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Amazon Cash Websites Scam Review

Is Amazon Cash Websites A Scam? Yes, Here’s Why!

Within this review I’ll be diving into Amazon Cash Websites, and going over exactly why you shouldn’t trust anything they say.

Will they actually help you make money online, or are they just trying to take your money?

Let’s dive in!

Amazon Cash Websites Scam ReviewAmazon Cash Websites

Program: Amazon Cash Websites

Website: – Many Different Ones

Price: Varies

Is Amazon Cash Websites A Scam? YES!

Is Amazon Cash Websites Recommended? No!


What Is Amazon Cash Websites?

Amazon Cash Websites claims to be an incredible new way to make money online by taking advantage of Amazon.

When in reality it is just a giant hoax that is trying to get you to give them as much of your money as they can get.

They try to make it seem like Amazon you can quickly make a ton of money online without doing much work at all.

That’s simply not the case.

What Is Amazon Cash Websites Really?

The truth is that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of websites just like the one you found, and they are all promoting different scams.

They create this vague sales pages promising you the world, and then they send you to some random online money making scam.

As of right now, it appears that they are trying to get you to sign up for a program called Money Sucking Website System, which is a scam that I already reviewed right here!

The Pros & Cons

Let’s go over everything that they offer and see if there is anything good to say about it.

Amazon Cash WebsitesPros: 

  • Nothing


  • A Bunch Of Lies
  • Directs To Different Scams
  • Seems Legit But Isn’t

Over the next few sections I’ll be going over what exactly I mean with the points listed out above.

A Bunch Of Lies

Honestly, the rule of thumb that you should use for this Amazon Cash Websites is to simply not trust anything they say.

These websites are created to simply look like an ordinary news article that you might run across on Facebook or something.

It even goes as far as using locations tracking to make is seem like it is a specific job opportunity in your area.

They use fake testimonials, in my case “Paul Miller” to make it seem like actual people are making money with the system.

Directs To Different Scams

I’ve come across websites just like this one multiple times in the past, however they seem to direct to different scams.

It appears that they simply direct you to whatever is the most popular scam that can make them the most money at that time.

Like I said earlier, Money Sucking Website System appears to be the most popular one right now.

MSW System Scam Review

However depending on when you’re reading this, it might very well be a completely different scam.

Seems Legit But Isn’t

The most dangerous thing about Amazon Cash Websites is that it honestly seems legit if you don’t take the time to fully examine it.

It uses a familiar article layout, and talks about familiar things like Amazon and it’s CEO Jeff Bezos.

They even talk about actual ways to make money online, they just sneak in a bunch of lies to make it more appealing.

It’s Possible To Make Money Online

It is true that Amazon will actually pay you money to get people to go to their website and purchase items.

It’s called being an affiliate, and it’s actually how I make my living online!

The problem is that they mix in a bunch of lies, to make it seem so much faster and easier than it actually is.

They make it seem like it is a nearly automatic method that is guaranteed to make you thousands and thousands of dollars online.

When the truth is that their “system” isn’t even really going to work.

The website that they give you is not going to bring in any traffic, which means you won’t make any money.

If you want to actually succeed at making money online, you have to put in a lot more time and effort.

There’s simply no such thing as a push button, or automatic method that is going to make you money online.

Is Amazon Cash Websites A Scam?

From what I can tell, Amazon Cash Websites is basically a sales funnel that was created to send you to other scams.

They lie and try to trick you into giving them your money.


I think that you should completely avoid any program that Amazon Cash Websites sends you too, even if it seems legit.

Actually Make Money Online!

Like I said, it’s possible to actually make money online, it just takes plenty of time, and effort.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their training I’ve been able to build an online income that has allowed me to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Amazon Cash Websites A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

1 thought on “Is Amazon Cash Websites A Scam? Yes, Here’s Why!”

  1. I agree its a SCAM. I just listened to their video and what i noticed is the only time you hear Amazon is in the beginning and not again. They say its free and then want to charge you $47. Would Amazon charge you anything? I think not.


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