Click Here To Check Out Our #1 Recommended Place To Make Money Online!

Is The Translate Go App Legit Or A Scam? (2022 Review)

In this quick review of The Translate Go Android App I’ll be giving you my thought about the app and telling you whether I think its a scam, or a legit way to make hundreds of dollars online!

Translate Go App Review!

Produce: Translate Go App

Creator: ChenSX

Price: Free To Download



What Is The Translate Go Android App?

Translate Go is an app that can be downloaded onto android devices through the use of the Play Store.

It claims to be an app where you can earn money by simply translating text from one language into another.

The basic idea behind it is to use it like Google Translate, and get paid money for it.

Honestly that sounds great! Especially for people who often use Google Translate. Why not just use Translate Go and make money instead?

Well it’s not quite as great as it sounds, and I’ll be getting to why that is here shortly.

Pros And Cons

Let’s go over some of the things I like and dislike about Translate Go!


  • Might be able to make money (Strongly Doubt It)


  • It will take a long time to make any money
  • The cash out threshold is outlandishly high
  • Buggy App

Now let’s take some time to go over the individual points I listed above, and get into what I mean with each of them.

Does Translate Go Actually Pay Out?

At the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is if they will actually pay you after reaching the incredibly high threshold.

If you can reach it…

Let’s quickly break down what exactly you need to do in order to even get a chance to get paid out.

The threshold for cashing out is 2,000,000 coins. You will be earning a miniscule 4 coins for each word that you translate. That means you will have to translate 500,000 words before you can get a $35 Gift Card.

The catch is that you are only able to translate 100 words at a time, and after each translation you have to watch a video ad.

That means that in order to cash out, you will have to do 5,000 translations, and watch 5,000 video ads.

If each video is 30 seconds, that would be 150,000 seconds, which comes in just shy of 42 HOURS of watch time alone!

Are you willing to spend 42 hours watching videos to find out whether they actually payout or not?

Because I certainly am not willing to do that.

Why waste so much time on a potential scam, when there are plenty of other ways to make money online.

Translate Go App Payment Proof

There are people online saying they do pay out, however there are plenty of others who say they do not.

Unfortunately the only way for you to find out for sure is to potentially waste 42 hours+ earning the 2,000,000 coins.

Which I highly recommend against doing, because any “proof of payment” you find online, could’ve easily been faked.

All of the “payment proof” I could find online were just people talking about the app while never actually showing any proof.

And to be quite honest I wouldn’t even trust it if they did show it.

Conclusion: Is The Translate Go App A Scam Or Legit?

I try to be as honest as I possibly can within these reviews, which is why I definitively can’t say for sure whether Translate go is a scam or legit.

However I can say that I absolutely DO NOT RECOMMENED that you spend the minimum 42 hours it would take just to reach the threshold for cashing out.

Not Recommended

Even if the app does pay out, you would quite literally only be getting paid a handful of cents per hour that you put in.

Which in my opinion is a complete waste of time, especially when places like my #1 Recommended Program, can teach you how to much a whole lot more than that online.

Actually Make Real Money Online!

Did you know that companies will actually pay you money to help sell their products online?

No creating your own product, no packaging, shipping, or any of that stuff.

You just help internet users find the products online, and get paid when they make a purchase.

That’s actually how I make my living online!

If you’re interested in learning more, I suggest you CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MAKING MONEY ONLINE!

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns please don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate Review! Is It A Scam Or Legit? Don’t Trust Them!

CloutShare Scam Review

In this quick review of CloutShare I’ll be going over several reasons why you should avoid it.

Will you really be able to make $500 today, or are they just saying that to get you to sign up?

The truth is that you won’t actually be able to make any money from it, and I’ll be going over why not shortly.

If you’re interested in actually making money online, you can Check Out My Top Rated Program!

CloutShare Review Logo

Product: Clout Share


Price: Free To Join

Is CloutShare A Scam? Yes!

Is CloutShare Recommended? No!


What Is CloutShare?

CloutShare claims to be an incredible website where you can easily earn tons of money.

Supposedly you’ll make $25 just for signing up, and another $10 for every person you get to sign up.

The website says that they have paid 93 million dollars to over 315,000 members.

While all of that sounds incredible, none of it is even remotely true!

Is Legit?

No. Unforturnately CloutShare is not a legitimate website in the least.

In reality it is just a website set up to “farm” as much information as they can from as many people as possible.

In the online world, information is a very valuable commodity.

That’s why websites like Facebooks and Twitter make billions of dollars from selling yours.

CloutShare is just a shady and unethical way to get your information.

They also make money by having you complete surveys, and download apps under their name.

I’ll be getting into why giving your information to shady websites like this one can be incredibly dangerous.

You Won’t Get Paid!

I know this isn’t something that you want to here, but unfortunately it’s true.

It can certainly be difficult to hear if you’ve spent a large amount of time sharing it to your friends and family.

The truth is that not a single person will ever see the money that they’ve earned on the website.

If you take a second to look at their Fraud Policy, you might see why.

Clout Share shady Fraud Policy

They will use this as a reason to not pay anyone.

As soon as you earn enough money to cash out, they will simply say you committed fraud.

Then use that as an excuse to not pay you, and probably delete your account.

It’s Just Like Other Scams!

You might be wonder why I’m so confident that you won’t get any money.

That’s because I’ve reviewed dozens of scam almost exactly like this one in the past.

Clout Bucks, CloutPay, Paid4Clout and Easy Cash Job all look incredibly similar.

In fact, several of them are the exact same website, just with a different name and URL. Is Dangerous!

I know it might seem like you have nothing to lose since it’s free to join.

However if you’re not careful, you could end up losing a lot of money.

Think about it.

In order to sign up you had to put in an email address and password.

Did you use a email/password combination that you use for other accounts?

Possibly for an online banking account or PayPal account?

If so, you might want to go change your passwords as soon as possible.

You also need to be aware of the fact that you’ll probably get a ton of scam emails to your address as well.

Is A Scam?

Honestly I don’t see anything else that you could call it other than a scam.

You will put in tons of your time and energy sharing it to your friends and family, for absolutely nothing in return.

The website is completely fake, you won’t get paid, and there is a chance that your other accounts could get hacked!

Scam Logo

I strongly suggest that you avoid Clout Share, and change all of your passwords.

Actually Make Money Online!

Believe it or not, there are legitimate companies out there that will pay you to get people to buy their products and services.

Even big name companies like Walmart and Amazon will pay to to get people to go to their websites and buy something.

The method of making money online this way is called Affiliate Marketing, and it’s How I Make My Living Online!

Is CloutShare A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

The Easy Cash Job Scam! Free But Dangerous! Review

Easy Cash Job Scam Review

In this quick review of Easy Cash Job I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it.

Will you actually be able to make any money with it, or is it just a big scam?

I’ll be answering those questions and many more within this review, so stick around!

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making systems, you can CLICK HERE if you want to learn about the best one!

Easy Cash Job Scam Review

Easy Cash Job Scam

Product: Easy Cash Job


Price: Free (you could still lose money)

Is Easy Cash Job A Scam? YES!

Is Easy Cash Job Recommended? NO!


What Is Easy Cash Job?

Easy Cash Job is a website located at that claims to be an easy way to make money online.

Apparently all you have to do is create an account to earn $5, then complete other tasks to make more money.

You can either click on and view ads to earn money, or earn $1 for every person you get to join.

How The Easy Cash Job Scam Works

While that sounds simple enough, the truth is that it’s not what it appears and claims to be!

Is Easy Cash Job Legit?

The simple answer to this question is no.

What Easy Cash Job claims to be and what it actually is are two completely different things.

In reality, is a website that is trying to “farm” as much information out of as many people as possible, WITHOUT paying them.

I’ll be getting into the specifics shortly.

The Pros & Cons

In this section I normally point out both the good and bad things about the program I’m reviewing, however there nothing good about this one.


  • Nothing


  • You Won’t Get Paid
  • Free But Dangerous
  • Similar To Other Scams

Within the next several sections I’ll be going further in depth about all of the points I just listed out!

You Won’t Get Paid!

This is the main reason why most people are probably reading this review.

You’re either wondering if you’ll actually get paid, or you’re wondering why you didn’t get paid.

Well the truth is that you aren’t going to get any of the money that you earn on the website.

One of two things will happen once you try to cash out.

Either you’ll get a notice saying that your account has been banned because you “committed fraud” or you just won’t hear anything.

This is something that websites just like Easy Cash Job do on a regular basis.

Free But Dangerous!

I know it might seem like the only thing you have to lose is time, but that’s not the case.

While if might be free to join, there is still a chance you could lose money, or other things.

To create an account you have to enter an email address and password.

Was the email address and password combination you put in the same one you use for other things?

Possibly your PayPal or bank accounts?

If so you might want to hurry up and change your passwords, if not, you’re still not in the clear yet.

Giving out this information will make it easier for you to get hacked, and so will downloading things.

Most of the ads I was sent to were asking me to download something.

Do not do that! That’s another good way to get hacked!

Similar To Other Scams!

This is a very common tactic used all over the internet.

Within the past few weeks alone I’ve discovered and reviewed CashOg, Clout Bucks, Money Chaser, Kids Earn Money, and many more!

They are all the same basic concept.

They claim to be an easy way to make money by getting friends to join, and watch and clicking ads.

However in reality they just waste your time, get your information, and don’t pay you!

Is Easy Cash Job A Scam? – Conclusion

When it comes down to it, Easy Cash Job is a dangerous scam that you should completely avoid.

You won’t get paid, it could lead to you getting hacked, and you could possibly even lose money.

Scam Logo

I strongly suggest that you avoid, and change the password of any account that uses the same password you used to create your account there.

Actually Make Money Online!

There are companies out there who will actually pay you to get people to pay for their services, and buy their products.

Even websites like Amazon and Walmart will pay you to get people to visit their site and buy their products.

The method of making money this way is called affiliate marketing, and it’s how I make a living online!

Even though it sounds simple, there’s quite a bit to it if you want to make any notable money doing it.

That’s why I strongly suggest you click here to read about my top ranked program!

They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Don’t get me wrong, it takes plenty of time and effort, but if you’re will to do that, it’s completely free to get started!

Is Easy Cash Job A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is A Scam? It’s Dangerous! [Money Chaser Review]

In this quick review of Money Chaser/ I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it.

Will you actually be able to make $500 today, or are they just trying to scam you?

Well unfortunately it’s looking like they are just trying to pull one over on you.

Before I get into the reasons why they shouldn’t be trusted I want to let you know you can Click Here to learn how to really make money online! homepage Scam Review

Product: Money Chaser


Price: Free To Join (could still lose money)

Is Money Chaser A Scam? Basically

Is Money Chaser Recommended? No!


What Is Money Chaser? claims to be an incredible website that will pay you a bunch of money to sign up, and to get other people to sign up.

They claim to pay you $25 just for signing up, and then another $10-$15 for every person you get to sign up.

While it might seem like an incredible way to make a ton of money online, it’s not what it claims.

What Money Chase claims to be and what it actually is are two completely different things.

Is Money Chaser Legit?

In reality, is a website whose main goal is to get as much of your information as possible, without giving you any money.

That’s right.

Basically the website is an information “farm” of sorts, that wants to get the email addresses, passwords, phone numbers and whatever other information they can from as many people as possible.

They use a bunch of shady tactics, and straight up lies to make it seem more legit.

I’ll be getting more in depth about all of those things shortly.

The Pros & Cons

This is normally where I write both good and bad things about a program, but there’s only bad things for this one.

Money Chaser Logo


  • Nothing


  • They Don’t Actually Payout
  • It’s Dangerous!
  • Similar To Other Scams
  • Fake Testimonials & Reviews

Throughout the next several sections I’ll be breaking down all of the points that I just listed out above.

#1: They Don’t Actually Payout!

The hard to swallow truth is that you will never actually get the money that you’ve earned on the website.

You build up a bunch of money in their fake account, then when it comes time to cash out, they won’t pay.

Here’s what will most-likely happen.

When you try to get your money, you’ll get a message saying that you committed fraud.

They’ll say that you got fake clicks, or fake referrals and use that as an excuse to ban you, or just to not pay you.

Check out their fraud policy statement: Fraud Policy

“if our team finds any fake referrals/clicks, your account will be banned and your payment will not be approved.”

This gives them an excuse to not pay a single person the money they earn.

#2: It’s Dangerous!

Like I said earlier, it’s an information “farm” whose sole purpose is to get your information, and most-likely sell it.

What information did you give them?

Well to create an account you have to give them your name, email address and password.

Did you use an email address and password combination that you use for other accounts.

Paypal Accounts or bank accounts even?

If so, you should go and change your passwords immediately, and look over your accounts.

Another shady thing is their task wall: shady task list

All of the tasks (that you won’t actually get paid for) require your email, phone number, and other “valid details.”

Many of them require you to enter banking information to sign up for free trials.

If not cancelled in time you will be charged the full price.

Also, who’s to say they are all legitimate free trials?

Some could be fake ones that just want you banking information.

Be careful, change your passwords, cancel the trials, and keep an eye on your money.

#3: Similar To Other Scams!

The unfortunate truth is that websites almost exactly like Money Chaser are all over the internet.

Just in the past few weeks I’ve stumbled across Kids Earn Money, Clout Bucks, and CashOg.

All of which are basically the same website that’s been renamed , probably by the same group of people.

#4: Fake Testimonials & Reviews

Within you will find both fake testimonials as well as fake reviews.

If you scroll down to the bottom of their home page you’ll see “happy member” testimonials from people claiming to have made thousands.

Well the truth is that these testimonials are completely fabricated, and they just use stock photos as images of the members.

Also, if you click on the “video testimonials” page, you’ll come across several fake reviews.

These videos are short video bought off of a website called Fiverr.

Here’s some proof: fake testimonial

The above image is a screenshot of a Money Chaser review, while the image below is from Fiverr. paid actor

The creator of this website paid 5 bucks to have an actress make a short review.

Is A Scam? is full lies, misleading information, and even fake testimonials.

Not to mention, at the end of the day you will never be paid the money that you earn.

Wouldn’t you call that a scam?

I strongly suggest that you stay away from Money Chaser, but if you do decide to give it a try, use fake information.

Just keep in mind that by sharing it with friends and family, you will be opening them up to being scammed.

Scam Logo

Actually Make Money Online!

Believe it or not, there are actually websites and companies out there who will pay you for getting people to sign up for their services and buy their products.

Did you know you know even big brands like Walmart, and Amazon will pay you to get people to buy stuff from their websites?

They have programs called affiliate programs that allow you to earn money.

The method for making money online this way is called affiliate marketing, and it’s How I Make My Living Online!

It sounds simple, but there is a whole lot that goes into it, which is why I suggest you check out My Top Ranked Training Program!

They give you access to all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online!

Is Money Chaser A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Kids Earn Money A Scam? 4 RED FLAGS! [Review]

In this review of Kids Earn Money I’ll be going over several reason why you should completely avoid it!

Will you actually be able to make up to $50 per task? Or are they just trying to scam you?

I’ll be answering those questions and many more within this review, so stick around!

Before jumping in, if you’re interested in learning about the program that helped me make a living online, you can click here to learn more!

Kids Earn Money Scam Review

Kids Earn Money Scam Review

Product: Kids Earn Money

Price: Free To Join

Website: + Others

Is Kids Earn Money A Scam? Basically

Is Kids Earn Money Recommended? No!


What Is Kids Earn Money?

Kids Earn Money claims to be an incredible website where you can make tons of cash by completing simple tasks.

They claim to pay $20 just for signing up, and $20 for every person you get to sign up.

As well as anywhere from $10-$30 for each simple task that you complete.

These tasks range from taking online surveys, to downloading and installing various apps.

However it’s important that you know that what Kids Earn Money claims to be and what it actually is are two completely different things.

What Is Kids Earn Money Really?

In reality Kids Earn Money is a scheme that’s main purpose is to get your information, and earn as much money off of you as possible.

Without giving you any money in return.

They will sell your information to the highest bidder, and earn money from the tasks that you complete.

They shouldn’t be trusted, and I’ll be giving you several reasons why not in this review.

The Pros & Cons

I always try to be fair to every program I write a review about, but I just couldn’t find anything good to say about this one.

Kids Earn Money Logo


  • Nothing


  • They Don’t Payout
  • It’s Possible To Lose Money
  • Just Like Other Scams
  • Other Shady Things

Over the next several sections I’ll be taking the time to go further in detail about the points listed in this section.

#1: They Don’t Payout

Even though Kids Earn Money seems like an easy way to make money, the truth is that they won’t pay you when it comes time to cash out.

I’m sure you’ve seen some screenshots of people getting paid, but those can be easily faked.

Not to mention the people claiming to have been paid are just saying that to convince you to join.

You don’t have to believe me, you can go to this page of the BBB’s website and read the comments.

Here’s a few of them if you don’t want to click the link:

Kid Earn Money Complaints

#2: It’s Possible To Lose Money

Like I said earlier, the main goal of the website is to get as much of your information as possible.

Just to create an account you need to enter your full name, email address, and a password.

Believe it or not, that may be enough to hack into a bunch of your different accounts.

Do you use the same email/password combination for other accounts such as a PayPal account or online banking?

If so you might want to go and change your passwords as soon as possible.

I’ve heard horror stories of people losing a bunch of money from websites like this one.

#3: Just Like Other Scams

It’s no mistake that I stumbled upon Kids Earn Money while doing research for another website that turned out to be a scam.

I was doing research for Kids Earn Cash, which led me to Clout Bucks, CashOg and then ultimately to Kids Earn Money.

These are all basically the same scams that are most-likely being run by the same person or people.

Once one of them is ousted as a scam, they simply change the name, and url, and start it all over again.

#4: Other Shady Things

There are a ton of other shady things revolving around this website, but I’m only going to go over a few.

First off, if you take a quick gander at their task list, you might notice something interesting.

Kids Earn Money Task List

Most of them require an email address, and some of them go as far as entering a phone number or credit card information.

This farther solidifies the fact that they are simply after your information.

The final shady thing I want to point out is their “Fraud Detection” policy.

Kids Earn Money Doesn't Payout

Basically they say “if our team finds any fake referrals/clicks, your account will be banned and your payment will not be approved”

This is what all of the other websites like this one do.

When you earn enough to cash out, you will receive a message that says they found fraud.

They will use that as an excuse to ban you and not give you the money you earned.

Is Kids Earn Money A Scam?

At the end of the day, after doing all of my research it certainly appears that it is in fact a scam.

There are tons of people complaining about not being paid, it’s just like other scams, and there’s a bunch of other shady things about it.

If you already wasted a bunch of time with it, the best thing you can do is cut your loses, and change your passwords.

And if you haven’t joined yet, I strongly advise that you avoid them!


Actually Make Money Online!

Believe it or not, there are actually companies out there who will pay you to get people to pay for their products and services.

Even popular websites like Walmart and Amazon have affiliate programs that pay you to get people to buy things.

The method of making money this way is called affiliate marketing, and it’s How I Make A Living Online!

It sounds simple, but there is a whole lot more to it than you would think.

That’s why I recommend you read a bit more about My Top Ranked Program!

They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online!

Is Kid’s Earn Money A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Clout Bucks A Scam? 4 Reasons It Is! [Quick Review]

In this quick review of Clout Bucks I’ll be going over everything you need to know about the company.

Will you actually be able to make $500 today? Or are they just going to waste your time?

I’ll be answering all of those questions and many more within this review.

Before jumping in, if you’re interested in learning about the program that helped me earn a living online, you can CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!

Clout Bucks Scam Review

Clout Bucks Scam Review

Product: Clout Bucks


Price: Free To Join

Is Clout Bucks A Scam? Basically

Is Clout Bucks Recommended? NO!


What Is Clout Bucks?

Clout Bucks claim to be the #1 Social Earning Network that will pay you money for getting other people to join.

They claim to pay you $25 just for creating an account, then $10 for every person you get to join.

As well as various amount for other tasks.

Apparently they’ve been in business for 10 years, and paid out $39.5 million to their members.

While that does certain sound enticing, it doesn’t appear to true in the slightest.

What Is Clout Bucks Really?

In reality it appears that Clout Bucks is just another websites that’s out to trick you.

The truth is that you will never see the money that you earn with the website.

The main purpose behind this website is most-likely to get your information, and sell it to the highest bidder.

They could possibly even earn money themselves from various tasks you complete on other websites.

The Pros & Cons

Normally I would list out the good and bad things about this website, but I’ve only found bad things.

Clout Bucks Logo


  • Nothing


  • They Don’t Pay Out
  • It’s Very Dangerous
  • Tons Of Shady Stuff
  • Just Like Other Scams

Throughout the rest of the review I’ll be going further in depth about all of the points I listed out above.

#1: They Don’t Pay Out

There is a good chance that you’re reading this review because you went to cash out, and they didn’t give you your money.

They’re also very sneaky with the way they go about not doing it.

Firstly, there is a certain amount of money you have to have in your account before you can cash out.

This means that they are guaranteed to get you to sign up several friends before you realize it’s fake.

Secondly, they have a shady fraud policy that they use to their advantage.

Clout Bucks Shady Fraud Policy

Once you finally reach the money threshold and try to cash out, they’ll simply say you committed fraud.

They’ll say you had fake clicks or something to justify not giving you your money.

That way they don’t have to pay out, and they can seem somewhat legit.

There’s even a comment at the bottom of one of their blog posts from a member complaining about not getting paid!

Clout Bucks Comment Complaint

#2: It’s Very Dangerous!

I know that you didn’t pay any money or put in any credit card information, but you could still lose money.

When you created your account, you had to supply an email address and password.

Most people use the same password for most of their accounts online.

Did you supply them with a email address and password combination that you’ve used for a PayPal account or bank account or something.

If so, you now have the risk of losing a bunch of money. I’ve heard of it happening before.

Not to mention the could now hack into any other account you have with the same combination.

#3: Tons Of Shady Stuff

Just briefly looking over the website I found a few other shady things you should know about.

First off, I took a look at their task wall, and just about every single one requires you email address or phone number.

Clout Bucks Shady Task List

This even further solidifies the idea that they are just after your information.

Another shady thing is the fact that they seem to be connected to a known scam called Kids Get Money.

They only have 3 blog posts on their website (which is shady on it’s own) and one of them is about how they definitely aren’t a scam.

That’s not even the most interesting part…

#4: Just Like Other Scams!

If you take a look at the tags underneath the post, all of the tags are for Kids Get Money.

Clout Bucks Kids Get Money Tags

Another interesting thing is the fact that if you go to the Kids Get Money website, it redirects you to Clout Bucks now.

My guess would be that once Kids Get Money was outed for being a scam, they changed the name and the website to Clout Bucks.

The truth is that there are real GPT websites out there that will actually pay you.

However the difference is that they will pay you a couple of cents per task.

I’ve come across dozens of websites just like Clout Bucks, that claim to pay $10+ per task like Paid4Clout and CashOg.

However I’ve NEVER found a single one that wasn’t a scam, and actually paid out!

Is Clout Bucks A Scam? – Conclusion

I’m almost as certain as I can be that Clout Bucks is a scam, without wasting a bunch of time completing tasks that I’ll never get paid for.


I strongly suggest that you avoid them, and don’t waste your time making them money without getting anything in return.

It would also be a good idea to change the passwords for any accounts that use the same email.

As well as ignore the large amounts of spam offers you’ll be receiving to that email address as well.

How To Make Real Money Online!

There are plenty of real companies that will pay you for getting people to pay for their services, or purchase their products.

Even companies like Walmart and Amazon!

The method of making money this way is called Affiliate Marketing, and it’s actually How I Make My Living Online!

It sounds simple, but there is a lot more to it than you would think.

That’s why I suggest you check out My Top Ranked Program because they give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed.

It takes a good amount of time, effort, and determination, but if you’re willing to do it, there’s a lot of money to be made online.

Is Clout Bucks A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Panel Place A Scam? Will You Make Money? [Review]

Panel Place Scam Review

In this quick review of Panel Place I’ll be telling you if it’s just another scam opportunity website, or if you can actually make money.

In the past I’ve reviewed quite a few scam opportunity websites that simply set you up with scam “jobs” and make you waste your money.

Is Panel Place just another one of those scams, or are they a legitimate website that sets you up with legitimate opportunities?

Let’s dive into it and find out!

Panel Place Scam ReviewPanel Place Review

Product: Panel Place


Price: Free To Join

Is Panel Place A Scam? Not Really (I’ll Explain)

Is Panel Place Recommended? Not Really


What Is Panel Place?

Panel Place claims to be an online platform that helps connect users to new opportunities, a helps businesses gain new users.

They started out as a company that solely gave access to survey website, but have now expanded to other opportunity categories that server members in over 40 countries.

Basically the idea behind it is to connect different people to online opportunities where they can earn some extra money.

Do they live up to everything that they claim to be? Do they really help you connect with good opportunities? Or are they just trying to scam you?

In this review I’ll be answering those questions and more!

Let’s get started!

Getting Started With Panel Place

To get started with Panel Place register for an account by entering in some basic information about yourself such as:

  • Email
  • Country
  • City
  • Gender
  • Name
  • & Date Of Birth

After that you’ll be taken to a page with a list of online opportunities ranging from paid surveys, GPT (get paid to) websites to tutoring and training.

What Opportunities Does Panel Place Offer?

Panel PlaceHere are some of the opportunities I was matched up with:

  • Grammarly
  • Linkin Learning
  • Udemy
  • Zippy Opinion
  • Shaw Academy
  • MySoapBox

Some of the companies I was referred to are decent places where you can make a little bit of extra cash.

Others are just websites like can help you with various things like productivity, and improving your grammar.

They also offer a few other perks of their own like:

  • Member Promotions – Contests where a handful of members have the opportunity to win usually around $10 for answering some questions.
  • Emails – They’ll send you email about survey websites you haven’t signed up for, and when new promotions start.
  • An App – Basically an app version of their services that I’ll get into in a few minutes.
  • Invite Friends – Normally websites like this will give you some points or cash for inviting friends, but Panel Place doesn’t seem to offer anything.

Is There A Point To Panel Place?

The problem I have with Panel Place is that doesn’t really seem to be much of a reason to keep coming back or to use their service.

Sure, they give you a list of online opportunities, but these can really be found anywhere else.

You can do a simple Google search and find a similar if not better list of opportunities that you can take advantage of.

Remember how I said that companies will pay you to refer a friend? Well that’s how Panel Place makes it’s money.

They refer their members or “friends” to various opportunity websites, and make money when they sign up and use the services.

There is nothing wrong with that, but it just kind of makes them an unnecessary middleman website.

You can find all of those websites and services elsewhere without their help.

The Panel Place App

At first I was a bit interested when I heard that they had a mobile app.

It’s always nice when a company has an easy way to access their website and opportunities on mobile devices.

However when I got to the Play Store to download the app, I wasn’t very impressed to say the least.

Most of the recent reviews were 1 stars, and most of the members seemed to be disappointed.

Panel Place App Reviews

Many people claimed that they weren’t even able to access the app.

My guess would be part of the reason for the problems is that the app hasn’t been updated since 2017.

Panel Place App Updates

When it comes to the online world, a year without updates is basically an eternity.

Is Panel Place A Scam Or Worth It?

In my opinion, this is one of the cases where I would have to say that Panel Place doesn’t fall into either of these categories.

While it does help set you up with legitimate online opportunities, and it certainly isn’t a scam, it’s also not really worth it.

I can’t see myself coming back to this place on a regular basis. They just don’t seem to offer enough value in my opinion.

Most of the survey websites I was linked up with weren’t specific to me, and I already knew about them.

It would be one thing if after filling out your profile information at Panel Place, it would automatically fill in that information at other survey websites.

However that’s not the case.

Sure they will match you up with places, but then you’ll have to give that same information to the site you sign up for.

Conclusion About Panel Place

When it comes down to it, I personally don’t think Panel Place offers enough value to earn a recommendation from me.

However the most you have to lose with signing up for them is time.

When it comes to survey websites, I normally don’t recommend them anyway because the amount of time you spend on them is almost never worth the pay.

You’ll end up making a few bucks per hour at best, often times people will make that amount per month.

If you are looking to make real money online, I always suggest at least checking out My Top Ranked Program.

They teach you how to build simple websites that earn you money through advertising and recommending products.

They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their platform I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Panel Place A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Mingle Cash A Scam? $57/Day On Auto-Pilot? [Review]

Mingle Cash Scam Review

In this review of Mingle Cash I’ll be going over all of the things you need to know before joining.

There are some shady things about it. Is it really as good as it seems?

Let’s jump into it and find out!

Mingle Cash Scam ReviewMingle Cash Review

Product: Mingle Cash


Price: Free To Join

Is Mingle Cash A Scam? Not Really

Is Mingle Cash Recommended? NO!


What Is Mingle Cash?

Mingle Cash claims to be an incredible place where you can earn money online from simply playing games and referring people.

They claim that a 17 year old kid is making $57 a day using their program, and you can be in his position too.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of similar programs promising to make you thousands of dollars online, and most of them turn out to be fake.

Is Mingle Cash any where near as good as they claim, or are they simply making it sound better than it is.

Let’s dive in and find out!

The Pros & Cons

Let’s go over some of the good and bad things that I could come up with about Mingle Cash.

Mingle Cash LogoPros:

  • It’s Possible To Make Money
  • Multiple Ways To Earn
  • Free To Join


  • Ton Of Hype
  • Fake Success Stories
  • Fake Testimonials

Over the next several sections I’ll be going into detail about all of the points that I listed out above.

Making Money With Mingle Cash

The truth is that it is certainly possible to make money online through Mingle Cash.

While there are several ways to make money online through Mingle Cash, most of them simply involve clicking or watching ads.

Which is what they tell you about in the video.

The ways to make money are:

  • Play & Earn
  • Watch & Earn
  • Complete Offers
  • Refer People

Play & Earn

There is a section where you can play various games and earn money while doing it.

While playing you’ll see various ads, and Mingle Cash will get paid for those then give you a portion of the money they earned.

Surf & Earn

You’ll be downloading a piece of software that will pop up various ads while you’re surfing the web, and if you click on them, you’ll earn some extra change.

Watch & Earn

Basically the same thing as Play & Earn, except watching videos instead.

Complete Offers

They also give you the option to earn money by completing various different tasks.

These tasks include signing up for free trials, taking surveys, and downloads various apps.

Referring People

This is the big one that they brag about you being able to make a ton of money online.

The idea behind it sounds pretty incredible.

They have a 10 level referral program that allows you to make money not only from the people you refer, but from the people they refer, and the people their referrals refer, all the way to 10 different levels of that.

It sounds like an incredible way to make a ton of money online, but in this next section I’ll be going over why it’s not as good as they make it seem.

Ton Of Hype

They make it seem like all you have to do is spend some time playing games, clicking ads and referring people, and you’ll start making a ton of money.

While in theory it sounds incredible, it’s really not that good.

Here’s the ridiculous table that they show you that reveals how much can can supposedly make.

Mingle Cash Table

This chart assumes that each and every person you refer will be an active user of the platform, and will refer 5 other active members.

When in reality most of the people that you refer will simply leave and not do anything after joining.

As of right not, at the top of the Mingle Cash website it says that they have 27,887 users.

Assuming that’s accurate, even if everyone of those people was in your downline, active and invited 5 people, you’d only be making like $60 per day.

If you want to make good money with their referral program you’ll have to refer thousands of people.

Lucky for you I know a training program that will teach you how to do just that!

Fake Success Stories

Wouldn’t you know it, the success stories that they brag about on the main page are simply fakes.

Both “Bob” and “Camilla” are simply stock photos pulling from some random website online.

I ran a reverse Google image search of their pictures and found the same picture being used all of the the internet.

Mingle Cash Fake Success Mingle Cash Stock Photos

Fake Testimonials

It can be convincing when you see video testimonials from users claiming that the program is incredible.

That’s why the creators of this went out of their way to pay for actors to create testimonials.

I recognized these people because I’ve seen them in other scams I’ve reviewed like My Traffic Business, Your Freedom Mentor, and The Ecom Formula.

You can find them on a website called Fiverr, and they’ll say whatever you want for the right price.

Mingle Cash Actors

30 Minute Money Methods Scam

Is Mingle Cash A Scam?

I personally do not consider Mingle Cash to be a scam. You can actually make money by clicking ads, watching ads, and referring people.

With that being said, I really don’t like the fact that they use the shady tactics, and misleading information to get you to join.

I personally don’t recommend this place.

Not Recommended

There are a whole lot of referral programs out there that will pay you for getting people to join, and they don’t seem like a huge scam like this one does.

Not to mention the money that you’ll make from playing games and watching ads will simply be change. That’s why they barely talk about it in the sales video.

What I Recommend

My Top Ranked Program will teach you how to find referral programs, and how to get thousands of people to sign up for them.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Mingle Cash A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

What Is Quick Paid Surveys? Is It A Scam? [Review]

Quick Paid Surveys Scam Review

In this Quick Paid Surveys Review I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it before joining.

Is it a good place to spend your time taking surveys?

Let’s jump into it and find out!

Quick Paid Surveys Scam ReviewQuick Paid Surveys Review

Program: Quick Paid Surveys


Price: Free To Join

Is Quick Paid Surveys A Scam? No

Is Quick Paid Surveys Recommended? To Some


What Is Quick Paid Surveys?

If you’re reading this review I’m sure you have at least a general idea about taking online surveys for money.

Quick Paid Surveys will pay you a small amount of money for given your opinion about various different topic in the form of surveys.

They will then sell your answers to other companies who will use your answers to make their products and services better.

There are also some other ways to make money on their website that I’ll be covering within this review.

There are dozens if not hundreds of survey websites out there, does Quick Paid Surveys have anything to offer the others don’t?

Getting Started

Getting started with Quick Paid Surveys is just as simple as signing up for any other website out there.

You simply fill out some basic information about yourself then click the “sign up” button.

You’ll be given a $3,00 bonus just for creating your account.

Next you’ll be taken to a page that walks you through all of the different ways you’ll be able to make money from their website.

The Pros & Cons

Let’s take a quick minute to go over some of the good and bad things I could find within Quick Paid Surveys.


  • Simple Way To Make Extra Pocket Money
  • Multiple Ways To Earn


  • Incredibly Low Pay
  • Not Many Surveys
  • Wasting Time

Throughout the rest of the review I’ll be going further into detail about all of the points that I listed out above.

The 4 Ways To Make Money

There are 4 different ways that you’ll be able to earn money through Quick Paid Surveys.

  • Cash Surveys
  • Cash Offers
  • Paid Emails
  • Referral Program

Cash Surveys

Like I said earlier, you’ll be answering questions about various topics in order to earn money.

These questionnaires will most-likely last anywhere from 10- 30 minutes depending on how fast you work, and you’ll earn anywhere from $0.50-$1.00 from each one.

Quick Paid Surveys Surveys

As you can see, you shouldn’t be expecting you make much money, you only really be expecting to make between $2-$4 per hour.

This low pay amount is the reason why taking surveys online simply is not my recommended way of making money online.

I’m sure you’ll be able to make a little more money with some surveys, but that will be rare.

As you can see, most of the surveys on this website are simple hosted from other survey websites out there like Global Test Market Survey, and Your Survey.

Cash Offers

This option allows you to earn credits and money by completing various offers that they provide.

Some of the offers are simply taking surveys through other companies, and others are doing a wide range of things.

These seem to range from simply signing up and using other websites, to signing up and using credit cards.

These offers pay between $1-$3, with the survey paying much less.

Quick Paid Surveys Offers

Paid Emails

This one is pretty straightforward, you’ll be able to make some extra pocket change by signing up and reading various emails.

You’ll only make a few cents per email, and can be done in your free time.

However I honestly wonder whether making this small amount of change is really worth it.

The Referral Program

You can also make money by getting other people to sign up and earn money through Quick Paid Surveys.

In your account you’ll be able to find a unique invite link that you can send to your friends and family.

You’ll earn a percentage of the money they earn, and a percentage of the money their referrals earn.

Quick Paid Survey Complaints

Honestly the complaints here are pretty much the same complaints that you’ll find in many other survey websites out there.

However my main complaint is the fact that they pay less than other websites out there.

Very Low Pay

I honestly don’t like taking online surveys because you simply don’t get paid enough money for your time.

Your much better off doing something like affiliate marketing to make money online.

With that being said, Quick Paid Survey seems to pay a bit less than other survey websites like Pinecone Research, Toluna, and BigSpot.

However that’s not saying much because they won’t give you much money either.

Not Many Surveys

This is another problem that I always run into when either using or reviewing online paid survey companies.

They simply don’t provide enough surveys to make it worth your while.

If you created an account I’m sure you saw that there are only a handful of surveys for you to choose from.

All in all it seems like you might be able to make like 10 bucks or so completing them, but is spending 3-4 hours doing that even worth it?

Not to mention you’ll have to hit the $15 threshold that they have in order for you to cash out through PayPal.

Wasting Time

Many of the better survey websites out there will have you complete a profile with all of your background information in it.

The companies that buy your information from them only want a specific group of people to answer the questions they ask.

So most survey companies will check your profile and make sure you fit the demographic before you take the survey.

However Quick Paid Survey doesn’t do that, you don’t find out that you don’t fit the correct demographic until you’ve already begun the survey.

This means you could waste time starting a survey just to be disqualified from it later.

Is Quick Paid Surveys A Scam?

No, they are not a scam. If you complete the surveys, or tasks that they offer you, you will be paid for it.

With that being said, I personally don’t think that Quick Paid Surveys is a great place to make money online.

There are simply better websites and better ways to make money online!

What I Recommend

If you’re interested in making money online, I suggest you check out My Top Ranked Program!

It takes plenty of time and effort, but if you’re will to work, there is a lot of money to be made online.

Since joining their training program I’ve been able to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more,  you can…


Is Quick Paid Survey A Scam? What Do You Think? Do You Have Any Complaints? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Best Cash Job Scam: They Won’t Pay You! [Review]

Best Cash Job Scam Review

In this review of Best Cash Job I’ll be giving you several reasons why you shouldn’t waste your time with it.

One of them being the fact that you’ll never get the money you earn.

Let’s jump in!

Best Cash Job Scam ReviewBest Cash Job Review

Product: Best Cash Job


Price: Free To Join

Is Best Cash Job A Scam? Yes

Is Best Cash Job Recommended? NO!


What Is Best Cash Job?

Best Cash Job claims to be the best place to make money online by completing simple tasks that will pay you $10 a piece.

They even claim that you’ll be able to earn $25 from simply signing up and creating an account.

When in reality it’s just an information gathering scheme that won’t pay you the money that you spent your time earning.

The Pros & Cons

Let’s take a minute to go over some of the good and bad things that I could find out about this place.

Best Cash JobPros:

  • Free To Join


  • They Won’t Pay You
  • Your Information Is At Risk
  • Possible To Lose Money
  • Exactly Like Other Scams

Over the next several sections I’ll be going further into detail about the points listed above, and giving you some information you’ll want to know.

They Won’t Pay You!

The main thing you need to take away from this review is the fact that Best Cash Job will not pay you the money you earn.

There is a $300 cash out threshold which is only there to make sure you get a certain amount of work done before realizing you won’t get paid.

However when you go to cash out they simple won’t give you the money. You’ll either get a runaround telling you to do other things before getting paid, they’ll block your account, or tell you that you have to wait longer.

Your Information & Money Are At Risk

Best Cash Job InfoThe main purpose of this scam is to collect the emails, passwords, names, and addresses of as many people as possible.

That’s why the only thing you have to do to “earn money” is to get other people to join. So they can get their information too.

If you use the same email address and password for other accounts, you might want to quickly go and change the password.

I’m not sure if this particular scam does it, but I’ve heard of many scams hacking into peoples bank accounts, PayPal accounts and all other kinds of accounts.

Exactly Like Other Scams

The main reason why I know this is a scam is simply because I’ve seen this exact same thing with various other scams.

I don’t just mean the same process, I mean it’s the exact same looking website with just different names.

Is Dollars True A Scam? Salary Daily Scam Review

Dollars True, Salary Daily and Paying Job are basically exactly the same as this one, and not a single one of them actually paid anyone.

Is Best Cash Job A Scam?

Even though it is free to join, the fact that they are wasting your time and won’t pay you any money makes it a scam!


Count yourself lucky that this was a scam like Seven Dollar Click that forces you to pay for a membership, and then won’t pay you your money or give you a refund!

Actually Make Money Online!

There are many programs out there that will actually pay you money to get people to sign up and buy something. Did you know that websites like Amazon will pay you to get people to buy their products?

That’s actually how I make my living online!

My Top Ranked Program will teach you how to take advantage of those programs and actually make money online.

It takes plenty of time and effort, but if you’re willing to work it’s free to get started!

Is Best Cash Job A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate