Is The Ecom Formula A Scam? $42,703.96 A Month? [Review]

In this review of The Ecom Formula I’ll be giving you all of the information you need to decide if you want to buy it or not.

Will you actually be able to make $42,000+ a month? Or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s dive in and find out!

The Ecom Formula Scam ReviewThe Ecom Formula Review

Product: The Ecom Formula


Price: $37 + Up-sells

Is The Ecom Formula A Scam? 

Is The Ecom Formula Recommended? No!


What Is The Ecom Formula?

The Ecom Formula claims to be an incredible step-by-step training program that will teach you how to make thousands of dollars online.

It claims to train you how to easily create a successful Ecommerce store that will bring you in tens of thousands of dollars each and every month.

They even claim that you’ll be able to succeed at doing all of this by only working 1 to 2 hours everyday.

Well as it turns out, The Ecom Formula is mainly just a bunch of hype, however there a few good things about it as well.

Let’s get into it.

The Pros & Cons

Let’s go over some of the good and bad things about The Ecome Formula to give you an overview of it.


  • Decent Information For Beginners
  • Possible To Get a Refund


  • Misleading Claims
  • Up-sells
  • Fake Testimonials

Over the next few sections I’ll be taking the time to go further into detail about all of the points that I listed out above.

Hyped Up Claims

There is a lot of money to be made online with a Ecommerce store, the problem is that it’s no where near as easy as they make it sound.

They make it seem like after purchasing their product you’ll be able to spend an hour a day working, and you’ll make a ton of money quickly.

The Ecom Forula Claims

That’s simply not the case.

In the past I was making plans to start my own online store, it took me 2 months just to learn everything, and plan out my steps.

Then I ended up giving up because I found a much better and easier way to make money online.

If you’re going to have your own store you will have to take the time to learn about all sorts of things like:

  • Choosing a niche
  • Building A Store
  • Sourcing Products
  • Branding
  • Packaging
  • Shipping
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Customer Support
  • etc

And there are a lot of things that I simply left out.

The real question is, will The Ecom Formula give you enough training to succeed at all of those things?

The Truth About The Ecom Formula

The simple truth is that The Ecom Formula is not going to be enough training to help a beginner create a successful online store.

The training consists of:

  • 53 Pages of Training in 4 separate PDF files
  • 9 Training Videos

As someone who went through most of the steps to create an online store, I know that is simply not going to be enough.

Not to mention the training isn’t very in depth, which is something that’s very important.

In a lot of areas they will tell you what you need to do, but won’t go into detail about how to actually do it.

Which is the most important part.

The Up-sells

Another thing that is very common with ClickBank products like this one is the inclusion of a bunch of up-sells.

I’m a strong believe that if you pay for a product that promises to teach you how to make money, that’s what you should get.

However products like this like to leave out information and things you need, so that they can charge you extra fees to get them.

The Ecom Formula is simply not enough for you to succeed, so they offer you other products to help.

I honestly doubt you’ll have enough help even if you purchase all of the up-sells.

The Fake Testimonials

You might be thinking that if all of the people in the sales video have succeeded, you can succeed too.

But the simple truth is that the creators of this product paid some actors to read a script claiming they’ve succeeded.

I know this because I recognized all of them from other sales videos, and they can be found on Fiverr.

Check it out:The Ecom Formula Fake Testimonials

30 Minute Money Methods Scam

I could take the time to show you all of the other ones, but I think one should be enough.

Is The Ecom Formula A Scam?

Personally I wouldn’t call The Ecom Formula a scam because you’ll actually get some training if you purchase it, and you can get a refund if you don’t like it.

With that being said, it is just another over hyped product that doesn’t deliver on the promises that it gives.

Not Recommended

This is just another in a series of low quality ClickBank products like The Kindle Sniper, Five Minute Profit Sites, and The AZ Code.

Do you consider The Ecom Formula to be a scam? Let me know in the comments below!

An Better Way To Make Money Online!

The reason I dropped my plans to create an online store, was simply because I found a better way to make money online.

Affiliate Marketing allows you to make money from selling other people’s products online.

That means no store, no sourcing products, no packaging and shipping, and no customer support.

Other companies will pay you to get people to purchase their products, and that’s how I make my living online.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed online, and it’s free to get started.

Since joining their platform I’ve been able to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is The Ecom Formula A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

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