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Is 500 Cash Club A Scam? Guaranteed $500? [Review]

Is 500 Cash Club A Scam

In this review of 500 Cash club I’ll be telling what you need to know before buying it, and answering the question “Is 500 Cash Club A Scam?”

Is 500 Cash Club A Scam$500 Cash Club Review

Product: $500 Cash Club

Creator: Richard Paul


Price: $97 + thousands in up-sells

Is 500 Cash Club A Scam? Basically

Is 500 Cash Club Recommended? NO!


What Is $500 Cash Club?

$500 Cash Club claims to be an online money making system that will make you thousands and thousands of dollars!

They claim that as long as you simply watch the 500 second video you’ll make a guaranteed $500.

Is there any truth to anything they’re saying, or is the entire sales video a complete lie for a complete scam program?

Before we get started I want give you a chance to learn about the program that’s helped me make a living online!


Let’s Dive in and find out!

The Pros And Cons

I always try to be as fair as I possibly can to each program I review and find something good about them.

Is 500 Cash Club A ScamPros:

  • You POSSIBLY make some money


  • A Bunch Of Lies
  • It Doesn’t Really Exist
  • Expensive Up-sells

Now I’ll be taking a little bit of time to explain just exactly what I mean with each of those points.

A Bunch Of Lies

One of the first things I want to point out to you is all of the misleading information and straight up lies on this sales page.

First off you absolutely are not going to make $500 for just watching a stupid sales video.

I hope you weren’t too disappointed at that and weren’t really expecting to get $500 that easily.

I’m sure the main thing that you really want to know is if you can actually make a ton of money online with the system.

Well it’s actually possible.

But that brings me to my next point. The $500 Cash Club doesn’t really exist.

It Doesn’t Really Exist!

I’m sure you’re a little bit confused by this. I mean how can you possibly make money with a system that doesn’t actually exist.

Let me explain.

$500 Cash Club is simply a funnel page that is meant to direct you to another online money making program.

Right now it directs you and makes you pay for a system called Aspire!

However it could honestly make you sign up for any program or scam that they want.

After doing some research I’ve actually found out that the program that they direct you to has changed a couple of times in the past!

Let’s go over exactly what Aspire is!

The Expensive Up-sells

Simple Profit Secret ScamAspire is a program that you can actually make money online with, however I don’t recommend it.

The reason I don’t recommend you sign up for it is because the $97 entrance fee you’ll be paying is just the beginning.

Aspire is what’s known as a high-ticket-program.

When you sign up they’ll basically be teaching you how to get other people to sign up and purchase expensive items.

You’ll get paid if you get people to buy those items, but only if you buy them first!

The items that you’ll be buying and then reselling cost thousands of dollars going all the way up to $27,997!

You’ll also have to pay membership fees that range from $37/month all the way up to $127/month.

If you have that type of money to shell out in order to make more money, you can be my guest.

However I don’t think that is realistic for most people.

Is $500 Cash Club A Scam?

It is honestly up to you to decide if $500 Cash Club is a scam.

In my opinion however it is a


They mislead you and lie about so many different things that I consider it to be a scam.

Yes you can make money with Aspire, however there is no guarantee that’s what you’ll be paying for. Like I said earlier, they’ve changed the program that you’ll be signing up for in the past.

Here are some similar scams that I’ve reviewed: 7 Figure Breakthrough, Simple Income Solution, and Simple Profit Secret!

What I Recommend

If you are serious about making money online, and what a legitimate way to do it without a bunch of hype and lies; you might want to pay attention.

It is absolutely possible to make good money online without having to shell out a ton of money on products that you don’t even need.

I know that it’s possible because I’ve made enough money online to quit my job and work entirely from home!

Anyone can succeed at it as long as they get access to the proper training, tools and support.

My Top Recommended Program allows you to get started with all three of those things completely free of charge!

What Do You Think About $500 Cash Club? Do You Consider It A Scam? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is The Freedom Secret A Scam? Let’s Find Out! [Review]

Is The Freedom Secret A Scam

In this honest review of The Freedom Secret, I’ll be going over the system and answering the question “Is The Freedom Secret A Scam?”

Is The Freedom Secret A ScamThe Freedom Secret Review

Product: The Freedom Secret

Creator: Jeff Lerner


Price: $49 + $39/Month + Up-sells

Is The Freedom Secret A Scam? No

Is The Freedom Secret Recommended? No! (I’ll Explain)


What Is The Freedom Secret?

The Freedom Secret claims to be a system that can help you make a good amount of money online in a short amount of time.

The sales video has people claiming that they have seen figures like $2,000 in 7 days, and $8,900 in a few weeks.

Up front it honestly seems like a too good to be true scam, however that’s not actually completely true.

Those testimonials are real, and those people do make that much money with this system.

However there is a huge catch that you need to be aware of before joining.

Let’s Dive into The Freedom Secret!

What The Freedom Secret Really Is!

The Freedom Secret actually doesn’t really exist, this is just a website created to promote a product by Jeff Lerner!

Jeff has an online money making program that goes by several different names.

If you decide to purchase this one you’ll be signing up for Jeff’s 6 Figure Business.

However it is exactly the same as Ultimate Laptop Lifestyle, and Laptop Lifestyle Secret!

The main thing that you need to know before joining this system is that it is a High-Ticket-Program.

What You NEED To Know Before Joining

You may be wondering what a High-Ticket-Program is and why you should care about it.

Well let me explain.

If you decide to buy into The Freedom Secret you’ll only pay $49; however, that is only the entrance fee.

You’ll also have to pay $39/month for continued support, and buy various other expensive items.

That’s what you need to know before you join, you’ll be shelling out a lot more money than they lead on!

Update: There is also another “The Freedom Secret” promoting a similar High-Ticket Program, so basically everything from this review carries over to that one as well!

How It Works

The training that you receive when you buy the system will be teaching you how to turn around and sell the same system.

It will be teaching you how to promote and sell itself and other expensive items.

I know it sounds great. The more expensive the items you sell, the more money that you make.

But here’s the catch.

Before you can make money from selling any of those items, you have to first purchase them yourself!

These products run up into the thousands of dollars!

So yes, those people in the video did actually make thousands that quickly, but they also spent thousands before making that much!

The Training

If you do decide to purchase The Freedom Secret/Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System/Ultimate Laptop Lifestyle, you’ll get the following training and tools:

Is Laptop Lifestyle Secret A Scam?

  • Traffic/Lead Generation
  • Split-testing and Conversion Optimization
  • Products and Services to Market
  • Sales Funnel and Pipeline Tools
  • Expert Direct Response Copywriting
  • Merchant Processing
  • Customer Relationship Management Software
  • Technology/Servers/Websites/Hosting
  • Fulfillment on Products and Services
  • Email Marketing
  • Follow Up Messages
  • Special Promotions
  • Jeff’s Sales Team

You actually get quite a lot of stuff if you are willing to shell out the cash!

Do I Recommend The Freedom Secret?

Personally I do not recommend The Freedom Secret to most people out there.

That’s because most people out there do not have the money that it requires to succeed with this program.

Let’s take a look at how much money that their members make.

If you click on the earning disclaimer at the bottom of the checkout page you can see just home much the members make on average.

As you can see, 40.7% of their members in fact make less than $100 a month with the monthly average commission being $37.09.

is the freedom secret a scam

If you move up a bit you can see that 9.2% of their members make between $1,000 – $2,499 a month.

is the freedom secret a scam

Keep in mind that there is no telling how much money they’ve spent before getting to that point!

Of course there are members who make $10,000 + a month, but the percentages drop down from 2.3% to less than 1%.

Is The Freedom Secret A Scam?

No, The Freedom Secret is not a scam, and you can actually make money online with the system.

However they mislead you about how much money you’ll have to spend.

You’ll end up having to spend thousands of dollars on products before you stand to make the money that they brag about in the sales video.

That’s exactly why I think that The Freedom Secret simply

At least it isn’t worth it for people who don’t have a bunch of money that they can risk. I’m sure there are some people out there that will benefit from this system.

It’s up to you to decide.

Make Money Online Without Risking Thousands

Believe it or not there is actually a way to make good money online without having to shell out thousands of dollars.

I know that for a fact because I make my living online following this system.

You can actually make money online by recommending products and services that you stand behind and believe in.

The best part about it is that you can make money by doing this without having to purchase the items first!

Anyone can succeed at it as long as they have access to the proper training, tools, and support.

You can get started for free with all three of those things in the same place I got started!

If you are interested in learning more, you can click right here to get more info!

What Do You Think About The Freedom Secret? Leave Me Any Questions Or Concerns In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Rookie Profit System A Scam? MUST READ REVIEW!

Is Rookie Profit System A Scam

In this much read review of Rookie Profit System, I’ll be going over that the system is and and answering the question “Is Rookie Profit System A Scam?”

Is Rookie Profit System A ScamRookie Profit System Review

Product: Rookie Profit System

Creator: Steven Bransfield


Price: $49 + Thousands in Up-sells

Is Rookie Profit System A Scam? Not Really 

Is Rookie Profit System Recommended? NO


What Is The Rookie Profit System?

Steven BransfieldRookie Profit System is a 21-step online money making system that was created by 22-year-old Steven Bransfield.

Steven claims that he recently reached the $1 million in revenue mark from his online business.

Now he wants to help you by showing you the simple 21 steps that he took to create such a massive income online.

Is The Rookie Profit System A Scam or is it something that will legitimately help you make a ton of money online.

Let’s dive into the program and find out!

What Is MOBE?

As it turns out Rookie Profit System is a Front-End Offer that is designed to funnel people who sign up into another program called MOBE.

MOBE is what is known as a high-ticket-program.

This is the main thing that you need to be aware of before you sign up, so pay attention.

It’s called a High-Ticket-Program because you have to shell out a ton of money for their high priced items before you can earn money with them.

Click here to learn where you can make money online without shelling out a bunch of cash!

How MOBE Works

Why does it matter how MOBE works? Because it is the program that you will actually be signing up for and potentially making money with.

MOBE is designed around it’s members making money by getting other people to become members.

There is nothing wrong with making money online by getting people to sign up for systems that you believe in.

That’s actually how I make my living online.

The problem I have with MOBE is that most of it’s members will mislead people into signing up for something they don’t fully understand.

The High Price Of Rookie Profit System

Is Rookie Profit System A Scam?If you think I’m crazy for saying that the $49 price tag is a high price, you don’t yet know what you’ll be getting into.

The $49/month fee isn’t a high price at all, however it is only the entrance fee.

There is a lot more money you’ll have to spend before you’ll start seeing figures like Steven Bransfield does.

You’ll be making all of those big $1,000 to $10,000 commissions when you finally get someone to buy one of their expensive items.

However here’s the kicker!

You’ll have to purchase all of those high priced items before you can actually make money by selling them!

The only real incentive to purchase these items is so that you can turn around and tell other people to buy them!

Their products range all of the way up into the $20,000 range.

Can Rookie Profit System Make You Money

The short answer to this question is yes, Rookie Profit System can potentially make you money online.

However there’s a reason that they don’t jump into the long answer on the sales page and tell you the full story.

They want you to get excited about making all of that money so that you’ll pay the cheap $49 to learn how.

However they leave out the part where you’ll have to pay thousands of dollars before you start making that much.

Yes Steven Bransfield has made a lot more money than he has put into MOBE.

However is it really practical for you to spend thousands of dollars on this system like he had to do?

Is Rookie Profit System A Scam?

Again, the short answer to this question is no, Rookie Profit System is not a scam.

However it leaves out a bunch of information that you definitely should know before paying into it!

The fact that you’ll have to purchase products all the way up into the 10’s of thousands of dollars makes me say that Rookie Profit System

Of course this will not be true for everyone. If you are someone who is willing to put up and risk that type of money for a chance to make more money online, you could make a ton of money.

However I think that most people aren’t going to benefit from this program, and will end up losing a lot of money!

Make Money Online Without A Big Investment

It is absolutely possible to make money online without having to purchase products that cost in the thousands of dollars.

I mentioned earlier that I make my living online by getting people to pay for products that I recommend and believe in! It’s similar to Rookie Profit System, except you don’t have to purchase the items before you sell them.

Doesn’t that sound much better, and more realistic?

Anyone can succeed with this system as long as they get access to the proper training, tools and support.

That’s why I recommend that you learn more about my top ranked program!

You can get started for free with absolutely everything that you need to make money online!

What Do You Think About Rookie Profit System? Leave Any Questions or Concerns In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Simple Profit Secret A Scam? Honest Review

Simple Profit Secret Scam Review

In this review of Simple Profit Secret I will be pointing out all of the reasons why it’s basically a scam!

Simple Profit Secret Scam ReviewSimple Profit Secret Scam Review

Product: Simple Profit Secret

Creator: Unknown


Price: $37 + Crazy Up-sells

Verdict: RipOff


What Is Simple Profit Secret?

According to the sales page it is a super simple way to make $1,000 to $7,000 in not time at all online.

Well to be honest, Simple Profit Secret isn’t really anything.

Let me explain.

It is just a sales page that is meant to hype you up then redirect you to a completely different product.

I’ll explain that more here shortly!

Pros And Cons

Regardless of whether I like a product or not I always try to be fair and find some good things about it!


  • You can MAYBE make some money


  • You’re going to have to spend A LOT of money
  • Simple Profit Secret doesn’t really exist

Now let’s go over what I mean with these bullet points.

Simple Profit Secret Doesn’t Really Exist

What I mean by this is that the “Simple Profit Secret” program itself doesn’t exist.

However, they will direct you to a purchase page for a different item.

That’s why in the video they never actually say the name of the product that you will be buying.

They never did say the words “Simple Profit Secret” did they?

That’s because the odds are that they will switch out the product they try to get you to buy with whatever is popular at the time.

The product that they are trying to sell right now is Aspire, so I’m going to explain what that is.

What Is Aspire

Aspire is the entry level version for a online money making scheme called Digital Altitude.

Basically Digital Altitude is a recruiting system where you get paid to get other people to join.

They have a handful of other way more expensive products for you to sell, but there is a catch.

You have to purchase the products before you are able to sell them.

Simple Profit Secret ScamLet’s go over how much you will have to pay for each item:

  • Aspire: $37/Month
  • Base: $397
  • Rise: $1,497
  • Ascend – $6,697
  • Peak – $11,997
  • Apex – $19,997

If you decide to purchase each of these items you will end up spending an incredible


That is just an insane amount!

To be fair, of course you can make money by getting other people to purchase these items.

But do you really think you’re going to be able to get someone to purchase something for $6,000 +?

I’m sure there are people out there who spent that much money to buy in, and never made a single sale!

My Personal Thoughts

I personally think that no matter what product Simple Profit Secret points you to, you should avoid it.

There are a lot of people who have bought into Digital Altitude, and a lot of people have lost a lot of money.

I’m sure there are people who join Digital Altitude and make some great money, but are you confident that you’re going to be one of them?

Take a look at this:

If you click on the “full income disclosure” at the bottom of the video you can see what people really make.

The screenshot above shows that 61.8% of the people who join make less than $100 a month.

If you read through the other stats that they show, only 2.3% of the people who are active make the $5,000 to $9,999 a month that they brag about!

In my opinion you should avoid this system at all costs!


In my opinion, Simple Profit Secret is a


simply because it doesn’t really exists and just redirects you to a differ product.

However, Digital Altitude is not a scam because you can actually make some money with it.

But in my opinion it is a

that will cause you to lose a lot of money if you get tangled up in it!

Here are some other scams that promote the same system: 7 Figure Breakthrough, $500 Cash Club, Simple Income Solution.

The Best Way To Make Money Online!

If you are serious about making money online and are ready to put in some work, you should check out my top ranked program!

They teach you what is in my opinion, the best way to make an online income.

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars, in fact it is actually free to get started.

After joining their community I have been able to create an online income that allowed me to quit my job and work full time from home!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below!

Wealthy Affiliate