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Smart Money Methods Scam Review

Is Smart Money Methods A Scam Or Legit? [Quick Review]

In this quick Smart Money Methods Review I’ll be going over everything you need to know about to decide if you want to sign up.

Is it a scam, or will you really make $7,592.30 per week?

Let’s dive in and find out!

Smart Money Methods Scam ReviewSmart Money Methods Review

Product: Smart Money Methods


Price: $37 + Up-sells

Is Smart Money Methods A Scam? Debatable

Is Smart Money Methods Recommended? No!


What Is Smart Money Methods?

Smart Money Methods claims to be a new incredible program that will show you how to make up to $30,000 per month with only 30 minutes of work a day.

Apparently it is an incredible “idiot-proof” money making scheme that will basically help you become rich overnight.

Does that sound too good to be true? Well that’s because it simply is.

Throughout this review I’ll be going over several reasons why you should completely avoid Smart Money Methods.

The Pros & Cons

I always try to be as fair as possible to every program that I review and find good things to say about it. Some programs make that more difficult than others.


  • Possible To Get A Refund


  • No Information
  • Unrealistic Claims
  • Limited Positions Lie
  • Just Like Other Programs

Over the next several sections I’ll be going further into detail about what I actually mean with the points listed above.

No Information

One of the main problems that I have with this program is the fact that they give you absolutely not information about what you’ll be doing.

Do they really expect you to purchase their program without even telling you how you’ll be making money?

I written reviews for hundreds of online money making programs, and every single one of the legit ones tells you exactly what you’ll be doing.

My Top Ranked Program even allows you to try it out for completely free without even having to enter in any payment information.

Just a rule of thumb, if a program says you can make a ton of money, but they don’t tell you how, don’t buy it.

Unrealistic Claims

Another rule of thumb you should follow is if a program claims you can make a ton of money incredibly quickly by doing a small amount of work, don’t trust them.

Don’t get me wrong, it is absolutely possible to make good money online, in fact I make my entire living online.

However if you want to succeed at it, you have to be willing to put in a lot of time and effort.

You aren’t going to be able to put 30 minutes of work in here and there and expect to make money.

That’s simply not how making money online works.

If it did work that way, don’t you think everyone would be doing it?

Limited Positions Lie

Smart Money Methods Limited PositionsThis is a red flag that I see time and time again with scams that I review and research.

They claim that they are only accepting a limited number of people, and if you wait to long you’ll miss out.

This is a simple trick they use to try to get you to sign up without taking the proper time to research it.

In this case, I hope you are reading this before you decided to give them your money.

Just Like Other Programs

The truth is that I’ve reviewed a ton of programs that are basically just like this one.

Kindle Sniper, The AZ Code, Five Minute Profit Sites and The Ecom Formula are just like this one.

They all claim to have found some new incredible method that will make you a ton of money with little to no work.

And guess what, none of them are anything like what they claimed to be.

I personally decided not to purchase Smart Money Methods simply because I know it won’t be anywhere near as good as they claim.

My guess is that it will just be some crappy training that will require you to purchase a bunch of other up-sells before you even have a chance to make money.

That or it will simply be a hypothetical method for making some money online that has never actually been tried.

Then they won’t even give you comprehensive training on how to follow through with the method.

Once again, these are just guesses, but every time I’ve purchased a product like this one it’s been something like that.

Is Smart Money Methods A Scam?

It’s honestly debatable as to whether or not you can call Smart Money Methods a scam.

On one hand, you’ll actually get some training that could help you at least get a general idea of how to make money online.

However on the other hand, it won’t be anywhere near as incredible as they make it seem in the sales video.

Even if they teach you a method for making money online, you won’t make anywhere near as much as they claim, anywhere near as fast as they claim you will.

Not Recommended

Regardless of whether you think it should be called a scam or not, it certainly isn’t something that I’ll be recommending.

There are simply better programs out there that will actually teach you how to make money, without you having to guess how.

What I Recommend

If you’re interested in actually making money online, and you’re willing to put in plenty of time and effort, then I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training tools and support you need to succeed at making money online.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Smart Money Methods A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

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