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Is Bitcoin Revolution A Scam Or Legit? [Quick Review]

Bitcoin Revolution Scam Review

In this quick Bitcoin Revolution Review I’ll be going over exactly why you should completely avoid this scam!

Will you actually be able to become the next Bitcoin millionaire, or are they just trying to get your money?

Let’s just say it’s a good thing you’ve come to this review, because there’s a lot of shady things happening here!

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making programs, you can CLICK HERE to learn about my top rated one!

Bitcoin Revolution Scam Review

Product: Bitcoin Revolution

Website: multiple websites

Price: $250 Minimum Deposit

Is Bitcoin Revolution A Scam? YES!

Is Bitcoin Revolution Recommended? NO!


What Is Bitcoin Revolution?

Bitcoin Revolution claims to be a new incredible software that can make you thousands or even millions of dollars from trading Bitcoin.

It claims to be an automatic trader that has a 99.4% accuracy rate making basically impossible for you to lose money.

However at the end of the day it is just another get-rich-quick scheme that is trying to get as much money from you as possible.

Throughout this quick review I’ll be going over a handful of reasons why you should avoid them!

Let’s dive in!

How The Bitcoin Revolution Scam Works

At first if seems like you might have nothing to lose because it’s completely free to use the software, however there is still money to be lost.

While the “software” might technically be free, you’ll still have to pull out your wallet.

In order to trade any Bitcoins you’ll have to make a cash deposit, which will have to be a minimum of $250.

This is where they get you.

The odds are that as soon as you deposit your money, you’ll never be able to see it again.

What will probably happen is that they will fake a handful of trades showing that somehow you lost all of your money.

They will then try to convince you that it was a fluke, and try to get more money out of you.

Sometimes these scams will make it look like you’ve won thousands of dollars, but force you to deposit even more money before you can withdraw any.

Then before you know it you’ve deposited thousands of dollars you’ll never see again.

Pros & Cons

Normally I’ll go over some good things and bad things in this section, however there are only bad things about Bitcoin Revolution.


  • Nothing


  • Ridiculous Income Claims
  • Same As Other Scams
  • You Don’t Need A Broker
  • Bitcoin Is On A Down Trend

Over the next few sections I’ll take a minute to go further in depth about what I mean with the points above.

Ridiculous Income Claims

While it would certainly be nice to “Become The Next Millionaire” it’s most certainly not going to happen. At least not with Bitcoin Revolution.

Any system that claims to make you thousands or millions of dollars overnight is simply a get-rich-quick scheme.

Don’t get me wrong, it is absolutely possible to make a good amount of money online; I even make my living online.

However it’s certainly not going to happen overnight, and it’s going to be from some “software” that will do everything for you.

If you want to make money online you’re going to have to actually put in a good amount of time and effort.

Same As Other Scams

The main way I knew that Bitcoin Revolution was a scam right off the bat was the fact that I’ve seen this exact scam before.

Bitcoin Advertising, Bitcoin News Trader, Brexit Trader, and Bitcoin Profit are basically the exact same scam with just a few differences.

They are all just get-rich-quick schemes that are trying to steal your money.

You Don’t Need A Broker

Another thing that proves that this place isn’t what it seems is the fact that they require you to deposit money with a broker.

Anyone who has trader cryptocurrencies before will know that you don’t actually need a broker in order to trade.

The fact that you need a broker leads me to believe that this is a Binary Options scam disguised as a crypto trading software.

Trading Binary Options is basically just placing bets about whether a stock will rise or fall in a certain period of time (normally a few minutes)

The problem is that it is impossible to accurately choose whether a stock will go up or down within a few minutes.

It’s completely random.

It is basically like betting money on a coin toss, except when you lose more money when you’re wrong then gain when you win.

Bitcoin Is On A Down Trend

I’m sure in the recent past you heard a bunch of stories about people becoming millionaires overnight thanks to Bitcoin.

However that’s not really the case anymore.

As you can see from the chart below, Bitcoin has been on a down trend for this entire year.

Bitcoin Revolution Bitcoin Trend

Beware Of Fake Reviews

One last thing I want to point out real quick is that you need to be aware that there are fake reviews out there of this “software.”

People out there will write good reviews about it in hopes of getting you to sign up and give money.

They do this because they will get a commission for the money that you spend when you do sign up.

Is Bitcoin Revolution A Scam Or Legit?

Hopefully by this part of the review you’ve been convinced that Bitcoin Revolution is certainly a scam that should be completely avoided!

Scam Logo

The odds are that if you deposit any money through them, you will not be able to get it back.

Actually Make Money Online

If you are a beginner who is interested in actually making money online then I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their platform I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Bitcoin Revolution A Scam Or Legit? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Crypto MasterBot Scam Review: Don’t Trust What You’ve Seen!

Crypto MasterBot Scam Review

In this quick Crypto Masterbot review I’ll be going over several reasons why you shouldn’t trust them!

Will you really be able to make thousands of dollars on complete auto-pilot?

Or is it just a complete scam that’s out to get your money?

Well let’s just say I hope you’re reading this review before putting up and money, because it’s not looking good.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of online money making opportunities, and one always stands above the rest.

If you’re interested in learning about My Top Ranked Program, you can CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!

Crypto MasterBot Scam Review

Crypto MasterBot Scam Logo

Product: Crypto MasterBot


Price: $250 Minimum Deposit

Is Crypto MasterBot A Scam? YES!

Is Crypto MasterBot Recommended? NO!


What Is Crypto MasterBot?

Crypto MasterBot claims to be an incredible new “Fully Automated Software” that can bring you in thousands by trading Cryptocurrencies.

The most important thing you need to understand right now is that what they claim it is, and what it actually is are two completely different things.

They claim that its a user friendly trading platform that gives high quality signals and can be used by new traders and savvy traders as well.

It also supposedly has a near 100% win ratio which means you would profit from almost every trade you make.

Now that I’ve covered what it claims to be, let’s go over what it actually is.

Is Crypto MasterBot Legit?

Simply put, no, Crypto MasterBot is not a legitimate software for trading cryptocurrencies.

Its just one of hundreds if not thousands of scam trading software that are completely fake.

People create these simple websites and software to try to get people to deposit their money.

Once you deposit your money it is lost, and you won’t be able to get it back.

This is a well known scam in the online money making world, and it has cost many people thousands and thousands of dollars.

There are several ways that you can point out these scams, and I’ll be going over them shortly.

Trust me, you’ll want to know them!

The Pros & Cons

Normally this is where I list out the good and bad things about a program, but this one is all bad.


  • Nothing


  • Unrealistic Claims
  • Unknown Creator
  • Scam Broker
  • Just Like Other Scams

Over the next several sections I’ll be taking the time to go further in detail about the points listed above.

Unrealistic Claims

I know that the idea of basically guaranteed profits from trading sounds incredible.

But the simple truth is that it’s simply too good to be true.

Don’t you think that if a software really could predict the incredibly volatile crypto market, everyone would be using it.

Why would anyone be working if you could just deposit $250, then sit back and become rich?

Something like that simply doesn’t exist, and if it did, I wouldn’t be writing this review, I’d be getting rich with that.

Beware Of Fake Reviews!

There are two different types of fake reviews that you NEED to be aware of.

The first review is the basic fake good review, that claims that it’s real and that it’s worked for them.

You’ll be able to find some of these with a quick Google search.

The real problem you need to be aware of are the bad reviews that point you to another scam!

There are many scam review websites out there who will tell the truth about a scam to gain your trust, then recommend another scam!

They’ll be like, “Crypto MasterBot boasts a ridiculously fake win rate of 99.4%, but our real one is only 88%”

When the truth is that 88% is completely fake as well, and is just another scam.

This may sound hypocritical coming from me because I’ve recommended other products within this review, however there is one important difference.

My Top Ranked Program doesn’t require a $250 deposit, and it’s fact completely free to try out.

Fake Demo Accounts

Most of these scam will also offer you a fake “free trial” that claims to be a demo account.

They claim that you can run a simulation that follows the real market, but uses fake money.

That way you can see if you would’ve won if you deposited real money.

The problem is that these simulations are completely fake, and will show that you are winning when you aren’t.

Just like they’ll do if you actually deposit money.

Fake Winnings

Often times scams like this will show fake winnings after you deposit your money.

They’ll claim that you’ve won a ton so that you’ll be more likely to deposit more money.

If you think you made $5,000 from a $250 investment, how much more would you deposit?

This is how many people have lost their life savings on scams like this one!

There are even people out there who show videos of them fake winning in order to get you to sign up.

Here’s one I found on YouTube:

Just to be perfectly clear, the video above is NOT real.

Unknown Creator

Normally when I write reviews I try to find out as much as I possibly can about the creator of the system.

However there is absolutely no information about the creator or even the “company” itself.

There’s no information about where it’s based at, or about the people behind it.

That means there are no licenses, or anything like that.

Scam Brokers

Websites like Crypto MasterBot use unlicensed and unregulated brokers for one reason.

So they don’t have to give your money back once you realize it’s a scam.

Just Like Other Scams

I briefly mentioned this earlier, but I want to say a bit more about it.

This is only one of hundreds, if not thousands of scam Crypto Trading websites out there.

Scams like Cryptologic, Crypto Money Maker, Crypto Genius, and Crypto Edge.

Is Crypto MasterBot A Scam? – Conclusion

If you’ve even somewhat skimmed through this review you should know what I’m going to say.

I am 100% sure that Crytpo MasterBot is a scam!

I’m even comfortable saying that without actually investing any money to try it out.

There are simply too many red flags revolving around it for me to even think about wasting $250.

If you want to make money online from home I suggest you save your $250, and give My Top Ranked Program A Free Try!

They give you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

There’s NO hype, lies, misleading information, claims of automation, or fake reviews.

It’s just a legitimate platform that teaches you how to legitimately make money online.

Since joining them I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home.

If you’re interested in learning more you can…


Is Crypto MasterBot A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Bitcoin Profit A Scam? BTC Profit Now [Scam Review]

Bitcoin Profit Scam Review

In this quick scam review of Bitcoin Profit I’ll be going over all of the reasons why you should completely avoid this scam!

Will you be able to make thousands or millions of dollars with this program?

Let’s dive in and go over why you won’t!

Bitcoin Profit Scam ReviewBitcoin Profit Scam Review

Product: Bitcoin Profit / BTC Profit Now


Price: $250 Minimum Deposit

Is Bitcoin Profit A Scam? Yes!

Is Bitcoin Profit Recommended? NO!


What Is Bitcoin Profit?

Bitcoin Profit claims to be a new incredible cryptocurrency trading software that easily and quickly make you a ton of money online.

Bitcoin started blowing up in value last year causing a lot of people to become rich basically overnight.

Ever since then other people have been trying to cash in on the trend and make as much money as possible out of it.

That’s why scams like Bitcoin Profit have popped up all over the internet trying to take advantage of people who don’t know much about it.

Throughout the rest of the review I’ll be going over reasons why you should completely avoide Bitcoin Profit!

How Bitcoin Profit Scams You

At first it might seem like you can’t lose any money seeing as the software is completely free, however that’s not the case.

Even though the “software” is technically free, they will still force you to make a minimum $250 deposit in order to use it.

They claim that you have to invest money with a broker in order to start trading with the software, however this doesn’t make sense.

If you’ve ever traded Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency then you’ll know that there is no need for a broker.

If you deposit the $250, there is a good chance that you’ll never be able to see that money ever again.

The Pros & Cons

Normally this is where I list out the good and bad things about a program, but in this case there are only bad things…

Bitcoin Profit Pros:

  • Nothing


  • Lies & Misleading Information
  • It’s not Even Crypto Trading
  • Binary Options A Dangerous
  • Fake Testimonials

Over the next several sections I’ll be going further into detail about what I mean with all of the points listed out above.

Lies & Misinformation

Where do I even start with this one? There are just so many lies and misleading claims made throughout the video, and on the page.

There are a ton of crazy claims saying you can make thousands of dollars. My main problem with them is that they aren’t even consistent.

In the beginning of the sales video they claim the people who have used it so far have make $10,000 just within a few hours.

Bitcoin Profit Income ClaimsHowever when you scroll down a popup at the top appears saying you can make up to $3,212 a month.

So which is it? Will you make $10,000 within hours, or only $3,212 in a month?

The truth is that it’s neither, you won’t make any money with this system.

In fact, it’s not even what they claim it is.

It’s Not Even Bitcoin Trading!

The idea behind trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is that you purchase it for a cheaper price than you trade it.

However that’s not what you’ll be doing if you sign up for Bitcoin Profit.

With Bitcoin Profit you’ll be basically making bets about whether Bitcoin will rise or fall within a set time frame.

This is called Binary Options trading, and it is one of the most risky things you can do with your money.

How do I know it’s binary options trading?

There are several ways, but the main one is that they are trying to get you to deposit $250 into a brokerage account.

This is something that you don’t need to do in order to trade Bitcoin, and something every binary option scam makes you do.

Binary Options Are Incredibly Dangerous

First off I want to point out that there is a good chance that you won’t even actually be trading anything with this software.

Most software like this will just completely fake the trading process and make it seem like you lost it all so they can keep your money.

Some will do even worse and make it seem like you’ve won a ton of money, then claim you have to deposit more money before getting your winnings.

However it’s super dangerous even if you actually are trading binary options.

Basically you will be making a bet as to whether a certain stock, in this case Bitcoin, will rise or fall in value within a set time.

Normally this time frame will only be like 5 minutes.

The problem is that it is impossible to accurately guess whether a stock will rise or fall in such a small amount of time.

It’s simply random…

Therefore you are basically betting hundreds of dollars on a coin flip.

Except if you win you’ll win less then you bet, and if you lose you’ll lose it all.

The odds are stacked against you.

Bitcoin Profit Fake Testimonials

The last thing I want to point out before I leave is that fact that the people claiming to have made thousands of dollars are just actors.

I know it can be super convincing when you see a testimonial from someone claiming that something works.

However now a days you can go to different websites and pay people to say just about whatever you want.

Bitcoin Profit Fake TestimonialsBitcoin Profit Actor

The top image is the testimonial being made, and the bottom one is a screenshot of proof that he is a paid actor who will read a script for a small amount of money.

Is Bitcoin Profit A Scam? –  Conclusion

There isn’t a doubt in my mind that Bitcoin Profit is a complete scam!

It is exactly like dozens of other scams that have popped up this past year trying to take advantage of the Bitcoin craze.

If you don’t believe me, you should check out my reviews about Bitcoin News Trader, Bitcoin Wealth Club, and The Bitcoin Code.

They are all scams that have taken thousands of dollars from a whole lot of people!

Scam Logo

Actually Make Money Online!

If you are a beginner looking for a scam free way to make some money online, then I have a suggestion for you!

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to properly make money online!

Since joining their program I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

It’s not some scam trading software, or a get-rich-quick scheme. Just like any else it takes actual time and effort to make money online.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Bitcoin Profit A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Evergreen Profits A Scam? 6 Reasons To Avoid! [Review]

Evergreen Profits Scam Review

In this review of Evergreen Profits I’ll be going over exactly what it is and telling you if you should sign up for it or not.

Will you really make $1,500/day or are they just lying in order to get your money?

Let’s dig in and find out!

Evergreen Profits Scam ReviewEvergreen Profits Review

Product: Evergreen Profits


Price: $250 Minimum

Is Evergreen Profits A Scam? YES!

Is Evergreen Profits Recommended? No!


What Is Evergreen Profits?

Evergreen Profits claims to be a new cryptocurrency trading system that will help you make a lot of money without having to do much work.

They claim that their members make a minimal profit of $1,500 every day?

It sounds like you might’ve hit the jackpot, and are going live the rest of your life in leisure.

However their system is nothing like they claim it is, and there’s a lot you need to know before signing up!

Evergreen Profits Pros & Cons

This is the part of my review where I normally write out both good and bad things about a product, but this time there is nothing good about it!

Evergreen ProfitsPros: 

  • Nothing


  • Unrealistic Income Claims
  • Claims Of Automation
  • Just Like Other Scams
  • Fake Testimonials
  • It’s Unregulated
  • Binary Options Are Risky

Over the next 6 sections I’ll be going further into detail about the points that I just listed out above.

#1: Unrealistic Income Claims

I’m not going to lie, I was surprised that it took me a few minutes to come across the unrealistic income claims on the Evergreen Profits sales page.

Normally when you arrive on a scam page the first thing you would read would be something like “Make $1,500 Each And Everyday On Complete Auto-pilot!”

However that’s not what they do.

You have to scroll all the way down to the FAQ section before you come across the ridiculous claims.

One thing I want to make clear is that any program that claims you can make $1,500/day with just 15 minutes of work is a scam.

Or lying to you at the very least.

#2: Claims Of Automation

They claim that they have an incredible “News Intelligence Hub” that automatically collects information about cryprocurrencies from all over the world.

Then their team of highly experienced trade analysts and an algorithm will find and automatically make successful trades with your $250 on your behalf.

Apparently all you have to do is give them your money, and you’ll magically start making a ton of money everyday.

The truth is that everything they are telling you is complete bull crap.

I know it sounds amazing, but there is simply no automatic way of making money online.

If there was, don’t you think everyone in the world would be doing it?

#3: Just Like Other Scams

Since Cryptocurrency started blowing up about a year ago, more and more scams like this have popped up to steal people’s money.

Most people don’t know much about Bitcoin, they just know that a lot of people have recently made a lot of money from it.

Scams like this try to take advantage of the people who are excited about it so they can get their money.

Scams like The Bitcoin News Trader, Litecoin Trader, and Crypto Trade Book all claim to have an amazing system that will make profitable trades for you.

However they are all simply scams that will take your deposit money and run!

#4: Fake Testimonials

One thing that can be very convincing is seeing testimonials from other users claiming that it they’ve made a ton of money.

The creators of Evergreen Profits know that, which is why they go completely out of their way to make fake testimonials!

Evergreen Profits Fake Testimonials

I took the picture from the testimonial above, ran it through a reverse Google image search and found out it’s just a stock image used on a bunch of other websites.

Evergreen Profits Fake

#5: It’s Unregulated

If you scroll down to the bottom of the sales page and read through the disclaimers you’ll find a lot of interesting information.

Not only do they go over the fact that it is highly risky, they also disclose that it is not regulated.

Evergreen Profits Illegal

If you live in the united states “Any unregulated trading activity by U.S. residents is considered unlawful.”

Even if you aren’t in the United States you still should not give this place your money.

#6: Binary Options Are Risky

I want to point out that they want you to invest $250 with a broker, which is a red flag because you don’t need one to invest in cryptocurrencies.

I believe you need a broker because they are going to be trading Binary Options, which is incredibly risky and not recommended.

Trading a binary option is basically making a bet about whether a certain stock will rise or fall in a set amount of time (normally a few minutes)

You normally bet $50 that the stock will rise or fall, if you’re right you’ll win like $30 but if you’re wrong you’ll lose all $50.

The problem is that there is no way any software or team of people can tell what a stock is going to do 5 minutes from now.

Short term movements of a stock are completely random and unpredictable; you have a 50% chance of being wrong.

Would you bet $50 on a coin toss, when the other person is only putting up $30?

Even if you win 50% of the time, you’ll still lose money!

Is Evergreen Profits A Scam?

I truly hope that this review has convinced to completely avoid Evergreen Profits because it is a complete and total scam!


You’ll come across other reviews that will try to get you to try out different auto trading programs, don’t listen to them.

There is simply no automatic trading software that will make you money. I tried out several trading programs that were recommended by other websites, and I lost hundreds of dollars.

If you want to make money online you’re going to have to actually put in time and effort!

Actually Make Money Online!

It is actually possible to make money online, however it will take plenty of time and effort just like any other job.

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to succeed online!

Since joining them I’ve been able to make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Evergreen Profit A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Verified Robot A Scam? READ THIS FIRST! [Quick Review]

Verified Robot Scam Review

In this quick review of Verified Robot I’ll be going over everything you need to know about it before giving them your money!

Should you even give them your money?

No you shouldn’t, let’s go over why!

Verified Robot Scam ReviewVerified Robot Review

Product: Verified Robot


Price: $250 Minimum Investment

Is Verified Robot A Scam? Yes!

Is Verified Robot Recommended? NO!


What Is Verified Robot?

I’m sure by now you’ve have at least a general idea of what Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are.

Well Verified Robot claims to be an trading software that will automatically buy and sell those Cryptocurrencies for you so you can make money.

There are a lot of scams out there that are just trying to get your money, and this seems to be one of those.

Throughout this review I’ll be giving you several reasons why I think you should completely avoid them!

The Pros & Cons

I always try to be fair to every program I review and find a few good things to say about it, well I couldn’t with this one.

Verified RobotPros:

  • Absolutely nothing


  • No Information
  • Claims Of Automation
  • Fake Testimonials
  • Don’t Trust The Demo
  • Just Like Other Binary Options Trading Scams

Over the next few sections I’ll be going further into detail about all of the points I listed out above.

No Information

If I’m going to invest $250 into something, I want to know absolutely everything about it before I do.

However there simply isn’t any information out there about Verified Robot.

Who is behind it?

What country are they based in?

When were they founded?

How exactly does it work?

You can’t find any of this information anywhere about this place. The most you get is that they claim they have a “special algorithm” that makes accurate trades.

That’s simply not enough information for me to shell out $250, how about you?

Claims Of Automation

I know the idea of pushing a button and making thousands of dollars online sound incredible, but think about it.

If making money online was really that simple, don’t you think every person in the world would be doing it?

It’s absolutely possible to make money online, but you’ll have to actually put in plenty of time and effort.

An automatic method to making money online simply doesn’t exist. I’ve reviewed hundreds of programs that claim to be automatic, and not a single one of them has actually worked.

Fake Testimonials & Results

Verified Robot FakesIf all of the testimonials on the sales page of people making thousands convinced you it’s real, you might want to keep reading.

All of those testimonials and results they use as “proof” are completely fake.

They just grabbed random stock images of people and put them next to a bunch of fake results.

Don’t trust any of the results that they show you, and certainly don’t trust the demo!

Don’t Trust The Demo

Verified Robot Scam DemoMany scams like this one will allow you sign up and try out a free test demo of what the software will be like.

The results will be altered to make it seem like you’d be winning thousands if you were actually trading money.

This is very convincing and very dangerous.

I promise you that if you invest money and actually start trading, you’ll start losing those trades!

You’d honestly be lucky if you can even withdraw the money that you don’t lose.

Just Like Other Binary Options Trading Scams

Another thing I want to point out is the fact that you won’t actually be investing in cryptocurrencies with this software.

You’ll be trading binary options just like with other scams like Litecoin Trader, Bitcoin News Trader, and Ripple Code!

The reasons I know this is because if you want to invest in cryptocurrencies, you don’t actually need a broker to do it.

All you need is a wallet.

If you don’t know what binary options trading is, I’ll briefly explain it to you.

You’ll basically be placing a bet about whether the value of a certain stock will rise or fall within a set amount of time.

If you guess it right you win and if you’re wrong you lose.

Let’s say you bet $50 that a stock goes up in 5 minutes, if you’re wrong you’ll lose all 50 bucks, but if you’re right you’ll only win like $30.

The problem is that there is simply no way to determine whether a stock will rise or fall in such a short amount of time because it’s completely random.

It’s like betting $50 on a coin toss, when your opponent is only putting up $30. You’re bound to lose all of your money eventually.

Is Verified Robot A Scam?

Due to all of the red flags and shadiness around Verified Robot I didn’t actually invest the $250 to try it out.

With that being said, I can confidently say that it’s a scam without even having a doubt!


Binary options trading is unregulated in the United States, and many governments are beginning to crack down on it because billions of dollars are being lost to these scams.

Actually Make Money Online

If you’re interested in making money online and willing to put in the time and effort, then I have a suggestion for you!

My Top Ranked Program gives you all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their platform I’ve been able to build an online income that has allowed me to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Verified Robot A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Litecoin Trader A Scam? [Quick Review]

Litecoin Trader Scam Review

In this Litecoin Trader review I’ll be going over everything you need to know about the system before signing up.

Will you actually be able to make $2,000 within the first 24 hours, or are they just lying to get your money?

Let’s jump in and find out!

Litecoin Trader Scam ReviewLitecoin Trader Review

Product: Litecoin Trader


Price: $250 Minimum Deposit

Is Litecoin Trader A Scam? YES!

Is Litecoin Trader Recommended? NO!


What Is Litecoin Trader?

Litecoin Trader claims to be an automatic Cryptocurrency trading software that will make you a guaranteed $2,000 everyday.

They claim it’s a completely free way to make insane amounts of money online, without having to do any work?

Doesn’t that seem a bit too good to be true?

Well unfortunately it is. It’s just another scam that’s trying to get you to deposit $250 into a broker account.

The Pros & Cons

Normally I find some good and bad things about the programs I review, however this time it’s nothing but bad things.

Litecoin TraderPros:

  • Nothing


  • Unrealistic Income Claims
  • Fake Testimonials
  • Fake Creator
  • Just Like Other Scams

Over the next few sections I’ll be going further into detail about the points that I listed out above.

Unrealistic Income Claims

One thing that I see time and time again with various scams is the fact that they claim you can make thousands basically overnight.

Litecoin Trader Income Claims

If you arrive on a website and it tells you that you’ll be making thousands of dollars a day almost immediately, odds are it’s a scam.

It’s possible to make that much money online, I don’t make quite that much but I do make my living online.

However the truth is that if you want to make notable amounts of money online, you’re going to have to put in a considerable amount of time and effort.

Fake Testimonials

One thing I like to do when I’m writing a review about a shady website is to see if the testimonials are actually real.

One way to do this is to run the images through a reverse Google image search and see if they are stock photos.

Guess what… that’s the case with these testimonials.

Litecoin Trader Fake Testimonials

If the images are shown in a whole bunch of different articles, that means that it’s most-likely a stock image.

Fake Creator

The person speaking in the video claims to be someone name Tony Davis, and apparently he’s an incredibly popular investor.

He claims that he’s been featured in some very popular TV channels and newspapers.

When in reality you won’t be able to find anything about him because he’s a completely fabricated person.

The people who created this scam just want to remain anonymous because they don’t want to be held accountable when you lose all of your money.

After doing some research I also found that the person in the video or they claim is Tony, is just an actor in a stock video.

Litecoin Trader Fake

Just Like Other Scams

I’ve recently reviewed several other scams that are incredibly similar to this one.

They might look a little different, but they all make the same claims and everyone who joins them has the same outcomes.

Bitcoin News Trader, Ripple Code, and Daily Banner Profits are all basically the same.

They all claim that they have a new magical algorithm that will help you make thousands by trading cryptocurrencies.

When in reality they just want you to make a $250 deposit into a broker account.

Is Litecoin Trader A Scam?

Hopefully if you’ve taken the time to just skim through this review, you’ll be convinced that Litecoin Trader is a complete scam!


Odds are that if you deposit your money into a broker account it will either all be traded away, or you’ll simply never see it again.

Hopefully if you’ve already made a deposit you’ll be able to withdraw it, and get it back.

Actually Make Money Online!

If you’re interested in actually making money online, then I suggest you check out My Top Ranked Program!

They have helped me build up an online income that has allowed me to quit my job and work completely from home!

It’s not a “push button method” it takes plenty of time and effort if you want to succeed, but they give you all of the training, tools, and support you need.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Litecoin Trader A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is Daily Banner Profits A Scam? 4 Reasons To Avoid [Quick Review]

Daily Banner Profits Scam Review

In this quick review of Daily Banner Profits I’ll be giving you several reasons why you should completely avoid this scam.

You won’t make anywhere near the $2000 per day that they promise you!

Let’s dive in!

Daily Banner Profits Scam ReviewDaily Banner Profits Scam Review

Product: Daily Banner Profits

Price: Varies

Is Daily Banner Profits A Scam? YES!

Is Daily Banner Profits Recommended? NO! 


What Is Daily Banner Profits?

If you’re reading this odds are you already have an idea of what it claims to be, but let’s briefly go over it.

Daily Banner Profits claims to be a completely automated ad flipping system that will make you a guaranteed $2,000 per day.

It honestly didn’t take me very long to realize that it’s a complete scam, so let’s go over the reasons why.

The Reasons It’s A Scam

Let’s quickly preview the 4 reasons why I think it’s a scam, and why you should completely avoid it!

  • Daily Banner Profits Income ClaimsIt’s Exactly Like Other Scams
  • Fake Testimonials
  • Not Enough Information
  • It’s A Sales Funnel

Over the next few sections I’ll be going further in depth about the points that I just listed out!

#1: It’s Exactly Like Other Scams

The main reason why I immediately knew this was a scam is because I’ve seen it time and time again.

I’ve reviewed several scams in the past that look exactly like this one, and make almost all of the same claims.

They just change the name and a few other things.

Ripple Code Scam Review

Ripple Code is just one that I literally just got finished writing a review about, there are several others like Free Ad Cash System and Bitcoin Advertising.

#2: Fake Testimonials

If you watched through the entire sales video you probably made it to the part where they show video testimonials.

Well it didn’t take me long to realize they were fake because I recognized the very first person they have.

He’s an actor that can be found on a website called Fiverr, and anyone can pay him to say whatever they want.

Daily Banner Profits Testimonials

Is The Bitcoin Code A Scam?

#3: Not Enough Information

Even though the sales video is pretty long, they somehow manage to say very little about the “system.”

They don’t give any information about the company behind it, all they say is it was created by someone named Dave Johnson.

It’s a very generic name, and they do that on purpose because it’s a common name, and when you do a Google search there are a lot of results.

Trust me, if this guy founded a multi-million dollar company that makes everyday people thousands of dollars on auto-pilot, he’d be the first thing to pop up when you Google his name. But he’s not.

Not to mention there is no information about the company itself like when it was founded, and where it’s based at.

You’d be able to find all of this information about any legitimate company out there.

#4: It’s A Sales Funnel

The truth is that Daily Banner Profits is just a sales funnel that is meant to get you to deposit money into a brokers account.

Of course the “software” is completely free, but you have to deposit a minimum of $250 into an account to start trading.

The creators of this “system” will get paid when you deposit money, that’s the whole purpose of the sales page.

Odds are that if you invest your money you’ll lose it all and most-likely will never see it again.

Is Daily Banner Profits A Scam?

Hopefully the 4 points I listed out above are convincing enough to make you steer clear of Daily Banner Profits.

Even though I didn’t actually sign up for it, I am completely sure it is a complete scam!


There are plenty of other reasons why you should avoid it such as the fact that ad trading isn’t even a real thing, they lie about it being your only chance to sign up, there is no automatic method to making money online, $2,000 per day that fast isn’t realistic.

Actually Make Money Online

If you’re interested in making money online I suggest you check out my top ranked program!

They give you access to all of the training, tools, and support you need to make money online.

Since joining their community I’ve been able to make enough money to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Daily Banner Profits A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

The Bitcoin Millionaire Pro Scam: 3 Reasons To Avoid [Quick Review]

Bitcoin Millionaire Pro Scam review

If you’re interested in Bitcoin Millionaire Pro and you’re wondering if it’s a scam, you’re in the right place.

In this review I’ll be giving you 3 reasons why you should completely avoid this scam.

Let’s jump in!

Bitcoin Millionaire Pro Scam reviewBitcoin Millionaire Pro Scam Review

Program: Bitcoin Millionaire Pro


Price: $250 Minimum Deposit

Is Bitcoin Millionaire Pro A Scam? YES!

Is Bitcoin Millionaire Pro Recommended? NO!


What Is Bitcoin Millionaire Pro?

In a nutshell Bitcoin Millionaire Pro claims to be an automatic Bitcoin trading software that was created by an international group of data analysts, developers and statisticians.

It claims to be able to make you a whole lot of money automatically, if you simply invest a small amount of money.

Sounds a bit too good to be true doesn’t it? Well that’s because it is.

The Pros & Cons

I always make an effort to be fair and find at least one good thing to say about every program I review, however I struggled with this one.

Bitcoin Millionaire ProPros: 

  • Nothing


  • Simply Unrealistic
  • Lack Of Information
  • It’s Binary Options

Over the next few sections I’ll be going over the three cons and giving details about why I think you should avoid this “software”.

Unrealistic Claims

Doesn’t the idea of just putting a “small” amount of money into an account and automatically getting thousands, or millions of dollars back sound amazing?

Well the honest truth is that nothing like that exists and it’s simply too good to be true.

The truth is that it is certainly possible to make money online, I make my living online, however it takes plenty of time and effort.

You aren’t going to become a millionaire overnight without actually having to do anything.

Lack Of Information

Another problem with this “system” is the fact that there simply isn’t enough information about the people behind it.

They claim that they are the “International Council for Bitcoin”, but that’s just complete crap.

If their really was some amazing council like this that was going around making people millionaires practically overnight, don’t you think they would be super popular?

I mean Bitcoin is huge now, it’s all over social media, and even featured pretty consistently in news segments on TV.

Everyone would know about this by now if this Council really existed. Well you’d at least be able to find more about them with a Google search, but you can’t.

What are the names of the founders and creators? Where are they based at? Good luck finding out.

It’s Binary Options Trading

Here’s how scams like this work:

They claim to have a free software that can trade stocks for you automatically, which will in turn make you thousands or millions.

Apparently all you have to do is invest $250 to trade with, and then they will do everything else.

In reality, the brokers that you invest your money with pay the people who create these scams when they get people to invest money.

Next thing you know they trade away all of your money, or simply steal it and never give it back.

Binary Options Trading is a legitimate thing, but it’s basically just gambling with your money.

You basically make bets about whether a particular stock will rise or fall in a set amount of time. Normally like 3 to 5 minutes or something.

If you guess correctly you win 60% to 80% of the bet you made, but if you’re wrong you lose 100% of it.

The problem is that there is simply no way for you or any software to predict whether the stocks will rise or fall in such a short amount of time.

It’s completely random based on factors that are completely unpredictable.

It’s like making a $50 bet with a friend that a coin will land heads, except if you’re right you only win $30, but if you’re wrong you lose all $50.

It simply doesn’t make since.

Is Bitcoin Millionaire Pro A Scam?

Even though I didn’t actually invest or try out Bitcoin Millionaire Pro, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that it’s a scam.


It is not a legit company, and even if it was I still wouldn’t recommend them because there is simply no software out there that can make you millions without you having to do anything.

Push button methods don’t exist, they’re just get rich quick schemes.

Actually Make Money Online!

If you’re actually interested in making money online, I suggest you check out My Top Ranked Program!

After joining their platform I have been able to create an online income that has allowed me to quit my job and work completely from home!

It takes plenty of time and effort, but if you’re willing to learn and work, then it’s completely free to get started!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Bitcoin Millionaire Pro A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

The Bitcoin News Trader Scam! 4 Reasons To Avoid [Quick Review]

Bitcoin News Trader Scam Review

In this quick review of Bitcoin News Trader I’ll be giving several reasons why you should completely avoid them.

Will you actually become Bitcoin’s next self-made millionaire?

Well not with this system…

Bitcoin News Trader Scam ReviewBitcoin News Trader Quick Review

Product: Bitcoin News Trader

Price: $250 Minimum Deposit


Is Bitcoin News Trader A Scam? YES!

Is Bitcoin News Trader Recommended? No!


What Is Bitcoin News Trader?

Bitcoin News Trader claims to be a new state-of-the-art Cryptocurrency trading system that will help you become the next Bitcoin millionaire.

They claim that they have a software that scans hundreds of news sources for reliable Cryptocurrency news then automatically make successful trades on your behalf.

However there is a lot of information about it that you need to know before depositing your money into a brokerage account!

The Pros & Cons

Let’s go over some of the good and bad things I could find out about this program while I was doing my research on it.

Bitcoin News TraderPros:

  • Nothing


  • Little To Information
  • Just Like Other Scams
  • It’s Unregulated
  • Binary Options Are Risky

Within the next few sections I’ll be giving many more details about the points that I just listed out!

Little To No Information

One of the first things I want to point out is that there is little to no information about the company behind this supposed system.

If this system was really making people millionaires with their amazing software, don’t you think you’d be able to find out who’s behind it?

Where are they based out of? What’s the name of the founder?

Honestly, if their was a software that was automatically making people millionaires, don’t you think you would’ve heard more about them?

Just Like Other Scams

I’ve been reviewing online money making programs for years now, and I’ve reviewed dozens of programs that are almost exactly like this one.

They claim that they’ve created some type of algorithm that allows them to predict how the market is going to go, and can therefore automatically make trades and money for you.

Well I’ve wasted hundreds of dollars trying a bunch of them out, and not a single one of them made me any money. In fact they all lost all of my money.

Some examples of similar scams are 1K in 1 Day, Free Ad Cash System, and Crypto Edge System.

It’s Unregulated

If you scroll down to the bottom of their sales page you’ll come across several disclaimers warning you about the various risks.

Including one that discloses the fact that “Option trading is not regulated within the United States…Any unregulated trading activity by U.S. residents is considered unlawful.”

Bitcoin News Trader Disclaimer

A majority of my readers are within the United States, so that should serve as enough of a warning to deter you from joining.

However if you are not in the United States I still recommend that you avoid trading these options for several reasons.

Binary Options Trading Is Risky

The first that I want to point out is that you will not be investing in Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency like they make it seem.

You’ll be trading Binary Options based on the stocks of cryptocurrencies. If you’re confused don’t worry about it, I’ll try to explain.

A Binary Option is basically a bet on whether a certain stock will rise or fall within a set amount of time. Normally 2-5 minutes or so.

So let’s say you bet $50 that Bitcoin’s stock will fall in 5 minutes, if it does, you’ll win 60% to 80% of the $50. So let’s just say $30.

However if you are wrong, you’ll lose all 50 bucks. This means that you’re basically making an unfair bet.

If a friend bet you $30 that they would pay you if they were wrong about something, but if you were wrong you’d have to pay them $50 would you do it?

What if you were betting on whether a quarter would land on heads or tails?

That’s basically what Trading Binary Options is like, you make a guess with a 50% chance of winning, but even if you win 50% of the time, you still lose money.

There is no way to figure out if a stock will rise or fall in 2-5 minutes because it is completely random.

Is Bitcoin News Trader A Scam?

I honestly hope that at this point you are convinced that its a scam. I didn’t actually invest $250 to try it out, but I’ve tried out enough similar to know it’s a scam.


Odds are that if you deposit your $250, you’ll either lose it all on trades, or they will simply take it and run. Either way you probably won’t see that money again.

Actually Make Money Online

If you are interested in actually making money online, then I have a suggestion for you.

My Top Ranked Program has helped me make enough money online to quit my job and work completely from home!

It takes plenty of time and effort, but if you’re willing to work they have all of the training, tools and support you need to succeed.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is Bitcoin New Trader A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate

Is 1K In 1 Day A Scam? 4 Reasons To Avoid! [Quick Review]

1k In 1 Day Scam Review

In this quick review of 1K In 1 Day I’ll be giving you 4 big reasons why you should completely avoid the scam!

There are so many shady things about, but let’s go over four!

Let’s jump in!

1k In 1 Day Scam Review1k In 1 Day Quick Review

Product: 1k In 1 Day


Price: $250 Deposit

Is 1k In 1 Day A Scam? YES!

Is 1k In 1 Day Recommended? NO!


What Is 1k In 1 Day?

1k In 1 Day claims to be a program created by John Becker that can easily make anybody $1,000 each and every day.

Apparently John and one of his friends created an algorithm that is able to trade with incredible accuracy, and win big money.

He claims that you are one of the lucky few people who will be able to use the software for  completely free!

However in reality he is completely lying to you just to get your money!

In this review I’ll be giving you 4 reasons why you should avoid it!

The Pros & Cons

In just about every review I try to create a pros and cons list, but there was nothing good about this program.

1k In 1 DayPros:

  • Nothing


  • Unrealistic Income Claims
  • Fake Creator
  • Fake Testimonials
  • Binary Options Are Risky

Over the next few sections I’ll be going over the 4 things I listed above as reasons to avoid it!

Unrealistic Income Claims

If you arrive on a sales page for a program, and the first thing you see is a claim that you can quickly and easily make $x,xxx/per day, you should immediate be suspicious of it.

1k In 1 Day Income Claims

One thing that I can promise you is that if you want to make good money online, you’re going to have to put in plenty of time and effort.

There simply aren’t any push button programs out there that will make you a ton of money online.

Anything that claims you can is either lying to you, or it’s a flat out get rich quick scheme.

Fake Creator

After seeing the crazy income claims all over the page, I became suspicious and started doing some more research.

As it turns out John Becker is a completely made up name, and a completely made up person.

I did a reverse Google image search with the image of him they have on the website, and found that it’s simply a stock photo of a random model.

1k In 1 Day Fake Creator

Fake Testimonials

As it turns out, the creator of the program isn’t the only thing that’s fake on this website; the testimonials are fake too.

When I was going over the website I watched on of the video testimonials and immediately recognized the woman.

Pay It Forward Scam ActorI’ve seen her in countless other scams that I’ve reviewed in the past, Pay It Forward Now being the most recent one.

You can find her on a website called Fiverr, and you can pay her to say just about anything you want her to say.

My Warning About Binary Options

When I first started out trying to make money online, I came across several auto-trading programs, that claimed to be able to automatically make you money online with Binary Options.

Most of them were obvious scams, however there were a few other ones that actually looked legitimate, and had several websites saying they were.

However when I tried them out, I lost hundreds of dollars time and time again hoping that the next one would work, but not a single one did.

Binary options is basically making a bet on whether a certain stock will rise or fall within a specified amount of time, normally a few minutes.

If you’re right, you’ll win around 60% to 80% of the money you bet, but if you’re wrong you lose 100% of it.

That means that even if you win 50% of the time, you’ll still lose money.

The truth is that there is absolutely no way to accurately determine whether a stock will rise or fall within a matter of minutes.

They fluctuate randomly depending on an insane amount of variables that cannot be tracked, not even by a software.

The best you can do is guess, and the odds are that you’ll be right about 50% of the time, which will result in you losing money.

You don’t have to take my word for it, but certainly don’t bet any money that you can’t afford to lose on any software out there, no matter how legit it seems.

Is 1k In 1 Day A Scam?

I didn’t actually invest any money in this system, however I am completely certain it is a scam!


If you invest in this program you will most-likely lose all of your money, same goes for any other binary options bots out there!

Actually Make Money Online

Like I mentioned earlier, if you actually want to make money online you’ll have to put in plenty of time and effort.

My Top Ranked Program will give you all of the training, tools and support you need to succeed online.

Since joining them I have been able to create an online income that has allowed me to quit my job and work completely from home!

If you’re interested in learning more, you can…


Is 1k In 1 Day A Scam? What Do You Think? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Wealthy Affiliate