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Click Home Income Quick Review! Is It A Scam Or Legit? (2022)

Click Home Income Scam Review

In this quick review of Click Home Income I’ll be going over what it is, and telling you whether I think it’s a legit program worth buying, or a scam you should avoid!

Will you really be able to make $217 in mere minutes? Or is this just another hyped up program that prioritizes sales over training?

Let’s jump in and find out!

Click Home Income Review

Product: Click Home Income

Creator: Shawn Josiah


Price: $17 + Up-sells

Is Click Home Income A Scam? No

Is Click Home Income Recommended? No (I’ll Explain)


What Is Click Home Income?

Click Home Income claims to be a software application that will unlock 7 income streams and earn you $29 “over N’ over.”

They claim that all works by just completing some simple online tasks with just a few clicks.

Whatever that means….

In reality, it is a web based program that gives you access to a series of tools that will help you create products to potentially make money online.

It claims that all of the hard work is already done for you, so all you have to do is follow some simple instructions, and you’ll start making money.

Sounds incredible right?

Well it’s not everything it’s cracked up to be as you’ll learn within this review.

The Pros & Cons

Let’s take a minute to list out the good and bad things about Click Home Income so you can get a general overview of it.


  • Could Possibly Make Money
  • Possible To Get A Refund
  • Some Helpful Tools & Training


  • Over-Hyped
  • Far More Expensive Than $17
  • DFY System’s Aren’t Great
  • Lack Of Support

Now over the next several sections I’ll be taking the time to go over each of the points that I put above to help you get a better idea of you’ll be buying.

Is Click Home Income As Great As It Sounds?

Unfortunately the answer to the question above is a resounding no.

While you do get some value with the system, and it is in fact possible to make money with the system, it is very over-hyped, and misleading.

You are not going to make $217 a day from home in mere minutes like the sales page will have you thinking.

It will take plenty of time, effort and unfortunately a lot more than $17, if you are going to have a chance at make any money with they system.

The Real Cost Of Click Home Income (Upsells!)

This is the thing that bugs me the most about systems like this.

They sell you on the idea that you’ll be able to achieve massive success after only making a $17 purchase, when in reality you need to spend much more than that.

The truth is that once you purchase Click Home Income, you’ll be hit with multiple upsells that you’ll need to purchase to get the full benefit of the system.

Here are the upsells you can expect:

Upsell #1: Unlimited ($47)

If you spend an extra $47, you’ll be able to create unlimited amount of things they offer.

For example:

  • Unlimited Voiceovers
  • Make Unlimited Explainer Videos
  • Create Unlimited eBooks
  • Design Unlimited Logos
  • Unlimited Speech To Text Transcriptions
  • Convert Video to Audio

My thing is, shouldn’t you be able to do all of that when you purchase the system?

Upsell #2: Done-For-You ($297)

If you spend a measly $297 more, they’ll give you some features that are already done-for-you

  • DFY Freelance Gigs
  • DFY eBooks
  • Special Freelance Gig Training

Upsell #3: Job Hunter Pro ($127)

This upsell gives you the ability to use Guru, Fiverr, Freelancer, and People Per Hour to make job searches much easier.

Upsell #4: Multiple Streams of Income Masterclass ($47)

If you purchase this upsell for $47 you’ll get a masterclass that will help you create 7 streams of income more easily.

Upsell #5: Passive Income Masterclass ($47)

A Masterclass showing you how to make the streams of income you setup passive.

Upsell #6: Reseller License ($297)

This will give you the ability to sell Click Home Income and keep 100% of all of the profits made from selling it.

Upsell #7: High Ticket Maximizer ($167)

This helps you maximize your sales of the high-ticket items, and make large commissions.

Upsell #8: Traffic Booster ($167)

This gives you access to more traffic sources to give you more chances to make more money.

My Main Issues With Click Home Income

Costs Much More Than They Claim

In theory, it is 100% possible to make money with Click Home Income, however there are several reasons why it’s not the greatest.

The first of which is how much money you will need to spend to fully utilize it, and even have the chance of making money.

The thing I hate most about systems like this is that they sell you on being able to get rich after just spending $17, when in reality you need to spend much more.

When in reality the $17 will only get your foot in the door and you’ll have to drop at least hundreds more to even stand a chance.

Done-For-You Systems Aren’t Great

While the idea of having everything done for you sounds great, it comes with plenty of issues.

If everything is done for you, then your business and income will be solely tied to and dependent on this system and people.

And I hate to break to you, but systems like this popup and disappear like clock work.

What happens when Click Home Income shuts down?

Your entire income could disappear overnight, and you’ll have no idea what to do or how to get it back.

Is Click Home Income A Scam Or Legit?

In my opinion, Click Home Income is neither a scam, nor a completely legit online money making system.

It falls somewhere in between.

If you purchase it, you will gain access to helpful training, and tools that could potentially help you make some money online.

However, they use misleading sales tactics, over-hype and strongly exaggerated claims to get you to pull out your wallet.

While also hiding the true cost, and underselling the amount of time and effort you’ll actually have to put into making money.

Do I Recommend Buying Click Home Income?

At the end of the day, I don’t recommend that you purchase Click Home Income, because of all of the reasons I’ve listed throughout this review.

Not Recommended

Like I said, I don’t consider it to necessarily be a scam, I just think it doesn’t have the value that that claim it does.

There are so many better options out there if you’re looking for an online money making system.

What Do I Recommend?

If you’re looking to make real money online, I suggest you learn how to start your own business that you can have full control over.

My Top Ranked Program offers step-by-step video training, and all of the tools, and support you could ever need are included in the price.

Not to mention it is completely free to get started, and try out before even thinking about pulling out your wallet.

It’s the program that got me started online, and helped me make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home.

If you’re interested, you can click here to learn more!

If You Have Any Question Or Concerns, Please Feel Free To Leave Them In The Comments Sections Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is American Online Jobs A Scam? Well It’s Complicated…[Review]

American Online Jobs Scam Review

In this  American Online Jobs Review I’ll be going over exactly what it is, and telling you everything you need to know about it.

Will you really get a job making $700 to $1600 weekly, or are they just trying to get your money?

I’ll be giving you the answers to those questions and many more within this review, so stick around!

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making opportunities, if you’re interested in learning about My Top Rated One, you can CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!

American Online Jobs Scam ReviewAmerican Online Jobs Review

Product: American Online Jobs


Price: $25-$40

Is American Online Jobs A Scam? Not Really

Is American Online Jobs Recommended? No (I’ll Explain)


What Is American Online Jobs?

American Online JobsAmerican Online Jobs claims to be a place where you can “get hired” to make between $700 to $1600 per week online.

However you won’t really be getting a job, you’ll be learning how to make money online through “referral marketing” which is basically the same as affiliate marketing.

There is money to be made online by referring people to various products and services.

In this case you’ll be learning how to make money by mainly referring people to various online survey websites.

Will the system that they teach you actually work though?

Getting Started

The first step of American Online Jobs is to answer 6 multiple choice questions that will give them a little bit of information about yourself.

After that you’ll be able to move on to step two, which just happens to be one of the first things I have a problem with.

If you want to actually make money with this system you’ll have to sign up for a website called Online Flex Job.

Online Flex Job Scam Review

Which is a website that I recently wrote a review for and came to the conclusion that it was too shady to sign up for.

There are many things I don’t like about the website (which you can read about here) but the main thing is the fact that you have to buy an anti-virus software in order to create an account.

Seeing as it is mandatory that you complete step 2, you’ll have to pay anywhere from $25- $40 in order to even start American Online Jobs.

If you are thinking about joining AOJ I strongly suggest you skip step 2 and go through the rest of the training first.

If you decide you like it, then you can always go back and actually sign up, but I still don’t recommend that.

How American Online Jobs Works

If you decide to actually complete step 2, you’ll be given access to a “free website” which you technically paid for when you signed up for Online Flex Job.

That website will simply be your own version of the American Online Jobs website that allows you to make money when people sign up for it, and for other survey websites.

Basically you’ll be getting other people to join AOJ, and you’ll make money when they sign up and complete surveys and do other tasks.

It is possible to make money by doing this, however there are several problems that I have with this that I’ll be getting into shortly.

What You’ll Be Doing

Like I said, you’ll be getting people to join the same system that you just signed up for, but the question is how will you get people to sign up.

As of right now there are currently 8 lessons that walk you through the process, and a couple of them show you how to get people to join through Facebook.

The videos show you how to post free “ads” in various groups on Facebook.

This is something that I’m personally not a fan of, mainly because I don’t want to be “that person” who is always making “spam-like” posts on Facebook trying to get people to sign up for something.

Of course there are people who don’t care about that, so it’s really up to you.

Here is a screencap of the training video that shows the type of “ads” that you’ll be posting in different groups.

American Online Jobs Facebook

I’m honestly not a big fan of the fact that you’ll be posting ads basically misleading people into thinking that they will be signing up for a job making x amount of money.

When they really won’t be.

American Online Jobs Training

Like I said, it is possible to make money with the method that they are going to teach you, my problem is that they don’t have enough training in my opinion.

As of the time of this review there are currently 8 training videos, however they claim there is a 9th one but it didn’t work for me.

American Online Jobs Missing Training

In the research that I did for this review I found comments coming from Brenda saying that she is planning on adding a lot more training.

Hopefully that is true, because as of right now I don’t think the training is enough for complete beginners to make more than a few bucks here and there.

I don’t think posting spam-like ads on Facebook is going to cut it as a sole source of traffic.

Not to mention part of the idea behind it is to make money by getting people to take surveys, however most people you get to sign up won’t be taking surveys, they’ll be getting other people to join.

If you decide to join this program will you be wasting your time taking 30 minute surveys for 2 buck?

Conclusion – Is American Online Jobs A Scam?

Personally I don’t think that American Online Jobs is a scam, it is possible to make some money with the method they teach.

With that being said, I’m still not going to recommend it for all of the reasons that I pointed out in the review.

Not Recommended

If this was actually free I might say it’s worth a try, but seeing as you’ll have to pay $25 to $40 on a shady website for an unnecessary anti-virus software I don’t think it’s worth it as it is right now.

What I Do Recommend!

If you are still interested in making money online with referral/affiliate marketing, I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program has all of the training, tools, and support you need to learn how to make money online with referral/affiliate marketing.

It will actually take plenty of time and effort, but if you’re interested it is complete free to get started!

If you want to learn more, you can…


Is American Online Jobs A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Ecom Cash Code A Scam? Don’t Trust Them! [Quick Review]

Ecom Cash Code Scam Review

Updated: September 26, 2019

In this quick Ecom Cash Code Review I’ll be going over the main things you need to know about before giving them any money.

Is it a scam, or will you really start making $1,000 per day?

I’ll be answering those question and many more within this review, so stick around!

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making programs, if you’re interested in learning about my top rated program, you can Click Right Here To Learn More!

Let’s dive in and find out!

Ecom Cash Code Scam ReviewEcom Cash Code Review

Product: Ecom Cash Code

Website: + Many Others

Price: $47

Is Ecom Cash Code A Scam? Debatable

Is Ecom Cash Code Recommended? No!


What Is Ecom Cash Code?

The Ecom Cash Code is found at and claims to have been created by a man named Teo Vee .

Apparently he met a guy in a chat room that showed him a code that will make him money every time someone purchases something online.

I guess all you have to do is find a website that sells stuff, get the code, press go, and you’ll start bringing in tons of money.

However the truth is that this is just a lie-filled sales page that’s meant to funnel you into a completely different program.

Let’s get into everything you need to know!

The Pros & Cons

Even though this website is full of obvious lies and misleading claims, I still want to be fair and try to find something good about it.

Ecom Cash CodePros:

  • Nothing


  • Makes No Sense
  • Fake Testimonials
  • Could Be Anything

Throughout the rest of the review I’ll be taking the time to go further into detail about all of the points I listed out above.

Makes No Sense

I’ve been making a living online for a few years now, and I constantly keep up to date with online money making methods.

The truth is that there is simply no “code” out there that will help you make money online without actually doing anything.

In the video he claims that you just have to “plugin and follow the code.”

He makes it seem like once you find an ecommerce website that you like, you just run the code, and it will automatically make thousands of dollars for you.

Ecom Cash Code Lies

That’s simply unrealistic and makes absolutely no sense.

How would you legally make money by plugging into a code on an ecommerce website like Amazon?

The only thing I can think of is that they are vaguely referring to affiliate marketing, and the “codes” that you get are affiliate links.

Websites like Amazon will pay you to get people to go to their website and make purchases. That’s what affiliate marketing is, and it’s actually how I make I living online.

However it’s not some automatic method that will make you thousands of dollars overnight like they claim.

Fake Testimonials

I know it can be convincing when you hear a bunch of people saying they’ve made a ton of money with a program.

That’s why the creators of “systems” like this go out of their way to hire actors, and find random people to read scripts.

To be fair, it actually says this in fine print in the video, but it still makes me trust them even less.

Ecom Cash Code Fake Testimonials

I’ve seen these exact same testimonials for other “scam” systems out there before as well.

So even if the testimonials were real, how do we know they are actually about Ecom Cash Code?

It Could Be Anything

The last point I want to drive home is the fact that you have absolutely no idea what you’ll actually be signing up for.

First off, they don’t give you any information about what kind of training or tools you’ll be getting if you purchase it.

And secondly, Ecom Cash Code isn’t the program that you’ll actually be signing up for.

They are just trying to funnel you into another program, which I believe is probably My Ecom Club.

My Ecom Club isn’t necessarily a scam, however they start you in at $97 and then quickly try to force thousands of dollars out of you.

You can read my full review about it here, be sure to check out the comments at the bottom of the page from people who signed up!

The simple truth is that once you pay the $97, they could sign you up for just about anything they want to.

Notice how there is no specific name when you go to the checkout page?

That’s on purpose.

Is Ecom Cash Code A Scam? – Conclusion

The sales page of Ecom Cash Code is filled with lie and misleading information. The simply truth is that it doesn’t even exist.

This whole page was created in order to get you to sign up and purchase a completely different program that could honestly be anything.

I strongly recommend that you avoid it at all costs!


I know it can be tempting to purchase something like this on the off chance that it will actually make you some money.

I’ve purchase quite a few programs like this, and trust me, not one of them came anywhere near being like what they claim.

Interested In Actually Making Money Online?

If you’re willing to put in actually time and effort, it is certainly possible to make money online!

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to successfully make money online.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Ecom Cash Code A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Broke Dishwasher A Scam? [Quick Review] Scam Review

In this quick review of I’ll be going over exactly what it is and telling you if I think it’s a scam or not.

Did their 3 step system really help a broke dishwasher make $114,501 in 90 days, or are they just lying to get your money.

I’ll be answering those questions and many more within this review so stick around! Scam Review

Broke Dishwasher Review

Product: Broke Dishwasher


Price: $97 + Thousands in up-sells

Is Broke Dishwasher A Scam? Debatable

Is Broke Dishwasher Recommended? NO!


What Is Broke Dishwasher?

Broke Dishwasher claims to be an incredible program that was able to take the creator from being a broke dishwasher to an internet guru making hundreds of thousands of dollars online.

Apparently the creator “Teo Vee” has achieved an incredible life thanks to a system given to him by a 14 year old?

He claims that all he has to do is drag and drop a few pictures, and click a few times.

Now he’s here to offer you the exact same system he used to become rich, for the low price of $97.

If that sounds a bit too good to be true to you, that’s probably because it is.

What Is Broke Dishwasher Really?

As soon as I heard the name Teo Vee, I knew exactly what this system actually was.

As it turns out “Broke Dishwasher” isn’t even a real program, it’s just a sales page that’s trying to mislead you into joining another program.

If you decide to actually cough up the $97 to join, you’ll actually be signing up for a program called My Ecom Club.

My Ecom Club is actually a legitimate online training program that teaches you about E commerce.

However there are several reasons why I do not recommend you sign up for that I’ll be getting into shortly.

There are a ton of websites out there just like that try to mislead people into signing up.

Ecom Cash Code, Get This Plan, and The Ecom Freedom Blueprint are just a few of the dozens I’ve reviewed in the past.

Pros & Cons

There are several things you need to know about this system before joining, and this is where I’ll list them out.


  • You’ll actually get training
  • Possible To Make Money


  • Unrealistic Expectations & Claims
  • $97 Is Just The Beginning
  • It Could Be Anything

The next few sections I’ll be going more depth about what I mean with the points listed above.

Unrealistic Expectations & Claims

Now I obviously can’t promise that a 14 year old kid didn’t really teach him how to make money online.

But I mean come on, that doesn’t even seem remotely true.

One thing I can promise (seeing as I make my living online) is that making money online isn’t as easy as they make it seem.

I hate to break it to you, but any “system” that claims to be able to make you $100,000+ in a few months is lying to you.

Especially if they tell you that you can do that just from moving some pictures around and clicking.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly possible to make good money online, however it takes a good amount of time and effort.

$97 Is Just The Beginning!

Remember I said I don’t recommend signing up for My Ecom Club? Well this is why.

The $97 price tag is literally just to get your foot in the door, after that you’ll be hit with tons of other expensive up-sells

When I say expensive, I mean they range from $1,997 all the way up to TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.

If you don’t believe me, just go over to my full review of it here, scroll down to the bottom, and read some comments.

It Could Be Anything

One thing I want to make very clear is the fact that after paying the $97, you could literally get anything.

Just because it’s My Ecom Club when I’m writing this review, doesn’t mean that’s what it will be tomorrow.

Notice how the checkout page doesn’t have a specific name for what your actually purchasing.

For all you know it could be signing you up for a full on scam that will take more money then you want or something.

Is Broke Dishwasher A Scam?

I didn’t actually sign up for whatever they are offering at because it’s way too shady.

So I can’t say with 100% certainty that it’s a scam, however I will say that it should NOT be trusted.


I strongly recommend that you avoid signing up for this system, because of all of the reasons I listed out in this review.

What I Do Recommend

If you’re interested in actually making money online, and you’re willing to put in the time and effort it takes, then I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make a money online!

Since joining their platform I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

Keep in mind that it’s NOT some get-rich-quick scheme, it’s a training program and tools platform.

They give you what you need to make money online, but you have to actually implement the training, and put in consistent effort.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint A Scam? READ THIS FIRST! [Quick Review]

The Ecom Freedom Blueprint Scam Review

In this quick review of The Ecom Freedom Blueprint I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it before joining.

Will you actually be able to make a ton of money with this system, or are they lying in order to get your money?

I’ll be answering those questions and many more within this review, so stick around to get the answers!

The Ecom Freedom Blueprint Scam Review

The Ecom Freedom Blueprint Review

Product: The Ecom Freedom Blueprint

Website: + Others

Price: $47-$97 + Thousands

Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint A Scam?: Debatable

Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint Recommended?: NO!


What Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint?

The Ecom Freedom Blueprint claims to be a training program that reveals “The #1 Money Making Secret Of The Highest Paid Online Business Owners!”

Apparently it was created by a man named Teo Vee and it can can help you make thousands and thousands of dollars online!

It’s explained as a 6 step road map that Teo has created from his 18+ years of experience in the ecom world.

Ecommerce isn’t my favorite way to make money online, however it is a good way to do it.

Are any of the claims made on the sales page true, or are they all just lies told in an attempt to get your money?

What Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint Really?

In reality, The Ecom Freedom Blueprint is a completely different Ecommerce training program that has been slightly repackaged.

The reason it’s been repackaged is because the real system, My Ecom Club, has received a bad reputation.

If you click right here, you can read my full review of it, and even scroll down to the bottom of the page to see a bunch of complaints from people who signed up.

The main thing you need to know is that the main training is decent, however you’ll have to pay thousands of dollars more if you want to continue.

I’ll get more into that shortly.

The Pros & Cons

Let’s take a minute to go into both the good and bad things that I have to say about The Ecom Freedom Blueprint.


  • Decent information about Ecommerce


  • It’s A Completely Different Program
  • Only Says What You Want To Hear
  • The Price Gets Ridiculous

Over the next several sections I’ll be going further into detail about all of the points I listed out above.

It’s A Completely Different Program

I already mentioned this in the above sections, however I want to go a bit more into detail.

Within the past year or so, I’ve written several reviews for “systems” just like this one.

Each of them are incredibly similar and they all lead into the same program, My Ecom Club.

Discover The Plan, Ecom Cash Code, and Get This Plan are just a few of the “systems” that are basically just like this one.

Ecom Cash Code Scam Review

The image above is the sales page for Ecom Cash Code.

Doesn’t it look a bit familiar?

Only Tell You What You Want To Hear

The main problem I have with The Ecom Freedom Blueprint is that it just tells you what you want to hear.

It doesn’t tell you all of the things you need to know before signing up.

They try to make it seem like you sign up, do a small amount of easy work, and start making tons of cash.

Even though it is absolutely possible to make money using the method they teach you, it’s not as simple as they make it seem.

You’ll be setting up websites, order products, dealing with customers, answering emails, managing returns and complaints, as well as many other things.

It’s definitely a good way to make money online, but you should know that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

The Price Gets Ridiculous

This is the main thing that you need to understand if you are still thinking about signing up.

The $97/$47 in the beginning is only enough to get your foot in the door.

That training is enough to wrap you head around the idea of what you’ll be doing, and to get you started.

However in order to continue further into the program you’ll have to deal with insane up-sells.

For example the very first up-sells is $2,000! And it only gets more expensive from there.

Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint A Scam? – Conclusion

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide whether you want to call The Ecom Freedom Blueprint a scam or not.

While it isn’t even a real program in and of itself, it does lead to a program that will give you good information about Ecommerce.

Regardless of whether or not you consider it a scam, it is not a system that I recommend.

Not Recommended

They are trying to mislead you into a different program, and that program has THOUSANDS of dollars in hidden costs.

That’s enough to right there to make me recommend that you stay away from it.

What I Do Recommend!

If you’re interested in making money online, and you’re willing to put in the time and effort to do it, I have a suggestion for you!

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their platform, I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

Not to mention it’s free to get started!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is The Ecom Blueprint A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is The Residual Income Code A Scam? $567 Per Day? [Review]

The Residual Income Code Scam Review

If you are here are at this review it is probably because you are at least a little bit skeptical about joining The Residual Income Code.

Doesn’t it sound a bit too good to be true that you can just copy & paste your way to making $27 to $567 per day?

In this review I’ll be giving you the truth about The Residual Income Code and telling you if it really is  a system worth joining.

There are definitely a lot of things you need to know before joining so let’s get into it!

The Residual Income Code Scam ReviewThe Residual Income Code Review

Product: The Residual Income Code


Price: Free System – Lots Of Required Purchases!

Is Residual Income Code A Scam? No

Is Residual Income Code Recommended? No


What Is The Residual Income Code?

The Residual Income Code is a sales funnel system brought to you by a man named Jon Moss, and it allows you to promote certain products and earn commissions.

Jon claims that you can use his system to easily “copy n’ Paste” you way to making anywhere from $27 to $567 per day online.

While there is certainly some truth to the claims made about the system in the video, there is also some other information you need to know.

Starting with how the system works.

How The Residual Income Code Works

The main thing that you need to know about The Residual Income Code is that you will be making money by getting other people to join after you.

The Residual Income Code is a sales funnel that requires you to purchase several products throughout the funnel.

When you purchase those products, the person who got you to join The Residual Income Code will earn a commission.

Once you’ve purchased those products you’ll be able to earn commissions from getting other people to join the funnel and purchase the same products you just bought.

How Much Money You’ll Be Paying

Even though the system is technically free, you’ll still have to purchase several products in order to make the system work.

There are some tools you’ll need to purchase in order to continue through the system, and there are others that will make it a bit easier.

Let’s take a minute to go over these expenses.

  • Engagely ($27) – This is a one time purchase that is required to continue through the sales funnel. It is one of Jon Moss’s products and it contains some head lines and other snippets that will help you catch people attention.
  • Online Sales Pro ($25 – $37/Month) – Another required purchase that contains lead generation tools and other software.
  • Aweber ($19/Month) – This company allows you to keep track of and marketing to all of the email addresses you collect at once. It is NOT required to continue with the funnel, but you honestly shouldn’t skip it. Collecting and marketing to email addresses is a huge part of marketing this system.
  • Easy 1 Up ($25 – $2,000) – This is another required purchase known as a “high ticket offer.” Basically you pay a high price to join the program, so that you can earn a large commission for getting other to join.
  • Other Expenses ($17 – $97+ Per Month) – These are some other things they’ll want you to sign up for like a link tracking tool called Clickmagick and some other paid traffic platforms as well.

The Pros & Cons

Now that I’ve gone of how the system works and how much it costs, let’s go over some good and bad things about it.


  • Possible To Make Money


  • Not Actually Free
  • Not Enough Training
  • Paid Traffic
  • High Ticket Programs Are Risky
  • There Are Better Ways To Make Money Online

Over the next few sections I’ll be going further into detail about what I mean with the points listed above.

Not Enough Training

From what I can tell, there is only about 25 minutes worth of training spread out over 6 videos in the members area.

That’s simply not enough training for a complete beginner to be able to utilize this system to make all of the money they promise.

While the entire system is basically done-for-you, you still have to get a bunch of people to join into for you to make money.

Well if you’re a complete beginner you’re probably going to have a whole lot of questions after the training is done.

Paid Traffic

Another regular expense you have to be prepared to make is paying to get traffic to the funnel.

Without traffic/visitors there is absolutely no way for you to make any money.

The problem with paid traffic is that even with a bunch of training, you’ll have to use a ton of trial and error to succeed at it.

The main thing you need to understand is that just because you have traffic doesn’t mean you’ll make good money.

Just because you paid for people to visit a funnel doesn’t mean they’re going to sign up and purchase anything.

This is where the trial and error comes in trying to get the right people to your offers.

Be careful because it’s easy to spend a bunch of money without making any back.

High Ticket Programs Are Risky

There are several reasons why I don’t recommend signing up for high ticket programs, the first of which is pretty obvious.

They are expensive.

You could end up spending thousands of dollars for the opportunity to resell it, but what if you don’t get anyone else to join?

The second reason it is dangerous is because the FTC has shutdown several of these systems in the past with no warning.

MOBE and Digital Altitude were both shutdown this past year causing even their successful members to lose out on money.

The Are Better Ways To Make Money Online

I know it sounds great to get a completely “done-for-you” system, but it’s honestly not all its cracked up to be.

The two main problems with done-for-you systems is that you don’t own the system, so it can be shutdown at anytime killing all of your profits, and you don’t learn how to do it yourself.

Believe it or not, setting up your own online money making system is not super difficult, that’s why they let you use their for free.

Not to mention there are companies out there who allow you to promote their products without even having to purchase them first.

If you’re interested in learning how to set up your own online business, you can click here to learn more!

Is The Residual Income Code A Scam?

No, I do not consider The Residual Income Code to be a scam. It is possible to make money with the system.

With that being said, I still wouldn’t feel comfortable recommending this system to my readers for all of the reasons I listed out above.

Not Recommended

I wouldn’t put it in the same category as scams like Prime Time Profits, Profit 24/7, and Ecom Cash Code.

However, there are simply too many expenses you’ll have to make, without enough training to help you earn that money back.

You’ll be making possibly $100+ worth of monthly expenses, and who knows when and if you’ll ever make it out of the red.

You can sign up if you want. I’m not saying it’s impossible to make money, I just think that most beginners will struggle to do so.

My Top Recommendation For Beginners

If you’re new to the online money making world, and you’re looking for a good place to start, I have a  suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

It’s completely free to get started and there is only one low monthly fee if you decide to continue.

Since joining the system I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is The Residual Income Code A Scam? Is It Great? Let Me Know What You Think In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Discover The Plan: Is It A Scam? []

Discover The Plan Scam Review

In this quick review of Discover The Plan ( I’ll be going over exactly what it is, and giving you several reasons why you should avoid it.

Will you actually be able to make $490,600? Or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s jump in and go over the main things you need to know!

Discover The Plan Scam ReviewDiscover The Plan Scam Review

Product: Discover The Plan


Price: $97 + Thousands in Up-sells

Is Discover The Plan A Scam? Debatable

Is Discover The Plan Recommended? No!


What Is Discover The Plan?

Discover The Plan claims to be a system brought to you by a man named Ron Porter.

Apparently it’s a “weird online trick” discovered by an 8 year old girl, that will make you thousands of dollars online.

The sales video claims that all you have to do is sign up, follow some easy instructions, make a few clicks, then you’ll be rich.

As amazing as it all sounds, it’s simply not true.

You absolutely should NOT trust anything that is said within this sales video or on the sales page.

Throughout the rest of this review I’ll be exposing several lies, and a bunch of misinformation giving by this borderline scam!

The Pros & Cons

I always try to be as fair as possible to every program I review, and come up with both good and bad things to say about it.


  • Leads Into A Semi-Legit Program


  • Unrealistic Claims
  • Just Like Other Scams
  • Fake Testimonials
  • It’s A Different Program
  • It Could Be Anything

Over the next several sections I’ll be going further in depth about all of the points that I listed out above.

Unrealistic Claims

This is something that I see constantly in scams that I’ve reviewed in the past.

Discover The Plan Income ClaimsThey claim to have an incredibly simple way to make thousands of dollars online in no time, without having to do any real work.

While it would be amazing to be able to make $5,000+ this month just from clicking a few buttons, that’s simply not going to happen.

Don’t get me wrong, it is absolutely possible to make good money online, I even make a living online.

However you’re going to have to put in a good amount of time, and effort into achieving it.

Any program that tells you that you can make thousands of dollars in a month is either a get-rich-quick scheme or it will require you to invest and risk thousands of dollars.

Just Like Other Scams

When I say “just like other scams” I don’t just mean similar to other get-rich-quick schemes, I mean that it’s almost exactly like some other scams.

In the past couple months I’ve come across scams like Ecom Cash Code, Get This Plan, and Money Miracle.

As you can see in the picture below, they all look incredible similar to Discover The Plan.

Ecom Cash Code Scam Review

The only real difference between them is that they have different names, and tell different stories of how and who is making the money.

In some of them it’s an 8 year old who discovered it, and in one of them they even claim that you’ll be getting free money from the Vatican!

They just make wild claims to get you excited to give them your money.

Don’t fall for it!

Fake Testimonials

Another thing I want to point out is the fact that all of the video testimonials within the sales video are completely fake.

There are a couple of ways that I know they are fake.

Firstly, these exact same testimonials have been used in the other scams that I listed out in the section above.

The picture below is from Money Miracle, and it’s the same testimonial from Discover The Plan.


Money Miracle Fake Testimonials

Secondly, I recognized at him from a website called Fiverr, that allows people to get paid for completing various tasks.

He gets paid to be a spokesperson for various things on the internet.

Digital Formula Paid Actor

What You’ll Be Paying For

As it turns out, Discover The Plan isn’t even a program, it’s simply a sales funnel.

That means that the entire thing was set up to get you to sign up for a completely different program.

My guess is that when you pay the money you’ll be signed up for a system called My Ecom Club.

My Ecom Club is technically a legit program that helps you create your own online store.

However it is absolutely NOT something that I recommend for several reasons that I go over in depth in my review of it.

The main thing you need to understand is that the $47-$97 is just to get your foot in the door, you’ll eventually have to cough up $2,000+ to move on through the training.

It Could Be Anything!

Now just because other people have been signed up for My Ecom Club doesn’t mean that’s what you’ll get signed up for.

Discover The Plan is set up in a way that they will be able to funnel you into whatever program they feel like.

Notice how they don’t give any specific information about what you’ll be doing, or what you’ll be getting?

It’s intentionally kept vague in case they want to swap out the recommended products whenever they want to.

Your best bet is to simply not go through them, and find a legitimate program to sign up for on your own.

Is Discover The Plan A Scam?

I’ve decided to list Discover The Plan in the “Debatable Scam” category for the sole reason that it might funnel you into a semi-legitimate program.

However, all of the lies, misinformation and vagueness of it lead me to suggest that you avoid it at all costs.


Even if it does sign you up for My Ecom Club, you could be conned into giving them thousands of dollars for something that isn’t what you paid for.

Actually Make Money Online!

If you’re interested in making money online, and you’re willing to put in plenty of time and effort, I have a suggestion for you!

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed online!

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Discover The Plan A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

What Is The Freedom Shortcut? A Scam? [Quick Review]

The Freedom Shortcut Scam Review

In this quick review of The Freedom Shortcut I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it before joining.

Will you really be able to make $20,000+ per month?

Let’s dive in and find out!

The Freedom Shortcut Scam ReviewThe Freedom Shortcut Review

Product: The Freedom Shortcut


Price: $49 + Thousands in Up-sells

Is The Freedom Shortcut A Scam? Debatable

Is The Freedom Shortcut Recommended? NO!


What Is The Freedom Shortcut?

The Freedom Shortcut claims to be a program that contains an incredible shortcut that will help you make thousands of dollar online.

Apparently this Jordan guy was a struggling ShamWow salesman who finally found out how to make money online from another guy named Jeff.

This guys name is Jeff Lerner, and he has a series of online money making products that promise to teach you how to make good money online.

Well I’ve come across several websites like this one promoting Jeff’s products, so I know a thing or two about them.

The main thing you need to know right off the bat is that I don’t recommend that you sign up for them.

Let’s go over why!

The Pros & Cons

Let’s go over some of the good and bad things that I could come up with about this system.

The Freedom ShortcutPros:

  • Possible To Make Money


  • It’s A Funnel For A Different Program
  • The Program Is Incredibly Expensive
  • It’s Harder Than They Claim
  • Could Be Considered A Scam

Over the next several sections I’ll be going further into detail about what exactly I mean with all of the points listed above.

It’s A Funnel Into A Different Program

6 Steps To FreedomAs I’m sure you might’ve realized by now, The Freedom Shortcut isn’t actually a program in and of itself.

It is actually just a sales funnel that is meant to get you to sign up for a different program called 6 Steps To Freedom.

It is a product created by Jeff Lerner who also created programs like Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System and Ultimate Laptop Lifestyle.

All of his products seem to have one thing in common, they have some decent information, but they only get your foot in the door.

Incredibly Expensive

While the product you are purchasing might have some decent training, it won’t be enough to make you the money that they promise.

The reason for that is the fact that this is part of what’s known online as a High-Ticket-Program.

Basically, you will begin to learn how to get people to purchase Jeff’s other expensive products, however you’ll have to purchase them first.

When you sell one of his products you’ll earn a commission for it, but only if you’ve already purchased it.

And the products can cost anywhere from $1,000 to tens of thousands of dollars.

That’s how the people in the video were able to make thousands of dollars in their first week.

They spent thousands of dollars first, and got lucky and were able to get some of their money back by selling it to someone else.

It’s Harder Than They Claim

They make it seem like you’ll barely have to put in any time or money into this in order to make money, and that’s couldn’t be further from the truth.

If you expect to make anywhere near the amount of money that they brag about, you’re going to have to potentially shell out thousands, and put in hundreds of hours.

Just think about it.

Do you honestly think it’s going to be easy to convince someone to spend thousands of dollars for this “business opportunity?”

If you end up deciding to purchase this, you need to be prepared to spend a lot of money, and work your butt off.

Personally I don’t recommend it because there are far better and cheaper ways to make money online.

High-Ticket-Programs like this one always have incredible low success rates, with only a small percentage of people actually making money.

Could Be Considered A Scam

I have The Freedom Shortcut listed as a “debatable” scam because you can argue that it’s not a scam.

However at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is whether or not the FTC considers it to be one.

And there is a good chance that they just might.

Similar High-Ticket-Programs have been shutdown by the FTC in the past few months.

This include both MOBE and Digital Altitude.

The FTC saw them a illegal pyramid schemes because the entire business centered around getting other people to join.

Personally I wouldn’t want to spend a ton of money and time on something that could be shutdown in the near or even distant future.

Is The Freedom Shortcut A Scam? – Conclusion

It’s honestly up to you to take the information I’ve given you and decide whether or not you think it’s a scam.

We could sit here all day and debate about whether it’s a scam or not, so I’m just going to say that I think you should avoid it.


I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend a ton of money on a “done-for-you” system that could disappear any day.

Why not take the time to learn how to start your very own independent that doesn’t rely on any one company to make money.

Make Money Online WITHOUT Spending Thousands

If you’re interested in making money online without shelling out thousands, I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is The Freedom Shortcut A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Get This Plan A Scam? Don’t Trust!

Get This Plan Scam Review

In this quick review of Get This Plan I’ll be going over several reasons why you shouldn’t trust a single thing they say.

Will you actually get checks from the Vatican?

The answer is no, and I’ll be going over why!

Get This Plan Scam ReviewGet This Plan Scam Review

Program: Get This Plan


Price: $97 + Thousands In Up-sells

Is Get This Plan A Scam? Basically

Is Get This Plan Recommended? NO!


What Is Get This Plan?

Get This Plan can be found at and it claims to be created by a man name Teo Vee.

Apparently he came across a way to get monthly checks sent to your from the Vatican no matter who you are or your religion.

He claims that it’s been kept secret due to laws, but he figured out how it works, and he’s going to tell you how.

If you’re reading this review it’s probably because you at least have some type of suspicion that it’s a scam.

Unfortunately, this whole thing is basically a scam.

They are just throwing lie after lie at you trying to get you to sign up for something that has nothing to do with the Vatican.

I’ll get more into that shortly.

The Pros & Cons

While Get This Plan is basically a scam, not everything about it is a scam. Let’s go over some of the good and bad things.


  • It’s Possible You Could Make Money (unlikely)


  • Doesn’t Make Sense
  • Fake Testimonials
  • Same As Other Scams
  • It Could Be Anything

Over the next few sections I’ll be going further into detail about what exactly I mean with the points listed above.

How This Scam Works

Basically, they are just trying to promise you the world, so that you’ll give them your money.

They tell you that you can make a ton of money right away, without doing any work, so you’ll get excited and pull out your wallet.

Just think about it for a second, it doesn’t even make sense.

The Vatican isn’t just randomly going to send monthly checks with tons of money, to random people who know some secret.

After watching the entire video I’m still confused about how the system supposedly works.

It just doesn’t make sense.

What You’ll Probably Get For Your Money

The only reason I’ve listed this as “basically” a scam and not a full scam is because you’ll actually be signed up for a semi-legitimate system.

There is a system called My Ecom Club which was created by Teo Vee, and it actually contains information that could potentially make you money online.

Get This Plan Commerce Club

However it is absolutely NOT something I recommend due to several reasons that you can read about in my review of it.

The main reason being that the $97 doesn’t give you everything you need, after working through what they give you that require you to pay $1,997 and even more to continue.

They do give you helpful information about creating an online store, however there are much better places out there to learn that.

And in my opinion there are much better ways to make money online.

Copied Website, Fake Testimonials

The main reason I knew so quickly that this whole thing was a scam is because I’ve seen basically the same thing before.

A couple weeks ago I wrote a review for a “program” called Ecom Cash Code, which looked exactly like Get This Plan.

Ecom Cash Code Scam Review

I even came across another one called Money Miracle!

They are all basically the same except the names are different, and a few other details within the sales videos.

They even all use the exact same testimonials, which are most-likely fake. How could three different systems have the same testimonials?

It Could Be Anything

One last point that I want to drive home is the fact that Get This Plan could really have you sign up for anything they want to.

Just because it’s signing up for My Ecom Club now, doesn’t mean that’s what it will be sending you to tomorrow.

You simply shouldn’t trust anything they say, or give them any of your money.

Is Get This Plan A Scam?

Like I’ve said multiple times in this review, Get This Plan just constantly lies and tries to mislead you into joining a system that is nothing like they explain.

For those reasons I do consider it to be a scam, even though it signs you up to a program that is technically legitimate.

Scam Logo

My Ecom Club is technically legit, it’s still not a program that I recommend due to the high price points and several other reasons.

My advise to you is to simply avoid everything that has to do with in general.

Actually Make Money Online

If you’re looking for a legitimate way to make money online, then I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Money Miracle System A Scam? You Shouldn’t Trust Them!

Money Miracle System Scam Review

In this quick review of Money Miracle System I’ll be going over several reasons why you shouldn’t trust a word they say.

Will you actually be able to make thousands or dollars per month?

Let’s dive into the “system” and find out!

Money Miracle System Scam ReviewMoney Miracle System Review

Product: Money Miracle System


Price: $47-$97 + Up-sells

Is Money Miracle System A Scam? Debatable

Is Money Miracle System Recommended? NO!


What Is Money Miracle System?

Money Miracle claims to be a system created by Teo Vee, that can help you legally and easily make thousands of dollar per month online.

Teo Vee claims that he was shown an incredible method by a 14 year old “computer wiz” that makes money by “cloning” websites like Amazon.

Apparently you’ll be able to make $1,000 to $10,000 every month, and the system will work whether you do any work or not.

However it turns out there there is quite a bit of more information that you need to know about this “system” before joining.

The Pros & Cons

Let’s quickly go over some of the good and bad things I could come up with about this system.

Money Miracle SystemPros:

  • Possible To Make Money


  • It’s A Completely Different Program
  • Not Like They Claim
  • Gets Super Expensive
  • Can’t Be Trusted

What Is Money Miracle System Really?

Well as it turns out, Money Miracle isn’t even the real system that you’ll be paying for and signing up for.

The whole Money Miracle website was created to funnel you into a completely different system called My Ecom Club.

I wrote a full review of it awhile back and it certainly wasn’t something that I recommended to my readers.

There are many reasons why I didn’t recommend it, and I’ll be going over all of those reasons within these next few sections.

Not Like They Claim

In the sales video they try to make it seem like it’s this incredibly easy, nearly automatic method that will bring you in thousands.

They claim that it’s some “loophole” that will allow you to copy websites like Amazon, and make money just like them.

Money Miracle Automation

When in reality they’ll teach you how to create your own online store, selling your own products in order to make money.

That’s not a loophole, and it certainly isn’t easy or automatic, it’s not even my recommended way of making money online.

It’s certainly possible to make make money with the method that they teach you, however it’s going to be super expensive.

Gets Super Expensive

While I certainly believe in the idea that “you have to spend money to make money” however this takes it a bit too far.

You’ll only be paying $47 up front, but that only gets your foot in the door, down the line you’ll be enticed to shell out $1,997.

I honestly wouldn’t even consider that price that high if you actually would be starting an online store that brought you in more than that each month.

However thanks to all of the complaints at the bottom of my review here, and in other places on the internet, I’ve been convinced that it’s certainly not worth the price.

Not to mention there are many people who claimed they were asked for much much more than that.

Can’t Be Trusted

The simple truth of Money Miracle is that you can’t trust anything that they say.

The story about the 14 year old just sounds incredibly fake, and it’s different from claims made on other websites promoting the same thing.

Websites like Ecom Cash Code, and Free Biz Account promote My Ecom Club, and they all tell different stories with different lies.

I mean the testimonials in the sales video are just paid actors:

Money Miracle Fake Testimonials30 Minute Money Methods Scam

In fine print it claims (real testimonials, actor portrayals) but I honestly haven’t read or seen anyone make a good testimonial about this place.

I mean the reason they are promoting it as “Money Miracle” and not as the real name is because there are so many bad reviews out there about it that they don’t want you to know the name.

Is Money Miracle System A Scam?

I mean, in reality you can debate whether Money Miracle should be called a scam or not.

They do lie to you and try to mislead you into signing up for a completely different program, but they program is technically legit.

Even though it’s not recommended due to the price, and all of the complaints from past members out there about it.

Regardless of whether you want to consider it to be a scam or not, I recommend that you avoid it!


What I Recommend To You

If you’re interested in making money online without shelling out thousands of dollars, and you’re willing to put in a good amount of time and effort, I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Money Miracle System A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate