a payment plan that required him to pay four payments of $525, which leads me to believe that the claims of it being much more expensive than they appear to be true.

It could be that he decided to purchase an optional up-sell that isn’t required, but I honestly doubt that. It appears it might actually be more expensive than they claim.

Is My Ecom Club A Scam?

I want to be completely transparent and make it clear that I didn’t sign up for My Ecom Club, simply because I have no interest in starting a drop-shipping business right now.

With that being said, after all of my research I haven’t found anything that would lead me to believe they are a scam, but I just can’t recommend that you sign up for them right now.

Apparently the initial training is good according to their members on Facebook, however it doesn’t seem like that training is enough to help you succeed. It honestly appears as if they lead you in with a relatively low payment, and then require you to shell out much more money down the line.

Not Recommended


There simply isn’t enough information out there about their training, and there is too much to suggest that they are potentially going to charge you thousands.

I obviously don’t know everything about them, so I want to hear what you have to say! Are you a member? Have you made money? Did they charge you thousands? Let me know in the comments below, new information could change my mind!

If you’re interested in starting an online store I recommend you check out Profitable Online Store. It’s pretty expensive (like $1,200 or something) but it’s incredible training that has been proven to make many members a lot of money.

A Cheaper And Easier Way To Make Money Online

If you’re looking for a more affordable way to make money online, then I suggest you check out My Top Ranked Program!

Thanks to them I’ve been able to create an online business that has helped me make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

It’s completely free to get started, and they have an incredibly affordable monthly fee that gives you access to everything you need to succeed.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is My Ecom Club A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

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