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Is Home Income Flow a Scam?

Home Income Flow Is a Scam

I’m just going to let you know right out the gate that Home Income Flow is in fact a scam.

Home Income FlowThere is a good chance that the website will be completely different by the time you read this, because I have seen several other articles talking about the same scam, but they mentioned different claims and prices.

Throughout this review I am going to give you my experience with the website, and let you know what I think about it.

Before I get into it I would just like to say that there are definitely places where you can learn how to make real money online.

Home Jobs Now

If you are interested, I would recommend checking out my “Good Reviews” section or reading about my #1 recommended program Wealthy Affiliate.

Without further ado, here is my full review of Home Income Flow.

What is Home Income Flow?

Honestly I’m not really sure exactly what Home Income Flow is mainly because on the website that don’t go into any detail about what you are going to be doing, or how you’re going to be making money.

If you read the section on the website with the title “How does Home Income Flow Work to Generate Money” it just simply gives you a run around and says that you just have to follow the system that you’ll get when you give them money.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to pay any money unless I know exactly what I’m getting.

My Experience

After going to the website and click one that “Access Home Income Flow” button, I was taken to a website called “Home Jobs Now.”


At that website there is a capture page that asks me to enter in my first and last name, my email address and phone number.

This information is required in order for them to check for some type of availability.  Yes I know, it doesn’t really make sense.

But I enter in the information, press enter, and get taken to a sales page that is congratulating me because there are 9 positions in my area.


Just beneath that there is a large sign that is claiming to guarantee me a job that will pay be $379 a day to work 60 minutes.

That seems a little too good to be true, probably because it is.  The page is just a great big sales page for another scam.

They Want Money

After a long page of information that doesn’t really go into detail about what exactly you would be paying for, and a bunch of promises of an amazing life if you join, they ask for credit card information, and a $97 payment.

One Time Payment

Honestly, I thought about paying the money just to see if anything would come out of it.

But luckily I made the decision to do a little bit of research before I paid, and I’m glad I did.

I found multiple complaints on various threads of people saying that they had there bank accounts charged several hundred dollars, and they were never able to get in contact with the “company.”


Home Income Flow is definitely a scam. I am certain that they will take more money than what you want them to take, and that the “training” that you might get, won’t help you make any money online.

I have yet to find an online money making program that allows you to incredible amounts of money without putting the time and effort into it.

If you have any questions please be sure to leave them in the comments below!


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