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My Traffic Business Scam Review

What Is My Traffic Business? Is A Scam? [Review]

In this quick review of My Traffic Business I’ll be going over everything I could find out about it.

Will you actually be able to make $397 per day, or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s dive in and find out!

I have created an updated version of this review with more information, you can check out my 2023 Review Right Here!

My Traffic Business Scam ReviewMy Traffic Business Review

Product: My Traffic Business


Price: $47

Is My Traffic Business A Scam? Probably 

Is My Traffic Business Recommended? No!


What Is My Traffic Business?

My Traffic Business claims to be and incredibly quick and simple way to make thousands of dollars online.

My Traffic Business Limited PositionsSupposedly it was created by a man named James Wendell, who lost his warehouse job, and then somehow found a way to be a millionaire online.

Apparently he is accepting 100 people into his program, and will help them make hundreds of thousands of dollars online incredibly quickly.

At least that’s the story that you get in the sales video.

The Truth About My Traffic Business

The truth is that the sales video for My Traffic Business just throws out lie after lie in an attempt to get your money.

I’ve seen this exact same video before in the past for other scams that have been going around the internet.

Notice how they never say the name “My Traffic Business” or any other name for that matter in the video?

That’s so that they can use this exact same video for multiple scams, and just create a new one once one gets exposed as a scam.

The Pros & Cons

Let’s go over some of the good and bad things I could come up with about My Traffic Business.

My Traffic BusinessPros:

  • Nothing


  • Unrealistic Claims
  • Fake Testimonials
  • It Could Be Anything

Over the next few sections I’ll be taking some time to go further into detail about all of the points I listed out above.

Unrealistic Claims

This is one red flag that immediately takes down the credibility of any program I review.

If you ever come across a program that claims you can make hundreds or thousands of dollars almost right away, you should be suspicious.

The truth is that there are people making that type of money online, I even make my living online.

However it did happen right away, and it certainly didn’t happen by just clicking a few buttons, or working just a few minutes a day.

If you want to actually make good money online, you’ll have to put in a good amount of work over a fairly extended period of time.

Fake Testimonials

The very first thing they show you in the sales video is a bunch of video testimonials from people claiming that they’ve made thousands.

That’s because one of the most convincing things is seeing testimonials from people claiming that they’ve had success.

The problem is that I recognize all of the people in this video as actors who can be found on a website called Fiverr.

My Traffic Business Actors Is The Bitcoin Code A Scam?

Not a single one of the claims that they make is true.

It Could Be Anything

I already pointed out the fact that this sales video has been used in other scams I’ve reviewed in the past.

They never use the actually name of a program in the video, or give any definitive information about what you’ll be doing.

This means that they could give you any program or product they want to after you give them your credit card information.

I decided not to purchase this program because there are so many red flags, but my guess is that they’ll send you to a high-ticket-program.

The $47 will just be the entrance fee, then they will hit you with several expensive up-sells that they claim you need in order to make money.

These up-sells often times will cost you thousands of thousands of dollars.

I could be wrong about that, but I can promise you that whatever you get won’t help you make hundreds or thousands of dollars online quickly.

I doubt it will help you make any money at all.

Is My Traffic Business A Scam?

I want to make it clear that I didn’t actually purchase My Traffic Business simply due to all of the red flags that I mentioned above.

With that being said, I’d be will to bet that it’s just a scam.

I’ve seen “programs” like this time and time again, and I am 100% confident that you will not get anything close to what they promise you.


The best case scenario is that you get some crappy training that actually teaches you how to make some money online.

But I seriously doubt that.

And why take a chance on a program like this, when there are legitimate training programs that will teach you how to make money online.

What I Recommend

If you are looking for a scam and hype free program that will teach you how to make money online, I suggest you check out My Top Ranked Program!

They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed online, and it’s completely free to get started.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to quit my job and work entirely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is My Traffic Business A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

38 thoughts on “What Is My Traffic Business? Is A Scam? [Review]”

  1. I signed up for your course and all of a sudden you have charged my cc $204.00 had phone calls wiht two people and they were asking for a $2800.00 investment with oout any explantion of what it would be fore I have asked for a refund and they sent me to a bad number how do i get my money back

    • Hey Skeeter,

      This is just my review of system, I am not affiliated with them in any way, so I can’t refund your money. The only thing I can suggest is keep contacting the people you talked with in the first place, Or maybe contact your bank and see what they can do about it.

  2. Dont purchase MyTrafficBiz.I did and its beginning to look like I am not going to get the $47 back.The website they tell you to,support@ mytrafficbiz,I cant even pull it up,doesn’t exist.When I received their salesperson,I asked for their c.s.number.Spoke with Ann,she said she didn’t have the capabilities of giving a refund,must be handled by email.Back to square one since the email is nonexistant.SAVE You Money,dont order this: MyTrafficBiz.

  3. I just got scammed out of $200 & don’t want anyone to get ripped off like I was. This scam promised a huge amount of money in a package delivered to my doorstep plus a new car!! After u pay $200 they ask for $500 shipping fees!! That’s where I stopped. Don’t fall for this elaborate scam!!

  4. Wow! If it sounds too good to be true it usually is.
    Too many red flags for me so I will not sign up. I plan to make money the old fashion way, hard work!

  5. Please cancel this program and refund my $23.50 to my credit card
    immediately. I am not interested it this program.
    from Johnny

  6. I deleted the email immediately. Please remember if it sounds too good to be true then you can bet it’s a scam !

  7. Been trying to log on after paying my money and the website will not accept my email. Support page doesn’t work either.

  8. Unfortunately I signed up for mytraffic .biz before I was aware there r reviews available they claim they r going 2 giv me a refund – if not I’m going 2 go 2 my bank am inform them it is a scam N request my money back hope it works- u r rite u cannot contact them via email

  9. I have been scam my trafficbiz 178.00 fake support number,fake phone bank putting a fraud alert
    on them.i hope they enjoy this.all they had to do is give my refund.but they are scammers and they have no heart

  10. I signed up today (7/18/19) at 3:30 pm and need to cancel ASAP. I have contacted my bank and put a stop payment. I had charged $47 to my credit card and $56.95 was charged on my card. I demand you credit my $56.95 immediately.

  11. I mustive went there thi king it eas part pf somethin else.Any rate they actually charged my card on the first,however,NOT FOR 47.00- BUT FOR 56.95. I DIDNT DO any spending on first or after!!!

  12. Don’t purchase MyTrafficBiz. I try it and they took three PAYment at one time of $56.95 each 06-04-2019 and the lady I talk with said “she would past it on down the line too refund the three payment . No refund yet. Total $170.85

  13. I ordered this program and suddenly I was on the phone with a guy that wanted to know all my financial information. When I refused to answer his questions he got mad and sarcastic. I asked for a refund immediately. I want my money back now!. I will pursue this tell all 2500 of my followers if this is not resolved in a timely manner and I am going to report this to the better business bureau.

  14. Dear Sirs,
    Yesterday I paid $47 to join your business. I was being tutored by a fellow named Corey Lewis and going through the Mindset video and I was on the second video getting the infrastructure set up. It was not as easy as your initial video made it sound and I got lost. I paused the video and took some time away from my computer because all I was getting was frustrated. He talked too fast and I’m not at all familiar with websites and domain names and all the intricacies involved. But I trusted that when you said anyone could do this and you would handle getting the website set up that that was right. Anyway, this morning when I came back to the computer I found four emails from Network Solutions and they instructed me to do certain things to protect my domain. But when I put my ID number in and my password, which I set up when I created my domain name, I was told my password was incorrect. When I tried to reset my password according to their instructions, I lost the video site I was watching and all access to the My Traffic Business site. I didn’t get far enough along with the videos to set up a My Traffic Business account so I don’t have any way of contacting you again. I am wondering if I am involved in something I shouldn’t be involved with. I’ve been burned two or three times when I tried to start an online business. I’m 67 years old and my goal with this business, which really seemed like it was on the level, was to generate income so I could retire and take care of my sick wife. Maybe I was really dreaming. No offense but I don’t have many computer skills except to use the internet as a resource. My wife and I owned our own newspaper for 19 years before she became so ill she couldn’t run our business office and I couldn’t do both our jobs so we shut the paper down. But you’re not interested in that. If this business is on the level could you please help me get back in touch with this Corey Lewis guy or the man who narrated the first video I watched, the ex-accountant who learned the business from his Russian client. He sounded sincere, but who knows these days?
    Anyway, thanks for listening, if you are. If this is a scam, I guess you got your $47 and I’ll have to cancel all the garbage with domain costs and such.
    Have a nice day.
    Neil A. Joslin
    Blanding, Utah

  15. Try filing a complaint with Better Business Bureau.
    In my search for these reviews, there was a link to BBB. They only have 6 complaints… all resolved.

  16. This business is not for me. Please refund my 47.00. There is personal expense involved that I can’t afford.


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