In this quick review of 10 Minute Paydays I’ll be going over several reasons why you shouldn’t trust them!
Will you make $5,000 in 10 minutes? Or will you even make any money at all?
I’ll be answering both of those questions and many more within this review, so stick around.
And if you’re interested, you can CLICK HERE to learn how I make a living online.
10 Minute Paydays Review

Product: 10 Minute Paydays
Website: 10minutepaydays.co
Price: $9 + Up-sells
Is 10 Minute Paydays A Scam? Basically
Is 10 Minute Paydays Recommended? No!
What Is 10 Minute Paydays?
The whole premise behind 10 Minute Paydays is exactly what it sounds like.
They claim that with just 10 Minutes of work each day, you can start making $5,000 per day.
There’s a good chance that you’re reading this review because your trying to figure out what it actually is, and if it’s legit or not.
That’s probably because the annoyingly long sales video never says what it’s about or what you’ll be doing.
Instead they just spend the entire time talking about how quick and easy it is to make tons of cash.
What Is 10 Minute Paydays Really?
What 10 Minute Paydays claims to be and what it actually is, are two completely different things.
In reality, it’s actually a get-rich-quick scheme that’s main goal is to get your money, and give a little as possible in return.
They basically try to promise you the world in order to get you excited enough to pull out your wallet.
There are several reasons why you shouldn’t trust anything they say in the video.
I’ll be getting into those shortly!
The Pros & Cons
There’s honestly only one “good” thing about this “system”, while there are a whole ton of bad things.
- Possible To Get A Refund
- Unrealistic Claims & Expectations
- Fake Testimonials
- Probably Fake Creator
- Not Enough Information
- Similar To Other Scams
- Up-sells
Throughout the rest of the review I’ll going further into detail about all of the points I listed out above.
#1: Unrealistic Claims & Expectations
Anytime a system tells you that you can make crazy amounts of money, incredibly quickly, with little to no work, you shouldn’t trust them.
Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of money to be made online, I even Make My Living Online.
However it’s important that you realize that making notable amounts of money online takes time and effort.
It’s not going to happen overnight, and it’s certainly not going to happen with just 10 minutes of work.
If a system tells you otherwise it’s probably a scam, or at least misleading you.
All good programs will prepare you for the amount of work that you’ll have to put in.
#2: Fake Testimonials
Another good reason to not trust 10 Minute Paydays is the fact that their testimonials are fake.
Check this out:

The image above is a screenshot of the woman in the video claiming to be rich from the system.
While the picture below is the same woman advertising her services as a video spokesperson!

On a website called Fiverr you can find tons of people who are willing to make testimonials like that one for a small amount of money.
#3: Probably Fake Creator
A good ways into the sales video, we are told that the spokesperson and creator of the video’s name is Gregg Price.
However there is no picture of him, or any other kind of information about him.
If he really is making tons money from this system he created, don’t you think you’d be able to find something about him.
Well I certainly couldn’t in my research for this review.
Also, don’t you think his voice sounds a bit like a voice over person?
Well you can hire people to do that on Fiverr as well…
#4: Not Enough Information
This is honestly one of the biggest deal breakers for me, when it comes to systems.
Think about it.
When or what else would you buy without knowing exactly what you’ll be getting?
All legitimate online training programs will tell you exactly what you’ll get before you have to pay.
My Top Ranked Program even let’s you try it out for completely free, without even any credit card information.
How many training modules will you get?
Are there videos, or is it a PDF, and how many videos or pages will that be?
What topics will they cover, and what exactly will you be doing?
Those are the basic questions that need to be answered before you even think about paying for something.
#5: Similar To Other Scams
The sad truth is that I come across “systems” that are basically just like this one every week.
They claim that you can make tons of money, incredibly quickly by barely doing any work.
While not telling a single thing about what you’ll be doing, or how you’ll be making money.
Each and every one of the similar programs has turned out to be a huge let down.
Why would this one be any different?
#6: Up-sells
I’m sure part of you is thinking, “well it’s only $9, I can risk 9 bucks.”
Well just keep in mind that there will be plenty of other expenses after you buy it.
You’ll most-likely be hit with a bunch of more expensive add on items that often times cost hundreds of dollars.
Let’s pretend for a second that they actually teach you something that could potentially make you money.
Well you’ll have to pay for other things like email responders, webhosting, and probably traffic.
All of those expenses will add up, and many of them will be monthly charges that you won’t get refunds for.
Is 10 Minute Paydays A Scam?
It honestly comes down to what your definition of a scam is.
10 Minute Paydays uses a whole bunch of shady sales tactics, misleading claims, and even straight up lies to get your money.
If that’s something you would call a scam, then that’s what it is.

In my opinion, 10 Minute Paydays is a scam because they lie, mislead, and don’t provide to you what they promise.
However you can get a refund if you don’t like, so some people might not call it a scam.
What do you think?
Actually Make Money Online!
It is 100% possible to actually make good money online, and I know that because I make my living online!
Amazon, Walmart and thousands of other companies will pay you money to get people to buy their products online.
If you get somebody to sign up for their services, or buy one of their products you could earn a commission for that.
It’s called affiliate marketing, and it’s how I make all of my money.
There’s quite a bit to it, which is why I recommend checking out My Top Ranked Program!
They provide all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed online!
Is 10 Minute Paydays A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!