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Home Online Profits Club Scam

Home Online Profits Club Review: 7 Reasons It’s A Scam!

In this Online Profits Club Review I’ll be going over exactly what it is, and giving you multiple reasons why it’s a scam!

Home Online Profits Club ScamHome Online Profits Club

Product: Home Online Profits Club

Creator: Linda Wilson


Price: $97

Is Home Online Profits Club A Scam? YES!


What Is Home Online Profits Club?

Home Online Profits Club claims to be a super simple method that you can use to make $379/ day online.

They claim that you can make that much money in no time by simply working 60 minutes a day.

However at the end of the day, Home Online Profits Club is simply a scam.

In this review I’ll be going over several reasons why you should completely avoid it!

Let’s jump in!

Pros And Cons

Even when I know for a fact that a program is a scam, I always try to come up with something good about it.


  • In theory you can make SOME money (it’s unlikely)


  • Unrealistic Income Claims
  • “As Seen On TV” Lie
  • Fake TV News Video
  • Limited Positions Lie
  • Fake Testimonials
  • It’s Just Like Other Scams
  • Link Posting Doesn’t Work

Those are the seven reasons why Home Online Profits Club is a scam, and now I’ll go a little more in depth about what I mean by them!

Unrealistic Income Claims

One of the first things that you see at the top of the sales page is that you can make $379/day with it.

While it is possible to make that much money online, it’s not going to be quick, and you’ll have to work more than 60 minutes a day.

The simple truth is that the method that they will teach you simply won’t make you anywhere near that amount.

I’ll be getting into that a little later in the review.

“As Seen On TV” Lie

Home Online Profits Club FeaturedAnother thing that you’ll see right at the top of the page is an image suggesting that they’ve been featured on TV.

That’s simply just another blatant lie that’s supposed to get you excited to give them money.

Home Online Profits Club has not and never will be featured on TV.

I keep up with online money making opportunities for a living, and I’ve never seen this on TV, or anywhere else.

If it really was on all of the TV networks they claim, you probably would’ve seen it by now too.

Fake TV News Video

Home Online Profits Club Fake VideoI know that they have a video from a news spot to make it seem like they’ve actually been on TV.

However pay attention to it and you’ll realize that it never says the name of Home Online Profits Club.

The news spot was simply one talking about the fact that it is possible to make money online.

It has absolutely nothing to do about this program however.

Limited Positions Lie

Home Online Profits Club PositionsAnother red flag that a lot of scams have is when they claim that there are only a limited amount of positions.

I promise you that no matter how many people join this program, they will always take your money.

This is just a tactic that they use to project scarcity and to get you to pay in fear of missing out!

Fake Testimonials

Home Online Profits Club Fake TestimonialsI’m sure by now you are starting to see the pattern, but I’ll keep going.

All of the testimonials that they have on their sales page are completely fabricated.

They use stock photos that can be found with simple Google searches, and write the testimonials themselves.

It’s Just Like Other Scams!

If for some reason you still aren’t convinced that Home Online Profits Club is a scam, I’m almost certain this will.

Home Online Profits Club is exactly like several other scams that I’ve reviewed in the past.

When I say exactly, I mean all they did was change the name and website!

What Is Entrepreneur Jobs Club? Home Internet Income Scam Is Home Jobs Today A Scam

Entrepreneur Jobs Club, Home Jobs Today, Home Internet Income, Secure Job Position, and Accelerated Income are only a few of the ones that I’ve come across in the past!

Link Posting Doesn’t Work

So if for some crazy reason you are still thinking about purchasing Home Online Profits Club, I have one more thing that should absolutely change your mind!

The system that they teach you to use to make money online doesn’t work anymore.

It sounds legit because they base it on something called Affiliate Marketing, which is a real way to make money online.

Companies will actually pay you to get people to go to their websites and make purchases.

That’s actually how I make my living online!

However the method that they teach is not something that is going to work.

They teach you to just spam links in various places and on different websites.

Websites will just remove these links, and the people who see them won’t click on them because they know they are just spam!

Is Home Online Profits Club A Scam?

I truly hope that the 7 reasons that I listed above were enough to convince you that Home Online Profits Club is in fact a


Don’t waste your money trying out this system! If you are interested in actually making money online, I suggest you keep reading!

Actually Make Money Online

Like I mentioned a few time within the review, it is absolutely possible to make money online, and I know that because that’s how I make my living.

It takes time and effort but anyone can succeed at it if they get access to the proper training, tools and support!

You can get started with those three things for free in the same place I get them!

If you are interested in learning more, you can


Is Home Online Profits Club A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

2 thoughts on “Home Online Profits Club Review: 7 Reasons It’s A Scam!”

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