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Is Crypto VIP Club A Scam?

Is Crypto VIP Club A Scam Or Legit? 5 Red Flags! [Review]

In this review of Crypto VIP Club I’ll be going over exactly what it is, and answering the question “Is Crypto VIP Club A Scam?”

Is Crypto VIP Club A Scam?Crypto VIP Club Review

Product: CryptoGain

Creator: Andrew King


Price: Free + Deposit

Is Crypto VIP Club A Scam? Probably


What Is Crypto VIP Club?

Crypto VIP Club claims to be an incredibly profitable cryptocurrency trading program. They claim that you be able to make $17,000 per week by basically barely doing anything.

Cryptocurrencies have been blowing up lately and there are ways to take advantage of that by investing.

However Crypto VIP Club is not a place where you want to be investing your money.

There are so many false claims and red flags that I’m almost certain it is a scam before even jumping in!


The Pros And Cons

Regardless of whether this is a scam or not, I want to try to be as fair as possible to it in this review. That’s why I want to try and list out both the good and bad things about it!

Crypto VIP Club ScamPros:

  • Nothing


  • Unrealistic Income Claims
  • Claims Of Automation
  • Little Or No Information
  • “Featured On” Lie
  • Fake Testimonials

As you can see, I didn’t find one good thing about this program. However over the next few sections I’ll be explaining the cons!

Unrealistic Income Claims

I’ve literally reviewed hundreds of online money making programs in my time, and ones that claim you can make $17,000 per week have all been scams.

Programs like this simple use huge numbers as a way to get your attention and get your money.

I’m sure in your head you’re at least a little suspicious about be able to make that much money.

However they claim that it’s free, and your thinking about trying it on the off chance that they aren’t lying.

However I can promise you that you aren’t going to make $17,000 a week with this system.

I highly doubt you’ll be making any money with this system at all!

Claims Of Automation

This is another thing that I constantly see claimed by programs that turn out to be scams.

I’m sorry, but there is not program out there that is automatically make you thousands of dollars without you doing work.

I know that there are websites out there that will claim that there’s software that can Binary Options, or Cryptocurrency for you and make you money.

However that’s simply not true.

I got deep into trading binary options in the past and tried out dozens of “automated systems” that huge websites claimed were legit.

Not a single one of them worked, and I lost a whole lot of money each time.

They always claim that you “didn’t trade at the right time” or “you just got unlucky”, but I lost enough money to realize that wasn’t true.

I did hours and weeks of research to try and learn how to do it properly and I still lost all my money.

If you want to try an “automated” trading system, be my guest, but not a single one worked for me.

Little Or Not Information

Is Crypto VIP Club A Scam?This is always something that I’ve found out to be a good indicator of whether a program is real or not.

Just about all of the legit systems that I’ve reviewed in the past have lots of information about themselves.

Crypto VIP Club claims that they were created by a person named Andrew King.

However there isn’t much information about him, or anything else about the company itself.

You can’t find when the company was founded, where it was founded, or literally anything else about it.

Andrew King doesn’t even seem like a real person. It seems like they just pulled a stock photo from somewhere on the internet.

Notice how his picture doesn’t match with the voice of the person in the video?

“Featured On” Lie

This is another thing that I constantly see scams do. They make claims that they’ve been featured on various news websites, even though they haven’t!

Is Crypto VIP Club A Scam?

If they were actually featured on all of those websites, it would be easy to do a quick Google search for “Crypto VIP Club Forbes” and find an article.

However you won’t be able to find anything when you search that.

If this automated program really was able to make you $17,000 a week it would be all over the news.

You would see it all over Facebook and other social media websites because it would make everyone rich.

Fake Testimonials

Is Crypto VIP Club a ScamMost scams know that people will be more-likely to buy something if they see other people saying it’s great.

That’s why they took the time to fabricate false testimonials.

The testimonials that you see on the website were simply written by the people who created the scam. It’s pretty funny that this testimonial says “David’s System” when Crypto VIP Club was “created” by Andrew King…

It’s also not hard to tell that the photos are just stock photos that they probably pulled from a Google search.

Another thing I should point out is that the woman in the video claiming to have made a bunch of money is probably an actor.

It’s very simple to find people on websites like Fiverr who you can pay a few bucks to say whatever you want to.

I’m sure I could find her on Fivver, but at this point I don’t think I really need to.

Is Crypto VIP Club A Scam?

There are simply too many red flags for this program for me to even try it out.

Even though I didn’t actually put my money into it to test it out, I’m still about as certain as I can be that it’s a scam. However the fact that I haven’t tried makes me simply warn you to

If you want to give it a try you can go ahead, I can’t stop you but if you do, be sure to let me know how it went in the comments below!

Some similar Cryptocurrency programs to avoid are: Bitcoins Wealth Club, Crypto Cash Pool, and AdsCrypto

What I Recommend!

If you are wanting to make money online without being scammed again I have a suggestion for you.

If you want to actually make money online, you’re going to have to actually put in work. I hate to break it to you but there are not automatic systems that will do it for you.

I know this because I’ve tried every money making opportunity out there, and I make my living online.

Anyone can do what I do if they get the proper training, tools, and support!

You can get started with all three of those things for free, in the same place that I get them!

If you are interested in learning more, you can…


Is Crypto VIP Club A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

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