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Is Multiple Income Funnel A Scam Or Legit? [2022 Quick Review]

Multiple Income Funnel Scam

In this quick review of Multiple Income Funnel I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it before getting out your wallet.

Should you buy it? Or is it just a scam that’s going to take your money and not work?

The online money making world is full of scams, so it’s a good idea to do your own research before making any purchases.

Let’s dive in!


Multiple Income Funnel Review!

Multiple Income Funnel Scam Review

Product: Multiple Income Funnel


Creator: Mack Mills

Price: $49/month + Upsells

Is Multiple Income Funnel A Scam? basically

Is Multiple Income Funnel Recommended? NO!


What Is Multiple Income Funnel?

Multiple Income Funnel claims to be an incredibly easy autopilot internet business that will earn you thousands of dollars online.

They claim that it’s a simple “set it and forget it” system that does everything for you, and just rakes in the money.

While that certainly sounds incredible, it’s not everything that they claim it is.

Think about it.

If there really was a way to easily make thousands online without doing any work, don’t you think everyone would be doing it.

As it turns out, what MIF claims to be and what it actually is, are two completely different things.

How Does Multiple Income Funnel Work?

Multiple Income Funnel is a Multi Level Marketing scheme that has a business structure that’s very similar to a pyramid.

Essentially you’ll be signing up and paying for multiple products, so that you can then turn around and earn a commission for getting others to sign up too.

You will receive several DFY funnels with links to various offers that you’ll have the potential to earn commissions for.

That is of course after you sign up and pay for those offers yourself first.

The Pros & Cons

It can help to have a side by side list of the good and bad things about a program to help you decide whether to buy it or not.


  • Could Potentially Make Money


  • $49 is just the beginning price
  • Pyramid like business model
  • Over-hyped sales page

Throughout the next several sections I’ll be going deeper into detail about all of the points listed out above.

It Gets Crazy Expensive!

The $49/Month price tag that they say is a bit hefty on it’s own, however it’s only the beginning.

In order to be able to earn commissions for the various products you’ll be promoting, you’ll have to pay for them first.

From my research it appears that there are 4 different programs you’ll have to sign up for in order to make money.

These system appear to be:

  • Easy1Up
  • OPM Wealth
  • Traffic Authority
  • Textbot AI

In my research it appears that some of these have been swapped out in the past for some reason or another.

Let’s just take a quick look at the price levels for Easy1Up:

  • Elevation Package: $25
  • Elevation Elite: $100
  • Vertex Package: $250
  • Vertex Elite Package: $500
  • Vertex Pro Connect Package: $1,000
  • Vertex Live Package: $2,000

That’s just a quick look at one of the programs you’ll be urged to sign up for. The other get even more expensive.

The highest cost I saw is a tier for OPM Wealth that will run you upwards of $27,000!

Essentially these are pyramid like structures that will keep urging you to spend more and more money.

The Pyramid-Like Structure

Essentially you’ll be signing up for programs that have a pyramid like structure resembling that of a pyramid scheme.

Technically these companies run a Multi-Level Marketing businesses, which I guess can be considered legal.

I’m not going to get into the slight differences between MLM’s and pyramid schemes, but let’s just say there are very few differences.

Anyways, these programs are essentially pay to play.

Meaning that the only way you can make money, is by first paying to join the tier that you want to make money to promote.

For example, if you want to earn commissions on the Vertex Live Package, you’ll first have to pay $2,000 to purchase it.

However, it’s not that simple.

Before you can even buy that, you’ll have to pay to purchase all of the tiers below it on the pyramid.

Over-Hyped Sales Page

This is something that will always make me skeptical of a system.

If you arrive on the sales page for an online money making system and it sounds way too good to be true, it probably is.

Any system that claims that you can make “$10,000 next week” or “all you have to do is make a few clicks”, you should think twice about buying it.

While these claims don’t automatically make a system a scam, however it does make it untrustworthy.

I’ve reviewed literally hundreds of online money making systems, and not a single one of them has lived up to those claims.

Any reliable system is going to take hard work, consistency, and most of all time.

It takes time to build an online income of any substance.

Is Multiple Income Funnel A Scam?

When it comes down to it, I wouldn’t necessarily consider Multiple Income Funnel to be a scam, however I wouldn’t fault anyone who does call it one.

There is technically a chance to make money with this “system”, however for an overwhelming majority of people that’s not what will happen.

Just like any pyramid scheme the only people who make any notable money are those at the top, while everyone at the bottom spends more than they earn.

Regardless of whether or not you want to consider Multiple Income Funnel a scam, it is not something I would ever recommend.

Not Recommended

Have you purchased MIF? If so what was your experience with it and what do you think?

Do you feel like you were scammed or did you end making some money from it?

Either way, I’d love to know so feel free to tell me in the comments below!

What I Do Recommend!

If you are interested in actually making money online, then I would suggest that you look into MY TOP RANKED PROGRAM!

I recommend it because it is the place where I got started, and it helped me make enough money online to quit my day job and work completely from home!

I want to be clear, it is not a get rich quick scheme.

It will take plenty of time, effort and consistency to make money however thousands of people have found success from the training.

It is a community of like minded individuals who are all pursuing further success in the online marketing world.

They have all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed, all you need to do is put in the work.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!

If You Have Any Questions Or Concerns, Please Feel Free To Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is 9 to 5 Job Killer A Scam? [Quick Review]

9 To 5 Job Killer

In this quick review of 9 to 5 Job Killer I’ll be going over everything you need to know before signing up.

Or should you even sign up for it at all?

I’ll be answering that question and many more within this review, so stick around.

9 To 5 Job Killer

9 To 5 Job Killer Review

Product: 9 To 5 Job Killer


Price: $39 + Thousands in Up-sells

Is 9 To 5 Job Killer A Scam? Debatable

Is 9 To 5 Job Killer Recommended? NO!


What Is 9 To 5 Job Killer?

9 To 5 Job Killer claims to be an incredible system that will teach how to create online businesses and make tons of money online.

The whole idea behind the entire system is that it will help you create an online income that will allow you to quit your 9 to 5 day job.

While that sounds amazing and everything, there is a whole lot that you need to understand about it before joining.

What Is 9 To 5 Job Killer Really?

In reality, 9 To 5 Job Killer isn’t even the real name of the program which you might know if you actually watched through the sales video.

You might have noticed that in the sales video they start talking about 6 Steps To Freedom.

That’s because 9 To 5 Job Killer is just a sales page created with the intention of funneling you into 6 Steps To Freedom.

Oh but keep paying attention because it doesn’t stop there.

6 Steps To Freedom is just another version of several other “systems” that have been created in the past.

For example, Jeff’s Six Figure Business System, and 16 Steps To Six Figures, Ultimate Laptop Lifestyle, and Laptop Lifestyle Secret are all the same too.

All of these are the same system with different names created in an attempt to dodge a bad reputation and bad reviews.

How 9 To 5 Job Killer Works

One thing you probably want to know is if you can actually make money using the system.

And the answer to that question is yes, but don’t click away and buy it just yet.

You need to understand that it is what’s known as a high ticket program.

That simply means that you will be paying an incredibly high price, just so that you can start earning a commission for getting others to join.

That’s right, after joining you’ll simply be trying to recruit other people into the same program you just bought.

There is nothing wrong with recommending products, programs, and other services and earning a commission for doing so.

In fact that’s actually how I make my living online.

I do have a problem with paying for a program that only teaches you how to recruit others into the same program.

Not to mention the prices.

The High Price

So this system is a “pay to play” system in which you have to buy every level or product before you can make commissions from it.

One of the main problems with this is the fact that the levels cost thousands of dollars.

You know how they say you can make $1,000 – $3,000 or even higher commissions?

Well those commissions are from selling products that cost much more than that.

And those are products that you have to purchase first.

Is 9 To 5 Job Killer A Scam? – Conclusion

When it’s all said and done, it’s debatable as to whether you should call it a scam.

On one hand, you will get some training for your money, and it is actually possible to make money.

On the other hand, 9 To 5 Job Killer isn’t even the program you’ll be signing up for, and you’ll have to pay thousands of dollars before even having the chance to make good money.

Not to mention the fact that most people who sign up for systems like this don’t even make their money back.

If you don’t believe me you should look at their income and earnings disclaimer.

Regardless of whether or not it can be considered a scam, I still do not recommend it.

Not Recommended

There are simply less shady, cheaper and better ways to make money online!

What I Actually Recommend!

It is absolutely possible to make good money online, especially without having to shell out thousands.

If you’re interested in learning how to make money online, and you’re willing to put in the time and effort it takes, then I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their system I’ve been able to make enough money online to actually quit my day job.

And I did it without spending anything close to thousands of dollars.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is 9 To 5 Job Killer A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Finish Line Network A Scam? What You Need To Know! [Review]

Finish Line Network Scam Review

Is Finish Line Network really everything it’s cracked up to be, or is it just another scam that’s been sent to your email inbox?

In this review I’ll be answering those questions, and giving you everything you need to know about it before giving them any money.

Let’s get this Finish Line Network Review started!

Finish Line Network Scam ReviewFinish Line Network Review

Product: Finish Line Network


Price: $47/month – Thousands

Is Finish Line Network A Scam? Debatable

Is Finish Line Network Recommended? No


What Is Finish Line Network?

Finish Line Network is a new Multi-level Marketing system that’s being promoted as a business opportunity for everyone to make money with.

It was created and is run by three marketers named Chad Stalvey, Greg Chambers, and Doug Wellens.

They certainly make it seem like an incredibly opportunity for you to make a ton of money online, but is it really that good?

There is a lot of information you need to know about it before pulling out your wallet, and I plan on going over all of that stuff.

So strap in and let’s get started!

How Finish Line Network Works!

After entering some basic information like your name, address, phone number and email, you’ll be able to create a free account.

Finish Line NetworkYou will then be able to log into a members area that will go over what exactly it is and what it’s all about.

It’s basically a system that you can promote to other people, and then make money when they join up and purchase into the program.

However the catch is that you’ll have to purchase each product that they offer before you can earn money from promoting it.

If you have only purchased their cheapest package, and someone you’ve referred purchases all four of their products, you’ll only get paid for the one that you own.

So in order to make the big bucks, you’ll have to spend big bucks to purchase the more expensive products.

In this next section I’ll be going over the products you’ll be purchasing, and after that I’ll get into how you’ll be making money.

The Finish Line Network Products

Now the you have a general idea of how the system works, let’s go over the products that they offer and what you’ll be paying for.

Finish Line Network Products

Silver Package – $47/Month

The silver package is a lead management platform that comes with an mobile app. It is meant to help you bring in leads which will hopefully convert into sales and income.

Gold Package – $130/Month ($2,997/3 years)

This package gives you access to training modules, as well as virtual live events brought to you by “strategic speakers and influencers”

Email Profits On Demand (ePOD) – $1,997

This gives you access to email marketing training that is meant to help you rake in tons of money through email campaigns.

High Ticket Live Events – $997

These are live events where top recruiters and digital marketers get together to go over advanced marketing tactics.

How You’ll Get Paid – The Compensation Plan

Now that we’ve gone over how the system works, and what the products are, let’s go over the different ways you’ll make money.

There are five different ranks within Finish Line Network, and you’ll hopefully move up through them as you make more sales.

The first rank where everyone starts out at is called “rising star” and you move up through the other following ranks:

1 Star Rank:

  • Reached after you sell 6 silver packages

2 Star Rank:

  • Reached after you sell 6 gold packages

3 Star Rank:

  • Reached after you sell 6 ePOD’s

4 Star Rank:

  • Reached after you sell 6 Live Events

How The Commissions Work

When you recruit someone into the Finish Line Network system you’ll earn a commission when they purchase a product that you own.

If one of your recruits purchases the Silver Package and they purchase in for $47, $25 will be the commission.

However out of that $25, $5 will go to the bonus pool (I’ll explain later) then you’ll split the remaining $20 (50%) with your sponsor.

So you’ll receive $10.

However after your first 6 sales you’re commissions will be split 80/20 which means you’ll receive $16.

Here’s the compensation for all four of the products:

Silver Package:

  • $10 Commissions – $16 Commissions after 6 sales

Gold Package:

  • $26 Commissions – $41.60 after 6 sales
  • $500 Commissions – $800 after 6 sales (3 year purchase)


  • $400 Commissions – $640 after 6 sales

Live Events: 

  • $160 Commissions – $256 after 6 sales

Downline Commissions

It’s important to realize that all of the commissions above are only for people you directly get to sign up under you.

However you will also earn money when people you got to sign up get other people to sign up under them.

Just like you split your commissions 50/50 or 80/20 with your sponsor, people under you will split their commissions with you.

You will only be earning commissions on sales the people directly under you make.

However if the person under you has not purchased the product that they made a sale of, you will get the commission.

Each commission will go to the first person in the upline who has actually purchases the product.

How The Bonus Pool Works

Money from every sale made from every affiliate is taken out of their commission to be put into the bonus pool.

To be exact, 20% of every commission will be put into this pool.

You will earn a certain amount of this pool depending on how many shares you earn throughout the month.

You earn shares from making sales, and also from moving up in the ranks.

Most product package sales will earn you 1 share, however 3 year gold packages, ePOD sales, and Live Events earn you 3 shares.

You’ll earn the same number of shares as the level you move up to.

For example, 1 Star members earn 1 share, 2 star members earn 2 shares, and so on and so forth.

The amount of money each share is worth depends on how much money the entire company makes.

You’ll also earn a different percentage of each share you have depending on what rank you’re in.

  • Rising Stars – 60%
  • 1 Star – 70%
  • 2 Star – 80%
  • 3 Star – 90%
  • 4 Star – 100% + Commissions from percent lower stars don’t earn

The remaining percent of each share that isn’t earned from lower level affiliates will be put into another pool for the 4 star affiliate.

For example when a rising star earns 60% of a share, the other 40% goes to the 4 star pool.

My Personal Thoughts

Up until this point I’ve just been focusing on giving you the information you need to know about how Finish Line Network works.

However now I want to help you read between the lines of the information that I’ve given you above.

To someone who has never made money online, or doesn’t know much about this system might not realize a few things.

It’s Harder Than It Seems

I know the compensation plan makes it seem like you can earn a ton of money, which you can, however it’s not easy.

It is not easy for beginners to get people to join into this system and spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on it.

Sure, experienced marketing who know how to promote products will be able to do it, but are you experienced?

Beginners always have a hard time succeed at systems like this.

You’re Pushed To Buy All Of Their Products

Systems like this one strongly favor the people at the top of the structure. This pushes you to spend more and more money on it.

If you haven’t purchased all of their products you’ll miss out on commissions for the ones you don’t have.

This ultimately causes a lot of beginners to pay for all of the products, and then struggle to make any sales with them.

Is It A Pyramid  Scheme?

There is no avoiding the fact that this system has a lot in common with systems who have recently been deemed pyramid schemes.

MOBE and Digital Altitude were both recently shutdown by the FTC because the business models were considered illegal.

They both had incredibly similar business models to this one in which you had to pay for products in order to move up ranking.

Pyramid schemes focus on recruitment as compared to actually selling products.

Finish Line Network focuses on selling products, however those products are directly linked to the membership levels.

It’s debatable as to whether or not this is a pyramid scheme, however the only opinion that really matters is the FTC’s.

I’m not saying this system will be shutdown like the others, but it is certainly a possibility you need to be aware of.

The Odds Are Stacked Against You

Even if it’s not a pyramid scheme, the odds are still stacked against people at the bottom of this system.

With every system I’ve seen like this beginners always struggle to make back the money that they put into it.

The structure of this system is like and upside down funnel in which all of the money flows to the top.

The only people who make good money from systems like this are the creators and the experienced marketers at the top.

Is Finish Line Network A Scam? – Conclusion

At the end of the day it is technically debatable about whether or not you can call Finish Line Network a scam or not.

There will be a lot of people out there who will lose a lot money to this system and call it a scam.

Regardless of whether or not it should be called a scam, I still do not recommend this system to my readers.

Not Recommended

I simply don’t think that newbies will be able to succeed with a system like this.

They will end up putting hundreds if not thousands of dollars into it, and then struggle to earn that money back.

This is what happens with other similar high-ticket-programs like Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System, Millionaire Mentor Alliance and many others.

Not to mention the monthly payments that you have to make in order to make commissions will most-likely only lead them to dig further and further into a hole.

What I Recommend For Beginners

If you are a beginner who is just looking for a good way to make money online then I have a suggestion for you!

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

They teach you how to make money from promoting just about any product out there that you can think of!

Not to mention you won’t have to even purchase those products before earning commissions from selling them!

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job, and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Finish Line Network A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

What Is The Freedom Shortcut? A Scam? [Quick Review]

The Freedom Shortcut Scam Review

In this quick review of The Freedom Shortcut I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it before joining.

Will you really be able to make $20,000+ per month?

Let’s dive in and find out!

The Freedom Shortcut Scam ReviewThe Freedom Shortcut Review

Product: The Freedom Shortcut


Price: $49 + Thousands in Up-sells

Is The Freedom Shortcut A Scam? Debatable

Is The Freedom Shortcut Recommended? NO!


What Is The Freedom Shortcut?

The Freedom Shortcut claims to be a program that contains an incredible shortcut that will help you make thousands of dollar online.

Apparently this Jordan guy was a struggling ShamWow salesman who finally found out how to make money online from another guy named Jeff.

This guys name is Jeff Lerner, and he has a series of online money making products that promise to teach you how to make good money online.

Well I’ve come across several websites like this one promoting Jeff’s products, so I know a thing or two about them.

The main thing you need to know right off the bat is that I don’t recommend that you sign up for them.

Let’s go over why!

The Pros & Cons

Let’s go over some of the good and bad things that I could come up with about this system.

The Freedom ShortcutPros:

  • Possible To Make Money


  • It’s A Funnel For A Different Program
  • The Program Is Incredibly Expensive
  • It’s Harder Than They Claim
  • Could Be Considered A Scam

Over the next several sections I’ll be going further into detail about what exactly I mean with all of the points listed above.

It’s A Funnel Into A Different Program

6 Steps To FreedomAs I’m sure you might’ve realized by now, The Freedom Shortcut isn’t actually a program in and of itself.

It is actually just a sales funnel that is meant to get you to sign up for a different program called 6 Steps To Freedom.

It is a product created by Jeff Lerner who also created programs like Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System and Ultimate Laptop Lifestyle.

All of his products seem to have one thing in common, they have some decent information, but they only get your foot in the door.

Incredibly Expensive

While the product you are purchasing might have some decent training, it won’t be enough to make you the money that they promise.

The reason for that is the fact that this is part of what’s known online as a High-Ticket-Program.

Basically, you will begin to learn how to get people to purchase Jeff’s other expensive products, however you’ll have to purchase them first.

When you sell one of his products you’ll earn a commission for it, but only if you’ve already purchased it.

And the products can cost anywhere from $1,000 to tens of thousands of dollars.

That’s how the people in the video were able to make thousands of dollars in their first week.

They spent thousands of dollars first, and got lucky and were able to get some of their money back by selling it to someone else.

It’s Harder Than They Claim

They make it seem like you’ll barely have to put in any time or money into this in order to make money, and that’s couldn’t be further from the truth.

If you expect to make anywhere near the amount of money that they brag about, you’re going to have to potentially shell out thousands, and put in hundreds of hours.

Just think about it.

Do you honestly think it’s going to be easy to convince someone to spend thousands of dollars for this “business opportunity?”

If you end up deciding to purchase this, you need to be prepared to spend a lot of money, and work your butt off.

Personally I don’t recommend it because there are far better and cheaper ways to make money online.

High-Ticket-Programs like this one always have incredible low success rates, with only a small percentage of people actually making money.

Could Be Considered A Scam

I have The Freedom Shortcut listed as a “debatable” scam because you can argue that it’s not a scam.

However at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is whether or not the FTC considers it to be one.

And there is a good chance that they just might.

Similar High-Ticket-Programs have been shutdown by the FTC in the past few months.

This include both MOBE and Digital Altitude.

The FTC saw them a illegal pyramid schemes because the entire business centered around getting other people to join.

Personally I wouldn’t want to spend a ton of money and time on something that could be shutdown in the near or even distant future.

Is The Freedom Shortcut A Scam? – Conclusion

It’s honestly up to you to take the information I’ve given you and decide whether or not you think it’s a scam.

We could sit here all day and debate about whether it’s a scam or not, so I’m just going to say that I think you should avoid it.


I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend a ton of money on a “done-for-you” system that could disappear any day.

Why not take the time to learn how to start your very own independent that doesn’t rely on any one company to make money.

Make Money Online WITHOUT Spending Thousands

If you’re interested in making money online without shelling out thousands, I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is The Freedom Shortcut A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Millionaire Mentors Alliance A Scam? 5 Reasons Not To Join! [Honest Review]

Millionaire Mentors Alliance Scam Review

In this quick review of Millionaire Mentors Alliance I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it before joining.

Is it really worth the expensive price tags?

Let’s dive in and find out!

Millionaire Mentors Alliance Scam ReviewMillionaire Mentors Alliance Review

Product: Millionaire Mentors Alliance

Website: + other member sites

Price: $500 – $50,000

Is Millionaire Mentors Alliance A Scam? Debatable

Is Millionaire Mentors Alliance Recommended? No!


What Is Millionaire Mentors Alliance?

Millionaire Mentors Alliance is a relatively new High-Ticket-Program that was launched earlier this year.

They claim that after joining their system you’ll be able to earn anywhere from $500 to $50,000 per sale, and suggest it would be easy to make one sale per week.

While it is certainly possible to make money with the business model that they present, it certainly isn’t as incredible as they make it seem.

There are many downsides that you need to be aware of before shelling out the hundreds or even thousands of dollars for their products.

Let’s dive in.

How Millionaire Mentors Alliance Works

On the sales page for Millionaire Mentors Alliance they have a sales video that walks through the basics of how the system works.

However the video makes it seem much easier than what it will actually be, and sugar coats just about everything.

I suppose that’s what a sales video is supposed to do?

The basic idea behind Millionaire Mentors Alliance and just about every other high-ticket-program is that you pay a super high price for the right to resell the product that you just purchased.

Along with the ability to resell the product you purchased, you will receive what they call a “turn key” digital business.

Which is just a template website, some digital products, and a “proven marketing and sales system.”

However everything that you do will be focused around getting other people to join Millionaire Mentors Alliance so that you can make commissions.

The Pros & Cons

To give you a better overview of everything that you need to be aware of, let’s go over some good and bad things about it.

Millionaire Mentors AlliancePros:

  • It’s Possible to make money


  • Incredibly Expensive
  • Not Worth The Price Tags
  • Much Harder Than They Claim
  • “Businesses In A Box” Are Dangerous
  • Similar Businesses Have Been Recently Shutdown

Throughout the rest of the review I’ll be going over all of the points that I listed out above in more detail.

What You Get With Millionaire Mentor Alliance

As I’m sure you’ve probably already noticed by now, it is incredibly expensive to join into Millionaire Mentors Alliance.

Let’s go over their various membership levels and prices.

Millionaire Mentor Alliance BronzeBronze Package: $500 + $195 Licensing Fee

  • Resell Rights
  • Website Template With Customizable Features
  • Home Business Success Secrets
  • Secrets To Enrolling
  • Hashtag Marketing Methods
  • Secrets To Direct Mail Success

Millionaire Mentor Alliance Silver Silver Package: $2,000 + $198 Licensing Fee

  • Resell Rights
  • Millionaire Marketing Seminar
  • Keyword Marketing Methods
  • Productivity Mastery
  • Internet Success 101
  • Success With Press Releases
  • Special Bonus

Millionaire Mentor Alliance GoldGold Package: $3,500 + $298 Licensing Fee

  • Resell Rights
  • Crypto Currency Success
  • Bitcoin Success Basics
  • Ultimate Marketing Mastery
  • 21 Day Marketing Seminar
  • Entrepreneurial Wealth
  • Information Millionaires Bootcamp
  • Success Traits Of The Affluent
  • Ultimate Success Programming
  • Traffic Mastery

Millionaire Mentor Alliance PlatinumPlatinum Package: $7,500 + $398 Licensing Fee

  • Crypto Currency Success
  • Bitcoin Success Basics Course
  • Home Business Success Bootcamp
  • Podcast Marketing
  • Get Motivated
  • Outsourcing Secrets
  • Ultimate Persuasion
  • Wealth Through Consultations
  • Success With Self Hypnosis
  • Secret Weapons Of Direct Marketing

Millionaire Mentor Alliance DiamondDiamond Package: $15,000 + $448 Licensing Fee

  • Crypto Currency Success
  • Bitcoin Success Basics Course
  • Professional Prospecting Secrets
  • Accelerated Success
  • Public Speaking For Profits
  • Secret Power Of Focus
  • Time Management Secrets
  • Top Secret Strategies To Article Marketing
  • Blogging For Profit
  • Building Your Brand
  • 7 Habits Of Highly Successful Internet Marketers
  • Cell Phone Profits
  • Social Networking

Millionaire Mentor Alliance EliteElite Package: $25,000 + $498 Licensing Fee

  • Crypto Currency Success
  • Bitcoin Success Basics
  • The Ultimate Entrepreneur
  • Winning Negotiation Tactics
  • Solo Advertising Strategies
  • Success Coaching Secrets
  • NLP Communication Mastery
  • High Ticket Success
  • Infopreneur Academy
  • Email Marketing Secrets
  • Conversion Profits
  • Ultimate List Building
  • Video Marketing Success

Millionaire Mentor Alliance EmpireEmpire Package: $50,000 + $1,498 Licensing Fee

  • Crypto Currency Success
  • Bitcoin Success Basics
  • Private Success Consulting
  • Big Ticket Consulting
  • Success Selling Information
  • Local Marketing Strategies
  • Ultimate Branding Techniques
  • Ability To Not “Pass up” Sales

Not Worth The Price Tags

Now I know that it seems like you will be receiving an insane amount of training, tools, and products when you purchase their packages.

However in this section I’m going to take a minute to go over a few reasons why they aren’t worth anywhere near that.

First off, after reading through each and every description of all of their products, I’ve realized that I could find similar training to all of them in other places for much cheaper.

How much cheaper?

Well I decided to pick a random training package they sell (7 Habits of Highly Successful Internet Marketers) and search it on Google.

Would you be surprised to learn that I found a similar product with the same name, (possibly the same product) that you can purchase for $7?

Millionaire Mentors Alliance Products

All of the products you get for the insane prices seem like they are just low quality training products that can be purchased on websites like JVzoo or WarriorPlus.

Each of the training modules would have to be worth hundreds of dollars a piece to make them worth it…

That’s simply not the case.


It’s Much Harder Than They Claim

They make it seem like once you pay the crazy price tags you’ll be able to easily start making weekly sales like clockwork.

In the sales video they suggest that with a “part-time interest” you could make $10,000+ per month.

That’s simply not the case.

While they do give you a website and other tools, to help you recruit other people, it’s going to take a whole lot of time, effort and skill.

You’re going to have to convince a constant line of people to shell out thousands of dollars.

Not to mention the fact that you are going to have to pass up your first sale of each level to the person who recruited you.

That means that after paying let’s say $3,798 to join Gold, you’ll have to convince 2 people to pay the same amount of money before you even get your initial investment back.

High-Ticket-Programs like this always have an incredibly low success percentage, and most members almost always fail and lose all of their money.

“Businesses In A Box” Are Dangerous

They claim that when you sign up, they give you a “turn key” business that you can customize and use to recruit people.

While these tools might be helpful, there is one main reason why you should avoid them.

These “done-for-you” products are created to promote one thing and one thing only, in this case Millionaire Mentors Alliance.

That means that if for some reason Millionaire Mentors Alliance goes out of business, you won’t have to tools or know how to make any other money.

You’ll simply be out of an income.

And guess what, Millionaire Mentors Alliance is very likely to get shutdown in the future.

The best thing you can do is learn how to easily and cheaply create and run your own online business!

Similar Programs Have Been Shutdown!

One thing seems to be becoming more and more true, the FTC does not like high-ticket-programs like this one.

My Online Business EducationWithin this past year, they have shutdown two of the largest high-ticket-programs out there MOBE and Digital Altitude.

It’s simply because these are scams in the eyes of the FTC.

System like this are considered to be Pyramid Schemes by the Federal Trade Commission.

You can argue that the presence of products alone makes this system more like an MLM and not a pyramid scheme.

But answer me this one question.

Are you thinking about purchasing Millionaire Mentors Alliance for the products, tools, and training?

Or are you purchasing it so that you can earn money by getting other people to join?

If it’s for the products, tools, and training, you’re wasting your money because you can get similar and better versions of that stuff in different places.

And if you’re just joining for the ability to recruit others for money, that’s a pyramid scheme…

Is Millionaire Mentors Alliance A Scam? – Conclusion

We could sit here and debate all day about whether or not Millionaire Mentors Alliance is a scam or not, but what we think doesn’t matter.

The only thing that matters is whether the FTC considers it a scam, and I am almost completely certain that they will.

For that reason, and all of the other reasons listed in this review I strongly recommend that you avoid Millionaire Mentors Alliance at all costs!


Make Money Online WITHOUT Spending Thousands

If you are still interested in making money online, and you’re willing to actually put in time and effort, I have a suggestion for you!

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

You can even get started for free, without even having to get out your credit card.

If you are interested in learning more, you can…


Is Millionaire Mentors Alliance A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Partner With Mike B Review: What You Need To Know! [Scam?]

Partner With Patrick Scam Review

In this Partner With Mike B review I’ll be going over everything you need to know about before giving them any money.

Will you really be able to make $1,000/day or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s dive in and find out what they’re all about!

Partner With Patrick Scam ReviewPartner With Mike B Review

Product: Partner With Mike B


Price: $37 + Expensive Up-sells

Is Partner With Mike B A Scam? Debatable

Is Partner With Mike B Recommended? NO!


What Is Partner With Mike B?

I first started receiving emails about Partner With Mike B months ago, and I honestly thought I already wrote a review about it.

The main reason I made that mistake is because it has a sales funnel incredibly similar to other scams like Partner With Patrick, and Money Sucking Websites.

It claims to be an incredible online money making method that will help you earn $1,000/day within 24 hours, and with only 45-60 minutes of work a day.

Just like many scams out there, the sales video promises that you’ll make tons of money online almost immediately, without having to much work at all.

Is there any truth to anything he’s saying?

Let’s find out!

How Does Partner With Mike B Work?

Partner With Mike BThere are multiple sales videos but odds are that after watching through it, you probably still don’t have any real idea of how the system works, or what you’ll be doing.

They just focus on how much money you’ll supposedly be making because if they told you the truth about the program, you probably wouldn’t want to join.

So what Is Partner With Mike B Really? It’s what’s known as a high-ticket-program.

Here’s how it works:

In a nutshell, you pay the $37 to join the program and receive a 6 step training course, that shows you how to make money selling their high-ticket products.

The problem is that if you want to make commissions from selling their products, you’ll have to first purchase the rights to do so.

The prices of those products start at $7, but if you want a chance to make good money you’ll have to buy the more expensive items that cost up to $3,500.

The Pros & Cons

Let’s take a minute to go over some of the good and bad things that I could come up with about Partner With Mike B.


  • It’s Possible To Make Money


  • Incredibly Misleading Sales Videos
  • Not As Easy As They Claim
  • Will Get Super Expensive

Throughout the next few sections I’ll be going into detail about all of the points that I listed out above.

Incredibly Misleading Sales Video

Partner With Mike B Sales VideoI want to make it clear that it is actually possible to make money with the system that they will teach you.

The problem is that they just completely mislead you about what to expect when you sign up.

They make it sound like you’ll just be spending an hour or so a day working, and you’ll almost immediately start making thousands of dollars.

When that is simply just not true.

They claim that they’ve done just about everything for you already; which is kind of true, but misleading.

Sure, they have all of the training, funnels, and products for you, but you’ll still have to do the hard part.

Which is getting traffic/potential customers to your sales funnel and offers, and that’s much easier said than done.

Much Harder Than They Claim

They make it seem like you’ll join up, do a little bit of work for like 45 minutes or so, and magically start racking in thousands.

When in reality it is much harder than that.

You’ll be spending your time driving as much traffic to Partner With Mike B as you can, and getting traffic is not easy.

I make my living online, and I know a thing or two about getting traffic.

Their method revolves around the use of paid traffic in the form of Facebook ads, which can and most-likely will get expensive.

Will Get Super Expensive

So not only will you be paying potentially thousands of dollars for the rights to sell their products, you’ll also be paying for traffic.

I spent some time in the past attempting to use paid traffic, and one thing I learned is that it takes a lot of trial and error.

It is certainly not easy to create a high-converting ad campaign, and you’ll end up spending a lot of money testing different ones.

Is Partner With Mike B A Scam? – Conclusion

In my opinion it is honestly debatable as to whether you can call Partner With Mike B a scam or not.

The sales video is incredibly misleading, and leaves out a lot of information that you need to know before joining.

However I gave you all of that information here, so if you’ve read through this review and you still want to join, would you really be getting scammed?

Regardless of whether I consider it to be a scam or not, I still don’t recommend it at all.

Not Recommended

My goal was to give you all of the information that you needed to know before joining the program, and I hope I succeeded at that.

Now it’s up to you to decide if you think it’s worth it or not.

Make Money Online WITHOUT Paying Thousands

If you’re interested in actually making money online, and you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars doing it, I have a suggestion for you.

Did you know that websites out there will pay you to get people to purchase their products, and you don’t have to buy those products first?

Not only will small websites pay you, but large websites like Amazon, Walmart, and Target will pay you as well.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed at making money online through that method, and it’s free to get started.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Partner With Mike B A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

What Is Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough? Is It A Scam? [Honest Review]

Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough Scam Review

In this review of Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough I’ll be going over everything you need to know before signing up.

Will you actually be able to save a million dollars, or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s dive in and find out!

Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough Scam ReviewUltimate Retirement Breakthrough Review

Product: Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough


Price: $49 + Expensive Up-sells

Is Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough A Scam? Debatable

Is Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough Recommended? No!


What Is Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough?

Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough CreatorsUltimate Retirement Breakthrough claims to be a system created by Chris and Sue Beesley, and it’s meant to help you with your retirement.

They claim that if you have anything less than $1,000,000 in your pension fund then you have a big problem that they can help you solve.

One the sales page they talk about how their retirement fund was lost during the recession in 2005 and they were in big trouble until they realized they could start an online business.

Since starting their online business they have been able to make multiple six-figures per year, and travel the world together.

Now they want to help you achieve the same things.

Can really expect to make hundreds of thousands of dollars after signing up for $49, or is it not as good as it seems?

Let’s find out!

The Pros & Cons

I’ve found that one of the best ways to judge a system is by taking some time to weigh the pros and cons.

Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough Pros:

  • It’s Possible To Make Money
  • Decent Training & Tools
  • No Crazy “Scam” tactics


  • It’s Just A Re-branded Program
  • Incredibly Expensive Up-sells
  • Low Success Rate

Throughout the rest of the review I’ll be going further into detail about all of the points that I just listed out above.

What Is Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough Really?

If you decide to actually purchase into Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough you’ll soon learn that you actually signed up for a program called MOBE.

Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough isn’t actually a system in and of itself, it’s more like a sales page promoting MOBE under a different name.

There are dozens if not hundreds of websites out there that do the same, some examples are My 7 Figure Nest Egg, Mobile Success Training, and Top Tier Side Income.

In order for you to make an informed decision to either sign up or skip it, you’ll need to understand more about MOBE,

The reason so many websites out there promote MOBE is because that’s what MOBE trains them to do.

If you join, you’ll learn how to make money online by getting other people to sign up and pay for MOBE, and you’ll make a commission when they do.

I do not consider MOBE to be a scam, however there a major downsides to it that you need to be aware of if you’re going to join.

MOBE Is Incredibly Expensive

While it is certainly possible to make money with the methods that you’ll learn if you sign up, you’ll have to spend a lot of money first.

This is my main problem with MOBE, and the most important thing you need to understand if you’re going to sign up.

They make it seem like you’re going to be able to make $1,250, $3,300 and $5,500 commissions by just paying the $49.

Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough Misleading

When in reality if you want to make those huge commissions, you’ll have to first pay around double those amounts.

These are the prices that you’ll first have to pay if you want the opportunity to make those giant commissions:

MOBE Membership Fees

You’ll have to pay $2,497-$29,997 for the various memberships and training programs and membership levels that they offer.

Low Success Rate

I would honestly say that this program is worth it if I honestly thought that majority of the people who pay for it succeed with it.

However that’s simply not the case.

Underneath the first sales video of the page you’ll see a disclaim that reads: “Results shown are not typical”

Then they give you a link to their earnings disclosure that I highly recommend you click, but if you don’t, here is the chart that it takes you to.

Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough

Feel free to take your time to look it over, but I highlighted what I believe is the most important thing you need to see.

62.48% of their members make an average of $61 per month, and I’m willing to bet that a majority of those people don’t make anything.

Not to mention there is not way to tell how much each individual has spent before making any of their money.

Is Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough A Scam?

Personally I don’t consider it to be a scam, if you pay the money you’ll get access to training that could potentially help you make money online.

With that being said, they still leave out a lot of key information that you need in order to make an informed decision about purchasing the product.

Regardless of whether you consider it to be a scam or not, it’s still something that I do not recommend simply because of the high price tags, and low success rates.

Not Recommended

If you are still interested in starting an online business I highly recommend checking out My Top Ranked Program. They have all of the high quality training and tools, without the crazy expensive price tags.

Make Money Online WITHOUT Risking Thousands!

It is absolutely possible to make good money online and fortunately there are ways to do it without risking thousands of dollars.

Wealthy Affiliate gives you access to all of the tools, training and support you need to succeed online, and you can even get started with it for free.

It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, you have to put in plenty of time and effort to succeed with it.

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is High Ticket Wealth System A Scam? $10k In First Month? [Review]

High Ticket Wealth System Scam Review

In this review of High Ticket Wealthy System I’ll be going over what you need to know before joining, and telling you if I think it’s a scam or not.

Will you really be able to make $10,000 in your first month?

Let’s dive in and find out!

High Ticket Wealth System Scam ReviewHigh Ticket Wealth System Review

Product: High Ticket Wealth System


Price: $49 – $50,000+ in up-sells

Is High Ticket Wealth System A Scam? Debatable

Is High Ticket Wealth System Recommended? NO!


What Is High Ticket Wealth System?

High Ticket Wealth System claims to be a system created by Saj P, and it makes a lot of really huge and exciting claims.

Apparently he has a system that will help you make $50,000+ per month from home with no website, no selling, and no technical skills.

The sales video honestly makes it sound like an incredibly opportunity without any downsides to it.

Is it really as good as they make it seem, or is there a catch?

Let’s dig deeper and find out!

The Pros & Cons

Let’s go over some of the good and bad things that I could find out about High Ticket Wealth System.


  • It’s Possible To Make Money
  • Decent Training & Tools


  • Misleading Claims & Information
  • It’s Incredibly Expensive
  • Low Success Rate

Throughout the rest of this review I’ll be going over exactly what I mean with the points I listed out above.

Misleading Claims & Information

First off, I want to be very clear and tell you that it is possible to make money with the system that you’ll be paying for.

There really are people out there what make thousands per day, and $10,000-$50,000 per month using this system.

With that being said, that is only a very small percentage of the people who join the system.

The High Ticket Wealth System sales page makes it sound like you are basically guaranteed to make $50k/month, and it’s incredibly difficult to fail.

High Ticket Wealth System Claims

When in reality it is the exact opposite.

There are many reasons why it is incredibly difficult to succeed with the system, but the main one is because it’s so expensive.

It’s Incredibly Expensive

As you probably noticed on the sales page, the real program that you’ll be signing up for is MTTB/MOBE or My Online Business Education.

MOBE is what’s known as a High Ticket System, which initially sounds incredible right?

What could possibly be bad about making high ticket sales, and earning $1,250, $3,300, $5,500 or even $10,000 per sale?

Well the fact that you have to spend a lot more money than that before you have to opportunity to make those sales.

Here are the prices you should be expecting to pay:

MOBE Membership Fees

The truth is that these prices are just ridiculous, and their are simply better and cheaper programs out there!

How High Ticket Wealth System Works

Basically Saj P is an affiliate of MOBE, and High Ticket Wealth System was created for the sole purpose of getting you to join MOBE.

Saj P will make money for each person that he gets to sign up, and that’s how you’ll be making money if you join.

You’ll be making money by getting other people to sign up and pay for the various membership levels that MOBE offers.

The problem is that you’ll have to sign up and pay for each membership level before you can get paid to get other to.

If you want to make the $1,250 commissions you’ll have to pay $2,497 first and so on and so forth.

It’s Harder Than It Seems

I know it’s incredibly easy to get super excited about making a ton of money online, but it’s no where near as easy as they make it sound.

They try to make it seem like almost everything is done for you.

High Ticket Wealth System Automated

While you will be getting done for you lead capture systems, email campaigns, a success coach, and a phone sales team, it’s still not as easy as that makes it seem.

The main thing that they don’t do for you, just happens to be the hardest part of the entire process, and that’s getting traffic/people to your offer.

Not to mention you’ll have to get thousands and thousands of people to your offers seeing as most people won’t have $10,000+ laying around to pay for the memberships.

I also want to quickly point out that your “success coach” will just be a member of their phone sales team.

Their main goal will be to get a sale from you by getting you to spend more money by upgrading your membership.

Low Success Rate

After doing some looking around I was able to find a earning chart from MOBE that shows an overview of what their members make.

Here it is:

MOBE Earnings Disclaimer

While there are people who make $10,000 to $50,000 per month using their system, it’s a very small percentage of their members.

I highlighted what I think is the most important thing, and that’s the fact that 62.48% of their members make an average of $61 per month.

It’s impossible to see how many of those people make $0, or how much each of them have spent on the program.

Is High Ticket Wealth System A Scam?

When it comes to whether High Ticket Wealth System is a scam or not, it’s honestly debatable.

It has a lot of misleading claims, and leaves out a lot of important information that you need to know before joining, such as the high price tags.

Not Recommended


You’ll really be signing up for MOBE which I personally don’t consider to be a scam, however a lot people who have lost their lifesaving to them claim otherwise.

There are hundreds if not thousands of websites similar to High Ticket Wealth System that promote MOBE, here are a few I’ve recently reviewed: Secret Society Of Millionaires, Mobile Success Training, and My 7 Figure Nest Egg.

If you’re still thinking about joining please do more research first, and don’t spend any money you can’t afford to never see again.

Make Money Online WITHOUT Spending Thousands

If you’re interested in making money online WITHOUT spending thousands of dollars, I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online, and you can get started for free.

Their training has helped me build an online income that has allowed me to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is High Ticket Wealth System A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is My Home Business Mentors A Scam? [Quick Review]

My Home Business Mentors

In this quick My Home Business Mentors review I’ll be going over exactly what it is, and telling you if I think you should join.

Will you actually be able to make $10k per month, or are they lying to get your money?

Let’s jump in and find out!

My Home Business MentorsMy Home Business Mentors Review

Product: My Home Business Mentors


Price: $49

Is My Home Business Mentors A Scam? Debatable

Is My Home Business Mentors Recommended? NO!


What Is My Home Business Mentors?

There appears to be several different videos and sales pages promoting My Home Business Mentors, however all of them appear to make similar claims.

They all claim to provide a very simple way to make a lot of money online.

Apparently you’ll learn the secret to make $1,250 – $5,500 commissions and be able to make $10k per month.

Is there any truth to these claims, or are they just lying to get your money?

Well there is some truth to it, but there are plenty of misleading claims.

The Pros & Cons

Let’s take a minute to list out some of the good and bad things that I could find out about My Home Business Mentors.

My Home Business MentorsPros:

  • It’s possible to make money


  • Misleading Claims & Information
  • It’s A Different Program
  • Incredibly Expensive
  • Low Success Rate

Throughout the rest of this quick review I’ll be going further into detail about the points that I listed out above.

Misleading Claims & Information

The first thing I want to point out is that there are a lot of misleading claims that they make throughout the video that I watched.

They try to make it seem like basically all of the hard stuff is done for you, and all you have to do is send leads their way.

When in reality, any successful marketer such as myself will tell you that sending good leads is the hardest part of making money online.

No matter how good an offer is, you’re going to have to send thousands of people to it if you want the a chance at making the type of money they brag about.

The main thing I want you to take away from this section is the fact that it’s not easy.

You are going to have to put in a lot of time and effort if you want even the slightest chance of making notable money online.

It’s A Different Program

My Online Business EducationAnother thing that you need to be aware is the fact that My Home Business Mentors is not actually a real program.

What do I mean?

Well the real program that you’ll be signing up for is called MOBE or My Online Business Education.

They have just changed the name to make it seem like something else for several different reasons.

The most important one being that they don’t want you to be able to do the proper research and find out that MOBE will potentially cost you tens of thousands of dollars!

Incredibly Expensive

If you were only going to read one section in this review, I would want it to be this one.

I want to make it clear that it is possible to make money online with the training that you’ll be getting with MOBE.

However if you want to make the $1,250 – $5,500 commissions that they brag about, you’re going to have to shell out a lot of money.

I took the liberty of taking a screenshot of all of the various prices that you’ll have to pay to be eligible to make those commissions.

MOBE Membership Fees The highlighted prices are the membership levels that you will have to purchase before you can make commissions from selling them.

Low Success Rate

The main problem that I have with MOBE is the fact that their prices make it incredibly difficult to succeed with their program.

If you click on the income disclaimer at the bottom of the sales page you’ll see a chart with the different income levels of their members.

However the one I got was from 2014-2015 so I went out and found another more recent one.


Internet Funnel System Income Disclosure

Feel free to take the time to look over the entire chart, but I highlighted what in my opinion is the most important thing.

62.48% of their members make on average just $61 per month; I just wish we could see how much money their members spend before making that much.

Is My Home Business Mentors A Scam?

I honestly think it’s debatable whether My Home Business Mentors is a scam or not.

On one hand they try to mislead you into buying a completely different program, but on the other hand you can make money with that program.

I don’t consider MOBE to be a scam, you’ll get decent training and tools when you sign up, however it’s not something that I recommend to beginners because their are much less expensive options out there.


If you are thinking about actually joining MOBE I suggest you do a lot more research into before paying any money.

Make Money Online WITHOUT Spending Thousands

If you’re interested in making money online but don’t have thousands of dollars to shell out, I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their platform I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home.

Be aware that it’s not some “get-rich-quick-scheme” it takes plenty of time and effort if you want to make any real money.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is My Home Business Mentors A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Legit Or A Scam? [Quick Review]

In this quick review of I’ll be going over what it is and telling you if I think you should join or not.

Will they actually help you find a legit job, or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s dive in and find out! Review



Price: Varies

Is Find-A-Job-Now A Scam? Yes!

Is Find-A-Job-Now Recommended? No!


What Is claims to be a website that can help you find a job that will allow you to make good money online.

Depending on when you go to the website it will take you to various other website that claim to be able to make you money online.

I decided to check out the “jobs” that they link you up with, and see if you can legitimately make money from them.

As it turns out, most of them won’t…

The Pros & Cons

Normally I find both good and bad things to write about a program in this section, but I honestly couldn’t find anything good.


  • Nothing


  • Links To Multiple Scams
  • Could Lead To Losing Thousands

Over the next few sections I’ll be going further into detail about the points that I just listed out above.

Links To Multiple Scams

Like I said, it seems that will link you to a different “job” depending on when you visit it.

I refreshed the page and resigned up multiple times and it took me to a different “job” just about every time.

The crappy part is that it seems like all of the jobs that it linked me up with were just scams.

I’ve already written reviews on a few of them like Secret Society of Millionaires, and My Home Job Search.

Secret Society Of Millionaires Scam Review

I know for a fact that those two programs shouldn’t be trusted, and I plan on writing full reviews on the other programs that I found.

But it already seems like Envelope Work, and My Online Daily Income are scams as well.

Could Lead To Losing Thousands

It appears as if several (if not all) of the “jobs” that it links you to are simply sales funnels set up to try to get you to pay for a program called MOBE.

MOBE is not a program that I consider to be a scam, however you still need to know what you’re getting into before signing up.

It’s what we like to call a High-Tick-Program.

The main thing you need to know about it is that you have to pay thousands of dollars before you’ll have the chance to make good money with it.

Here is a snapshot of the prices of their various training levels that you’ll need to eventually pay for:

MOBE Membership Fees

If you’re thinking of signing up for MOBE you need to do a lot of research into it and find out if it’s something that will work for you.

Is Find A Job Now A Scam?

After taking sometime to look over the website, and the websites of the various “jobs” they link you up with, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a scam.


They are simply trying to mislead you into signing up for various other programs, and pass them off as “jobs.”

Even though all of the “jobs” that I was linked to were just scam websites, or sales funnels that are meant to mislead you into joining programs that will cost you thousands of dollars.

Don’t trust this place, and do more research into any program that they are hooking you up with.

Actually Make Money Online

If you want to actually make money online it’s going to take plenty of time and effort.

My Top Ranked Program will give you access to all of the tools, training, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their platform I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


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