In this quick review of The Ecom Freedom Blueprint I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it before joining.
Will you actually be able to make a ton of money with this system, or are they lying in order to get your money?
I’ll be answering those questions and many more within this review, so stick around to get the answers!

The Ecom Freedom Blueprint Review
Product: The Ecom Freedom Blueprint
Website: + Others
Price: $47-$97 + Thousands
Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint A Scam?: Debatable
Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint Recommended?: NO!
What Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint?
The Ecom Freedom Blueprint claims to be a training program that reveals “The #1 Money Making Secret Of The Highest Paid Online Business Owners!”
Apparently it was created by a man named Teo Vee and it can can help you make thousands and thousands of dollars online!
It’s explained as a 6 step road map that Teo has created from his 18+ years of experience in the ecom world.
Ecommerce isn’t my favorite way to make money online, however it is a good way to do it.
Are any of the claims made on the sales page true, or are they all just lies told in an attempt to get your money?
What Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint Really?
In reality, The Ecom Freedom Blueprint is a completely different Ecommerce training program that has been slightly repackaged.
The reason it’s been repackaged is because the real system, My Ecom Club, has received a bad reputation.
If you click right here, you can read my full review of it, and even scroll down to the bottom of the page to see a bunch of complaints from people who signed up.
The main thing you need to know is that the main training is decent, however you’ll have to pay thousands of dollars more if you want to continue.
I’ll get more into that shortly.
The Pros & Cons
Let’s take a minute to go into both the good and bad things that I have to say about The Ecom Freedom Blueprint.
- Decent information about Ecommerce
- It’s A Completely Different Program
- Only Says What You Want To Hear
- The Price Gets Ridiculous
Over the next several sections I’ll be going further into detail about all of the points I listed out above.
It’s A Completely Different Program
I already mentioned this in the above sections, however I want to go a bit more into detail.
Within the past year or so, I’ve written several reviews for “systems” just like this one.
Each of them are incredibly similar and they all lead into the same program, My Ecom Club.
Discover The Plan, Ecom Cash Code, and Get This Plan are just a few of the “systems” that are basically just like this one.

The image above is the sales page for Ecom Cash Code.
Doesn’t it look a bit familiar?
Only Tell You What You Want To Hear
The main problem I have with The Ecom Freedom Blueprint is that it just tells you what you want to hear.
It doesn’t tell you all of the things you need to know before signing up.
They try to make it seem like you sign up, do a small amount of easy work, and start making tons of cash.
Even though it is absolutely possible to make money using the method they teach you, it’s not as simple as they make it seem.
You’ll be setting up websites, order products, dealing with customers, answering emails, managing returns and complaints, as well as many other things.
It’s definitely a good way to make money online, but you should know that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.
The Price Gets Ridiculous
This is the main thing that you need to understand if you are still thinking about signing up.
The $97/$47 in the beginning is only enough to get your foot in the door.
That training is enough to wrap you head around the idea of what you’ll be doing, and to get you started.
However in order to continue further into the program you’ll have to deal with insane up-sells.
For example the very first up-sells is $2,000! And it only gets more expensive from there.
Is The Ecom Freedom Blueprint A Scam? – Conclusion
At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide whether you want to call The Ecom Freedom Blueprint a scam or not.
While it isn’t even a real program in and of itself, it does lead to a program that will give you good information about Ecommerce.
Regardless of whether or not you consider it a scam, it is not a system that I recommend.

They are trying to mislead you into a different program, and that program has THOUSANDS of dollars in hidden costs.
That’s enough to right there to make me recommend that you stay away from it.
What I Do Recommend!
If you’re interested in making money online, and you’re willing to put in the time and effort to do it, I have a suggestion for you!
My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.
Since joining their platform, I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!
Not to mention it’s free to get started!
If you’re interested in learning more, you can…
Is The Ecom Blueprint A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!